A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Smith, Christopher

1947471A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Smith, ChristopherWilliam Richard O'Byrne

SMITH. (Lieutenant, 1821.)

Christopher Smith died 28 May, 1845, at Woodlands, near Wington, Somerset. He was son of the late Leny Smith, Esq., of Homerton[errata 1], co. Middlesex. This officer entered the Navy, 7 May, 1811, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the Laurestinus 24, Capt. John Clavell, with whom, from the following June until his return to England in 1819 in the Malabar 74, he served on the Mediterranean, North American, and East India stations, chiefly in the capacity of Midshipman, in the Orlando 42, flag-ship for some time of Sir Rich. King. After he had been for a year and eight months employed, latterly as Acting-Lieutenant, in the Vigo 74, flag-ship of Rear-Admiral Robt. Lambert at St. Helena, he was confirmed, we believe, 9 Nov. 1821, into the Shearwater 10, Capt. John Walter Roberts, in which vessel he came home and was paid off in the early part of 1822. From 6 July, 1825, until May, 1827, he served in the Tweed 28, Capt. Fred. Hunn, at Home and in the West Indies; he obtained an appointment in the Coast Guard 28 Aug. 1834; and from 4 April, 1836, until July, 1841, he commanded the Star Falmouth packet.

Lieut. Smith married, in 1839, Eliza, eldest daughter of T. Cox, Esq., of Stockwell. Agents Messrs. Halford and Co.

  1. Original: Tottenham was amended to Homerton: detail