A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Saulez, Isaac Newton Thomas

1931143A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Saulez, Isaac Newton ThomasWilliam Richard O'Byrne

SAULEZ. (Lieutenant, 1841.)

Isaac Newton Thomas Saulez entered the Navy 9 Oct. 1828; passed his examination 28 Dec. 1836; and for his services as Mate of the Pylades 18, Capt. Talavera Vernon Anson, during the operations on the coast of China, especially at the second capture of Canton, was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant 8 Oct. 1841.[1] He was appointed, 17 July, 1843, Additional of the Winchester 50, flagship of Hon. Josceline Percy at the Cape of Good Hope; and from 11 Nov. 1844 until the latter part of 1845 he was employed on that station in the Thunderbolt steam-sloop, Capt. Geo. Nathaniel Broke. He has since been on half-pay. Agents – Messrs. Halford and Co.

  1. Vide Gaz. 1841, pp, 2505, 2539.