A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Wake, Charles

1990973A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Wake, CharlesWilliam Richard O'Byrne

WAKE. (Lieutenant, 1846.)

Charles Wake passed his examination 1 May, 1844; and after serving on the Home station as Mate in the Daring 12, Capt. Henry Jas. Matson, was appointed in that capacity, 25 Sept. 1845, to the Heroine 6, Capt. Chas. Edmunds, fitting for the coast of Africa; where he was nominated, 27 March, 1846, Acting-Lieutenant of the Styx steam-sloop, Capt. Henry Chads. He was officially promoted 5 Aug. following; and was next, 22 March and 20 Oct. 1847, appointed, as Additional and First Lieutenant, to the Hibernia 104, flag-ship of Sir Wm. Parker, and Odin steam-frigate of 560 horse-power, Capt. Hon. Fred. Thos. Pelham, both in the Mediterranean, on which station he is now employed.