A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Trent, George Norris

1978403A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Trent, George NorrisWilliam Richard O'Byrne

TRENT. (Lieut., 1815. f-p., 10; h-p., 32.)

George Norris Trent entered the Navy, 31 March, 1805, as A.B., on board the Prince George 98, Capt. Geo. Losack; of which ship, employed in the Channel and West Indies, he was nominated, in May, 1806, Midshipman. In Sept. 1807, he removed to the Téméraire 98, stationed at first in the Channel and Baltic, and next in the Mediterranean; where, in Dec. 1811, ho became Master’s Mate (a rating he had attained in Aug. 1810) of the ImpAkieuse 38, Capt. Hon. Henry Duncan. In that frigate he contributed to the destruction, 27 June, 1812, of a French convoy under the batteries of Languelia and Alassio. He was also, 17 Aug. in the same year, present in a spirited skirmish with a powerful Neapolitan squadron in the Bay of Naples; and in 1813-14 he witnessed the capture of Port d’Anzo and the operations against Leghorn and Genoa. A day or two previously to the fall of the latter place he had been transferred to the Apollo