A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Tryon, Robert

1980457A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Tryon, RobertWilliam Richard O'Byrne

TRYON. (Captain, 1847.)

Robert Tryon is fourth son of the late T. Tryon, Esq., of Bulwick Park, Northamptonshire.

This officer entered the Navy 6 July, 1824; passed his examination in 1830; obtained his first commission 28 Aug. 1834; and was appointed – 3 Sept. following, as Additional Lieutenant, to the Thalia 46, hearing the flag of Rear-Admiral Patrick Campbell at the Cape of Good Hope – 19 Jan. 1835, to the Trinculo 16, Capts. Jas. Rich. Booth and Henry Joseph Paget, on the same station – 11 Feb. 1836, again to the Thalia, as Flag-Lieutenant to Rear-Admiral Campbell, with whom he returned to England in 1838 – and 23 Feb. 1839, to the Royal George yacht, Capt. Lord Adolphus FitzClarence. He attained the rank of Commander 23 Nov. 1841; served in that capacity in the Mutine 12, in the Mediterranean from 29 Sept. 1846 until advanced to his present rank 27 Oct. 1847; and has since been on half-pay.

Capt. Tryon married, 9 Dec. 1840, Henrietta, youngest daughter of Rear-Admiral Jas. Prevost. He was left a widower 1 Aug. 1848.