1938016A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Selbie, JohnWilliam Richard O'Byrne

SELBIE. (Lieut., 1815. f-p., 10; h-p., 30.)

John Selbie died 29 July, 1846.

This officer entered the Navy, 17 April, 1806, as Midshipman, on board the Monarch 74, Capts. John Clarke Searle and Rich. Lee; under the latter of whom (besides assisting, 25 Sept. 1806, at Sir Sam. Hood’s capture, off Rochefort, of four heavy French frigates, on which occasion the Monarch acted a very prominent part, compelled La Minerve, of 44 guns and 650 men, including troops, to surrender, and sustained a loss of 4 men killed and 25 wounded) he was employed as Master’s Mate in blockading the Tagus, in escorting, towards the close of 1807, the Royal Family of Portugal to the Brazils, and in the expedition of 1809 to the Walcheren. From 24 Nov. 1810 until 4 Dec. 1815, he acted as Master of the Prospero sloop, on the North Sea, Mediterranean, and Newfoundland stations. He then took up a commission bearing date 15 March, 1815; and was not afterwards employed.