A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Ramsay, Robert (b)

1895446A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Ramsay, Robert (b)William Richard O'Byrne

RAMSAY. (Lieut., 1815. f-p., 1 1; h-p., 32.)

Robert Ramsay entered the Navy, 24 Aug. 1804, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the Monarch 74, Capt. John Clarke Searle, bearing the flag of Lord Keith in the Downs; removed, in Aug. 1805, to the Powerful 74, Capts. Robt. Plampin, Rich. Buck, Fleetwood Broughton Reynolds Pellew, and Chas. Jas. Johnston; and from Oct. 1803 until Aug. 1815, when he took up a commission bearing date 21 of the preceding Feb., was employed as Midshipman and Master’s Mate, chiefly on the Home station, in the Unicorn 32, Capt. Alex. Robt. Kerr, Defender gun-brig, Ferret sloop, Capt. Halliday, Raisonnable 64,Cheerful, Lieut.-Commander W. Smith, and Spey 20 and Towey 24, both commanded by Capt. Hew Steuart. In the Powerful he assisted as Midshipman at the capture, 13 June and 9 July, 1806, of the privateers La Henriette, of 20 guns and 124 men, and (after a running fight of nearly two hours and some loss) La Bellone, of 30 guns and 194 men. He was also, 11 Dec. 1807, present in the same ship at the annihilation, at Griessee, in the island of Java, of the dockyard and stores, and of all the men-of-war remaining to Holland in the East Indies; and in 1809 he was in her in the expedition to the Walcheren. In the Unicorn he contributed to the capture, in Feb. and April, 1810, of Le Gascon privateer of 16 guns and 113 men, and L’Espérance (formerly H.M. 22-gun ship Laurel) armée en flûte, with a valuable cargo of East India produce. Since he left the Towey he has not been afloat.

Lieut. Ramsay has been for some years employed as an Emigration Agent in Ireland. He married, in 1837, Anne, daughter of F. O’Donnell, Esq., of Cardonagh, in that country.