A Naval Biographical Dictionary/O'Grady, John

1858692A Naval Biographical Dictionary — O'Grady, JohnWilliam Richard O'Byrne

O’GRADY. (Lieutenant, 1831.)

The Honourable John O’Grady is sixth son of the late Viscount Guillamore, several years Chief Baron of the Exchequer in Ireland, by Katherine, second daughter of the late John Thos. Waller, Esq., of Castletown, co. Limerick. He is brother of the present Viscount; brother-in-law of Viscount Gort; and nephew of Capt. Hayes O’Grady, R.N.

This officer entered the Navy, 13 July, 1822, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the Genoa 74, lying at Sheerness. He served next in the Clio 18 on the coast of Scotland^ and in the Rainbow 28 and Fly 18 in the East Indies; and on his return to England at the close of 1828 in the Bombay 84 he passed his examination. After a further attachment, on the Home and West India stations, to the Victory 104, Blossom 24, Pincher schooner, and Falcon 10, he was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant 17 Feb. 1831. His last appointment was, 19 Nov. 1834, to the Scylla 16, Capt. Edw. John Carpenter, in which vessel, until paid off in 1836, we find him employed, as sole Lieutenant, in North America and the West Indies. Agents – Hallett and Robinson.