A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Randolph, George Grenville

1896102A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Randolph, George GrenvilleWilliam Richard O'Byrne

RANDOLPH. (Commander, 1846.)

George Grenville Randolph passed his examination in 1837; obtained his first commission 27 J une, 1838; and was subsequently appointed – 19 Sept. 1838, to the North Star 26, Capt. Lord John Hay, employed on particular service – 31 Oct. 1840, to the Vernon 50, Capt. Wm. Walpole, of which ship, stationed in the Mediterranean, he became Senior-Lieutenant – and, 22 Oct. 1844, in the capacity last mentioned, after a few months of half-pay, to the Daedalus 20, Capt. Peter M‘Quhae, fitting for the East Indies. On 19 Aug. 1845 he commanded the barge belonging to the latter ship at the capture and destruction of Maloodoo, a strong fortification in the possession of Scheriff Osman, a rebel Borneo chieftain.[1] He was advanced to his present rank 9 Nov. 1846; and since 22 Nov. 1847 has been employed as Second-Captain of the Bellerophon 78, Capt. Robt. Lambert Baynes. Agents – Messrs. Stilwell.

  1. Vide Gaz. 1845, p. 6536.