A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Power, Edward Roche

1882802A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Power, Edward RocheWilliam Richard O'Byrne

POWER. (Lieutenant, 1839.)

Edward Roche Power entered the Navy 1 Dec. 1824; passed his examination in 1831; and obtained his commission 14 Aug. 1839. His appointments have since been – 15 Aug. 1839, as Additional Lieutenant, to the Winchester 50, flag-ship of Sir Thos. Harvey in North America and the West Indies – 29 Oct. following, as First, to the Satellite 18, Capt. John Robb, on the same station – 20 May, 1841, to the Excellent gunnery-ship at Portsmouth, Capt. Sir Thos. Hastings – 2 Sept. ensuing, to the Harlequin 16, Capt. Hon. Geo. Fowler Hastings, fitting at Chatham – 2 Dec. in the same year, as Senior, to the Snake 16, Capt. Hon. Walter Bourchier Devereux, whom he accompanied to the Mediterranean – 5 July, 1842, for a short time, to the Calcutta 84, Capt. Geo. Fred. Rich, employed on particular service – 27 May, 1843, again as First, to the Virago steam-sloop, Capts. Geo. Graham Otway and John Lunn, in the Mediterranean – and 1 July, 1846, to the command, on the same station, of the Locust steamer, of 100-horse power, in which vessel he is still serving.