A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Pilch, William

1877079A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Pilch, WilliamWilliam Richard O'Byrne

PILCH, K.W. (Lieutenant, 1814. f-p., 31; h-p., 12.)

William Pilch entered the Navy, 4 Oct. 1804, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the Bellerophon 74, Capts. John Loring, John Cooke, and Edward Rotheram. In Dec. 1805, after having shared in the battle of Trafalgar, he removed to the Glory 98, bearing the flag of Rear-Admiral Chas. Stirling, with whom he continued employed in the Sampson and Diadem 64’s, on the Home, North American, and Cape of Good Hope stations, until April, 1808. In the ship last mentioned he served as Midshipman at the capture of Monte Video in Feb. 1807. On leaving her he joined the Defiance 74, Capt. Hon. Henry Hotham; previously to following whom, in Sept. 1810, into the Northumberland 74, we find him present with a squadron under Rear-Admiral Hon. Robt. Stopford, at the destruction, 24 Feb. 1809, of three French frigates under the batteries of Sable d’Olonne, on the coast of France, after a contest in which the Defiance, added to severe damages experienced in her sails and rigging, sustained a loss of 2 men killed and 25 wounded. In the Northumberland he assisted, 22 May, 1812, in company with the Growler gun-brig, in destroying, at the entrance of L’Orient, the French 40-gun frigates L’Arienne and L’Andromaque, and 16-gun brig Mamelouck; whose united fire, conjointly with that of a heavy battery, killed 5 and wounded 28 of the Northumberland’s people. In Jan. 1813 Mr. Pilch removed to the Valiant 74, Capt. Robt. Dudley Oliver. Rejoining Capt. Hotham, however, in the following March, he continued to serve with him from that period until April, 1815, on the coast of North America, in the San Domingo -and Asia 74’s and Tonnant 80, flag-ships of Sir John Borlase Warren and Hon. Sir Alex. Cochrane, Forth 40, and Superb 74. His promotion took place 24 Sept. 1814; and from 28 Feb. 1827 until appointed, in 1848, a Naval Knight of Windsor, he held command of a station in the Coast Guard.