A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Prevost, Lewis de Teissier

1884183A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Prevost, Lewis de TeissierWilliam Richard O'Byrne

PREVOST. (Commander, 1845. f-p., 17; h-p., 2.)

Lewis de Teissier Prevost, born 27 Dec. 1814, in Wigmore Street, Cavendish Square, is the eldest son of Rear-Admiral Prevost by his second marriage.

This officer entered the Royal Naval College 8 Feb.1828; and embarked in Nov. 1829, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the Druid 46, Capts. Gawen Wm. Hamilton and Sam. Roberts, with whom he served on the South American and Lisbon stations, the greater part of the time as Midshipman, until paid off in June, 1833. In the following Aug. he joined the Revenge 78, Capt. Donald Hugh Mackay, also attached to the force off Lisbon; and in the spring of 1834, having passed his examination, he became Mate of the Gannet 16, Capt. John Balfour Maxwell, in the West Indies. Returning thence in June, 1835, he was next, between Feb. 1836 and the date of his promotion to the rank of Lieutenant 23 Nov. 1841, employed on the Mediterranean and Home stations in the Favourite 18, Capt. Geo. Rodney Mundy, Inconstant 36, Capt. Dan. Pring, Magicienne 24, Capt. Fred. Thos. Michell, and Revenge 76, Capt. Hon. Wm. Waldegrave. In the Favorite he served in 1836 on the south coast of Spain; and in the Magicienne be participated in the operations of 1840 on the coast of Syria. His appointments, in the capacity of Lieutenant, were – 30 Nov. 1841, to the Vernon 50, Capt. Wm. Walpole, fitting for the Mediterranean – in 1844, on his return to England, to the command of a station in the Coast Guard – and, 12 and 24 Sept. 1844, to the Waterwitch and Pantaloon sloops, Capts. Thos. Fras. Birch and Edm. Wilson. For the gallant manner in which, in the boats of the latter vessel (of which he was at the time Senior), he boarded and carried a slaver on the coast of Africa, he was promoted to the rank he now holds 30 Aug. 1845. He has since been on half-pay.

Commander Prevost married, at Malta, 10 Jan. 1844, Miss E. Handy, of the co. Westmeath.