A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Richmond, Thomas

1901547A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Richmond, ThomasWilliam Richard O'Byrne

RICHMOND. (Lieutenant, 1822.)

Thomas Richmond was made Lieutenant, 6 May, 1822, into the Bustard 10, Capt. Jas. Wigston, on the Jamaica station; and was afterwards appointed – 2 Sept. 1824, to the Owen Glendower 42, Commodore Hood Hanway Christian, with whom he remained for upwards of three years at the Cape of Good Hope – 19 Nov. 1828, to the Coast Blockade, in which service he continued employed, as Supernumerary-Lieutenant of the Ramillies and Talavera 74’s, both commanded by Capt. Hugh Pigot, until the early part of 1831 – 9 March, 1832, in the capacity last mentioned, to the Isis 50, bearing the flag of Rear-Admiral Fred. Warren at the Cape of Good Hope – and 22 May following, to the Badger mooring-vessel on that station, Capt. Geo. Fuller Stow. He has been on half-pay since the summer of 1833.

Lieut. Richmond is married and has issue.