1945068A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Slade, EdgarWilliam Richard O'Byrne

SLADE. (Lieutenant, 1841.)

Edgar Slade was born 28 July, 1806. He is nephew of the late Capt. Jas. Slade, R.N.; and cousin of Commander Henry Slade, R.N., and Capt. Andw. Drew, R.N. His brother, Ferguson Slade, Mate of the Lynx brigantine, was lost in a prize on the coast of Africa in 1841.

This officer entered the Navy, 15 April, 1821, as Clerk, on board the Snap 10, Lieut.-Commanders John Hose and Fred. Bullock, employed until paid off in Jan. 1827, on surveying-service at Newfoundland. In Feb. of the latter year he became Midshipman (a rating he had attained in the Snap at the commencement of 1825) of the Victory 104, Capts. Chas. Inglis and Hon. Geo. Elliot, guardship at Portsmouth; and in the following Aug., two months after he had passed his examination, he was appointed Mate of the Warspite 76, Capts. Hon. Rich. Saunders Dundas and Wm. Parker. In that ship he was stationed at first off Lisbon, and next in the Mediterranean, where we find him assisting at the blockade of Navarin and conveying the Count Capo d’Istria to Egeria on his election to the Presidency of Greece. In Sept. 1828 he removed to the Wellesley 74, Capt. Fred. Lewis Maitland, also in the Mediterranean; and on his return to England in Sept. 1830 he assumed command of the Jane Revenue tender; in which vessel he continued employed in the Irish Channel and on the coast of Scotland until Feb. 1840. He was then appointed to a station in the Coast Guard; and from 27 May, 1841, until he again joined that service 30 Sept. 1843, he was engaged, under Capt. Chas. Jepp Robinson, in surveying the river Clyde. While there he was promoted, 14 Dec. 1841, to the rank of Lieutenant, and appointed, 15 Dec. 1842 and 31 Jan. 1843, to the Gleaner and Shearwater steam-vessels. Until he finally left the Coast Guard in 1848 he had not been one month out of employ since he entered the Navy, a period of more than 26 years.

Lieut. Slade married, 24 March, 1833, Alicia, daughter of Jas. Melville, Esq.