A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Norman, John Norris

1855143A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Norman, John NorrisWilliam Richard O'Byrne

NORMAN. (Lieutenant, 1842.)

John Norris Norman is son of the Rev. J. H. Norman, of Deal, co. Kent.

This officer entered the Navy 3 April, 1829; passed his examination 26 April, 1836; and at the period of his promotion to the rank of Lieutenant, which took place 18 Nov. 1842, had been serving for some months in North America and the West Indies as Mate of the Racer 18, Capt. Thos. Harvey. His appointments have since been – 4 July, 1843, to the Winchester 50, flag-ship of Hon. Josceline Percy at the Cape of Good Hope – 5 Feb. 1845, to the Helena 16, Capt. Sir Cornwallis Ricketts, on the same station – and, 30 Oct. 1847, as First (soon after the latter vessel had been paid off), to the Alert 6, Capt. Hugh Dunlop, fitting for the coast of Africa, where he is at present employed.