A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Utlay, John Taylor

1986085A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Utlay, John TaylorWilliam Richard O'Byrne

UTLAY. (Lieut., 1811. f-p., 15; h-p., 32.)

John Taylor Utlay entered the Navy, 14 Feb. 1800, as Ordinary, on board the Nimble, Lieut.-Commander Jas. Lloyd, employed at first at Dartmouth and next on the coast of Ireland; where he served from April until July, 1802, as Clerk, on board the Express, Lieut.-Commander Robt. Sayes. From Sept. in the latter year until June, 1810, he cruized with the greatest activity and success in the Downs, North Sea, and Channel, as Midshipman and Master’s Mate in the Vixen 14 and Plover 18, both commanded by the present Rear-Admiral Philip Browne; in July, 1810 (the Plover had been commanded intermediately by Capt. Colin Campbell), he removed, as a Supernumerary, to the Salvador del Mundo, flag-ship of Sir Robt. Calder at Plymouth; and on 1 Aug. 1811 he was made Lieutenant into the Hermes 20, commanded by his former Captain, Browne. In the course of the same month he was appointed to the Boyne 98; in which ship and the Ville de Paris 110, bearing each the flag of Sir Harry Burrard Neale, he continued employed otf Brest and L’Orient and in Basque Roads until Aug. 1814. He has since been on half-pay.