A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Schomberg, Charles Frederick

1934501A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Schomberg, Charles FrederickWilliam Richard O'Byrne

SCHOMBERG. (Commander, 1844.)

Charles Frederick Schomberg is eldest son ofVice-Admiral Schomberg by his second marriage.

This officer entered the Navy (from the Royal Naval College) 16 May, 1829; passed his examination in 1833; obtained his first commission 28 June, 1838; and was appointed, 13 July following, to the Hastings 72, Capt. John Lawrence, fitting for the Mediterranean; where he became, 3 Feb. 1841, Senior of the Cyclops steamer, Capt. Horatio Thos. Austin. While in the Hastings he took part in the operations of 1840 on the coast of Syria, and on the night of 1 Oct. served in the boats under Commander Henry John Worth, at the destruction of a train laid to one of the castles at Beyrout, and the capture there of 31 barrels of powder.[1] In Nov. 1843 he removed with Capt. Austin, as Additional Lieutenant, to the Tartarus steamer; and on 10 Feb. 1844 he was advanced to the rank of Commander. His appointments have since been, in the capacity of Second Captain – 21 June, 1845, and 6 Dec. 1847, to the Queen 110, and San Josef 110, both commanded, on Home service, by Sir Henry John Leeke – and, 7 Jan. 1848, to the Wellesley 72, bearing the flag of the Earl of Dundonald on the North America and West India station. Agents – Messrs. Halford and Co.

  1. Vide Gaz. 1840, p. 2609.