A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Parry, Howard Lewis

1866515A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Parry, Howard LewisWilliam Richard O'Byrne

PARRY. (Commander, 1832. f-p., 15; h-p., 29.)

Howard Lewis Parry entered the Navy, 23 Aug. 1803, on board the Niobe 40, Capt. Matthew Henry Scott, stationed in the Channel. He removed, in Dec. 1804, to the Hibernia 110; and he next, from Feb. 1805 until March, 1806, served on the Home and Mediterranean stations in the Tonnant 80, Capt. Chas. Tyler. In Nov. 1809 he became Midshipman of the Dolphin 44, armée en flûte, Capts. Christopher Watson and Alex. Milner, with whom he served until transferred, in Feb. 1811, to the Grasshopper 18, Capt. Henry Fanshawe. In the following Dec. he was on board the latter vessel when, in order to avoid sharing the fate of the unfortunate Hero, she was under the necessity of surrendering to the Dutch fleet in the Texel. He was in consequence taken prisoner and detained in captivitjr until the peace of 1814. He then successively joined the Amphion 32, Capt. Jas. Pattison Stewart, and Pandora 16, Capts. Jas. Kearny White, Sam. Malbon, Wm. Popham, and Hon. Fred. Noel; and in those vessels we find him employed on the North American, West India, and Home stations, until presented, in Oct. 1815, with a mission bearing date 10 of the preceding March. His next appointments were – 10 Sept. 1825, to the Ramillies 74, Coast Blockade ship, Capts, Wm. M‘Cullooh and Hugh Pigot – and, 22 July, 1831, to the Coast Guard. “For gallant conduct and severe wounds” received in the latter service he was advanced to his present rank 10 Feb. 1832. He has since been on half-pay.

In consideration of his wounds Commander Parry was awarded, 19 April, 1833, a pension of 91l. 5s. per annum. He is the senior Commander on the list of 1832. Agents – Hallett and Robinson.