A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Stokes, John Lort

1957527A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Stokes, John LortWilliam Richard O'Byrne

STOKES. (Captain, 1846. f-p., 19; h-p., 4.)

John Lort Stokes entered the Navy, 20 Sept. 1824, as Fst.-el. Vol., on board the Prince Regent 120, bearing the flag of Sir Robt. Moorsom at Sheerness. From Oct. 1825 until Nov. 1830 he aided, as Midshipman of the Beagle 10, Capt. Robt. FitzRoy, in surveying the Straits of Magellan; and from June, 1831, until Nov. 1836, he was employed as Mate and Assistant-Surveyor in the same vessel, under Capt. FitzRoy, in examining and defining the coast of South America. He obtained his first commission 10 Jan. 1837; and on being re-appointed, 25 Feb. following, to the Beagle, then commanded by Capt. John Clements Wickham, he sailed on a voyage of discovery to Australia, whence he returned to England and was paid off 14 Oct. 1843. In Dec. 1840 he was severely wounded in an affray with the natives. In March, 1841, Capt. Wickham’s health obliging him to invalid, he succeeded to the command of the Beagle; and on 16 Aug. following his appointment was confirmed. He attained his present rank 4 July, 1846; and since 14 Oct. 1847 has been in command of the Acheron steam surveying-vessel in the East Indies.

Capt. Stokes married, in Jan. 1841, at Port Phillip, Fanny Jane, daughter of the late Major Marlay. Agents – Messrs. Stilwell.