A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Pardoe, William

1863462A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Pardoe, WilliamWilliam Richard O'Byrne

PARDOE. (Retired Commander, 1839. f-p., 17; h-p., 40.)

William Pardoe entered the Navy, 15 July, 1790, as A.B., on board the Tremendous 74, Capt. Hon. Geo. Cranfield Berkeley, lying at Chatham; where, in the following Nov., he attained the rating of Midshipman. After a servitude of two years in the Pilote, Pigmy, and Sultana cutters, Lieut.-Commanders Henry Gunter, Henry Inman, and Digby Dent, he became successively attached, in the early part of 1798, to the Windsor Castle and St. George 98’s, both commanded by Capt. Hancock Kelly, and, as Master’s Mate, to the Marlborough 74, Capt. Hon. G. C. Berkeley. While participating, in the latter ship, in the glories of 1 June, 1794, he had the misfortune to have his skull fractured, his nose materially injured, and several parts of his body contused.[1] The effects he still feels. In March, 1795, he followed Capt. Berkeley into the Formidable 98, commanded next by Capt. Geo. Murray; and on leaving that ship in Feb. 1797 he joined the Royal George 100, flag-ship of Lord Bridport, and Glory 98, Capt. Geo. Brine. On being advanced, 12 April following, to the rank of Lieutenant, he was appointed First of the Charon 44, armée en flûte, Capt. Thos. Manby, and was for some time employed in the Channel and on the coast of Ireland. His last appointments were 29 Nov. 1798, to the command (which he retained until 14 June, 1802) of the Fearless gun-brig, attached to the force in the Channel – 20 July, 1803, to the Sea Fencibles on the coast of Lincolnshire – 20 May, 1805, as Senior, to the Brilliant 28, Capt. Robt. Barrie, employed on the Irish station, whence he invalided 31 March, 1806 – and, 7 Jan. 1808, to the Impress service in Kent. In June, 1810, he was placed on half-pay. He accepted the rank of Retired Commander, on the Junior List, 24 Dec. 1830; and, on the Senior, 16 April, 1839. Agent – Fred. Dufaur.

  1. Vide Gaz. 1794, p. 556.