A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Vicary, William

1989510A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Vicary, WilliamWilliam Richard O'Byrne

VICARY. (Lieut., 1815. f-p., 29; h-p., 13.)

William Vicary was born 7 Dec. 1792. This officer entered the Navy, 6 Feb. 1805, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the Achille 74, Capts. Sir Rich. King, Hon. Geo. Heneage Lawrence Dnndas, and Aiskew Paffard Hollis; in which ship he was for nine years and a half employed in the Channel, off the coasts of France and Spain, and in the Mediterranean and South America, the greater of the time as Midshipman and Master’s Mate. He was present during that period at the battle of Trafalgar; at the capture of four French frigates off Rochefort by a squadron under Sir Sam. Hood, 25 Sept. 1806; in the expedition to the Walcheren; for nine months at the defence of Cadiz (where he saw much boat-service, and assisted in bringing off the British garrison from Fort Matagorda, on the occasion of its destruction by the French in April, 1810); and, in the Achilles’ pinnace, at the cutting out, in company with the boats of the Eagle 74, of two merchant-vessels on the coast of Istria in 1812. On 25 Aug. 1814, being then on the coast of Brazil, he was nominated Acting-Lieutenant of the Astrea 36, Capt. Askey. His promotion by the Admiralty took place 8 Feb. 1815. With the exception of about 13 months in 1837-8, during which he commanded the Elizabeth hired-transport, and visited South America, the Ascension, and Canada, he has been employed since 12 Feb. 1828 in the Coast Guard. For the gallant conduct he displayed during the tremendous gale of 13 and 14 Jan. 1843, in putting off in a boat with Lieut. John BuUey of the adjoining station, when all other means had failed, and saving the crew of the brig George, of Sunderland, which had been wrecked at Atherfield, and immediately afterwards went to pieces, he received, in addition to the thanks of the Admiralty, a gold medal from the National Shipwreck Institution, and a silver one from the Subscribers at Lloyd’s.

Lieut. Vicary married Audry Ann, eldest daughter of Silas Winter, Esq., of Court House, Newton Ferrers, co. Devon, by whom he has issue three sons and two daughters. One of the former, William, is a Midshipman R.N.