A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Tremlett, Francisco Saugro

1977972A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Tremlett, Francisco SaugroWilliam Richard O'Byrne

TREMLETT. (Lieutenant, 1843.)

Francisco Saugro Tremlett is cousin of Vice-Admiral Tremlett.

This officer entered the Navy 1 May, 1830; passed his examination 2 May, 1836; served for some time on the Mediterranean, Plymouth, and South American stations, as Mate, in the Scorpion 10, Lieut.-Commander Chas. Gayton, Caledonia 120, flag-ship of Sir Graham Moore, and Growler steam-vessel, Capt. Claude Henry Mason Buckle; and on 26 Jan. 1843 was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. His appointments have since been – 27 May, 1843, as Additional, to the Alfred 50, bearing the broad pendant of Commodore John Brett Purvis on the coast of Brazil – 13 Dec. following, to the Frolic 16, Capt. Cospatrick Baillie Hamilton, in the Pacific – and 29 May, 1845, 13 Nov. 1846, and 29 Jan. 1847, to the Agincourt 72, flagship of Sir Thos. John Cochrane, Vestal 26, Capt. Chas. Talbot, and, as First-Lieutenant, to the Childers 12, Capt. John Chas. Pitman, all on the East India station, where he continues employed. On 8 July, 1846, having accompanied an expedition under Sir T. J. Cochrane against the Sultan of Borneo, Mr. Tremlett, then in the Agincourt, assisted, in command of the second division of small-arm men, at the capture and destruction of the enemy’s forts and batteries on the river Brune.[1] Agent – J. Hinxman.

  1. Vide Gaz. 1845, p. 3442.