A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Smith, George Woodberry

1947885A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Smith, George WoodberryWilliam Richard O'Byrne

SMITH. (Commander, 1841.)

George Woodberry Smith entered the Navy 4 Nov. 1812; passed his examination in 1819; and was made Lieutenant, 27 July, 1826, into the Pandora 18, Capt. Wm. Clarke Jervoise, on the East India station. His next appointments were – 15 Sept. 1830, to the Wellesley 74, Capt. Sam. Campbell Rowley, employed on particular service – 6 July, 1832, and 8 Nov. 1833, as First, to the Dee steam-vessel, Capts. Wm. Oliver and Edw. Stanley, and Phoenix, another steamer, Capts. W. Oliver and Hugh Nurse, both in the Channel – and 3 July, 1835, and 2 Feb. 1838, to the command, in the West Indies, of the Meteor and Tartarus steamers. He continued in the latter vessel until some months after his promotion to the rank he now holds, which took place 23 Nov. 1841; and was afterwards, from 28 Sept. 1842 until Nov. 1846, employed as Additional- Commander of the William and Mary yacht. Agents – Messrs. Chard.