A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Simmons, Chestney

1942600A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Simmons, ChestneyWilliam Richard O'Byrne

SIMMONS. (Lieut., 1819. f-p., 27; h-p., 9.)

Chestney Simmons entered the Navy, 1 Jan. 1811, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the Snipe 14, commanded at first by Lieuts. Chas. Champion and Nathaniel Ratsey, and next by Capt. Provo Wm. Parry Wallis. In that vessel he served on the Baltic and Home stations until Dec. 1814 – the last 14 months in the capacity of Midshipman. He joined next the Plover 18, Capt. John Skekel, at Newfoundland; passed his examination 18 Sept. 1816; and as a reward for his exertions in the Coast Blockade, as Mate of the Severn 40, Capt. Wm. M‘Culloch, was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant 16 Aug. 1819. Since 17 Dec. 1828 he has been in charge of a station in the Coast Guard.

He married, 10 July, 1840, Julia Frances Stanley, daughter of the Rev. Rich. Blackett De Chair, of Sheperdswell, co. Kent.