A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Ritchie, Thomas

1901828A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Ritchie, ThomasWilliam Richard O'Byrne

RITCHIE. (Lieut., 1812. f-p., 11; h-p., 32.)

Thomas Ritchie entered the Navy, 4 Nov. 1804, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the Diligence sloop, Capt. Alex. Robt. Kerr, on the Leith station. In Aug. 1805 he followed Capt. Kerr, as Midshipman, into the Combatant, another sloop, in which he continued employed in the Channel and Baltic under Capt. Alex. Rich. M‘Kenzie, until taken prisoner, 17 Sept. 1807. On being exchanged in the spring of 1809, he joined the Courageux 74, Capts. Robt. Plampin, Wm. Butterfield, and Philip Wilkinson; under the first-mentioned of whom we find him, in the course of the same year, accompanying the expedition to the Walcheren. He subsequently proceeded to the Baltic; where, after serving for about 12 months in the Victory 100, flag-ship of Sir Jas. Saumarez, he was nominated, 4 May, 1812, Acting-Lieutenant of the Ariel sloop, Capt. Dan. Ross. He was confirmed to that vessel 10 July, 1812; and was lastly, from 24 May, 1813, until Feb. 1816, employed at Leith in the Cherokee 10, Capt. Wm. Ramage. Agents – Messrs. Stilwell.