A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Sunderland, George Henry Carleton

1962886A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Sunderland, George Henry CarletonWilliam Richard O'Byrne

SUNDERLAND. (Lieutenant, 1840. f-p., 11; h-p., 8.)

George Henry Carleton Sunderland was born 3 May, 1814.

This officer entered the Navy, 10 July, 1828, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the Prince Regent 120, Capt. Hon. Geo. Poulett, bearing the flag of Hon. Sir Henry Blackwood at the Nore. He was employed next in the East Indies – from 19 Nov. 1828 until 4 Jan. 1833, part of the time as Midshipman, in the Cruizer 18, Capts. John Edw. Griffith Colpoys and John Parker – from 23 Jan. 1834 until 17 March, 1835, in the Andromache 28, Capt. Henry Ducie Chads, in which vessel he assisted, in company with the Imogene, Capt. Price Blackwood, in forcing the passage of the Boca Tigris, 7 and 9 Sept. 1834 – and from 18 March until 31 July, 1835, in the Melville 74, flag-ship of Sir John Gore. He passed his examination 5 Aug. in the latter year; and was subsequently appointed Mate – 15 Feb. 1836, of the Terror bomb, Capt. Edw. Belcher, fitting for an expedition to the North Pole – and 25 March, 1836, 12 Jan. 1838, and 13 Jan. 1839, of the Vanguard 80, Capts. Hon. Duncombe Pleydell Bouverie and Sir Thos. Fellowes, Belle- ROPHON 80, Capt. Sam. Jackson, and Powerful 84, Capt. Chas. Napier. In the ship last mentioned (he had been discharged from the Bellerophon 10 April, 1838) he took part in the operations on the coast of Syria, and was present at the bombardment of St. Jean d’Acre. He was promoted in consequence to the rank of Lieutenant by a commission bearing date 4 Nov. 1840; but he did not leave the Powerful until 16 Jan. 1841. He then joined his former ship the Bellerophon, commanded at the time by Capt. Chas. John Austen, with whom he remained until 6 March following. He has since been on half-pay.

Lieut. Sunderland married, 7 Aug. 1844, Margaret, eldest daughter of the late Lieut.-Colonel Story, of the Royal Artillery, by whom he has issue.