A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Parkin, John Pengelly

1866072A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Parkin, John PengellyWilliam Richard O'Byrne

PARKIN. (Captain, 1841. f-p., 16; h-p., 26)

John Pengelly Parkin entered the Navy, 31 March, 1805, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the Achille 74, commanded by the late Sir Rich. King; and on 21 of the following Oct. was present as Midshipman in the action off Cape Trafalgar. He was afterwards in the same ship at the blockade of Ferrol and Cherbourg, and at the defence of Cadiz. In March, 1811, he followed Sir Rich. King into the San Josef 110, flag-ship of Sir Chas. Cotton in the Mediterranean; on his return whence he joined, in March, 1812, the Hermes 20, Capt. Philip Browne. He removed, in the following Oct., to the Salvador del Mundo, bearing the flag of Sir Robt. Calder at Plymouth, where he remained until March, 1813. Being then again placed under the orders of Sir Rich. King, whose flag was flying in the Mediterranean on board the San Josef, he continued employed with him, alternately in the capacities of Master’s Mate and Acting-Lieutenant, until again transferred, in Aug. 1814, to the Salvador del Mundo, flag-ship at the time of Admiral Wm. Domett. On 15 Sept. in the latter year he was confirmed in the rank of Lieutenant. His next appointments were – 25 Oct. and 8 Dec. 1815, to the St. George and Impregnable 98’s, flag-ships of Sir John Thos. Duckworth at Plymouth – and, 6 March, 1816, to the Magicienne 36, as Flag-Lieutenant to Sir Rich. King in the East Indies; on which station he was made Commander, 12 Dec. 1816, into the Bacchus 18. He returned to England about 1820; and was lastly, from 11 Feb. 1840 until advanced to his present rank 28 Aug. 1841, employed as Second-Captain in the Cambridge 78, Capt. Edw. Barnard; under whom he took part in the operations on the coast of Syria and was present at the blockade of Alexandria. He has since been on half-pay. Agents – Messrs. Stilwell.