A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Waterhouse, Bartholomew George

1999510A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Waterhouse, Bartholomew GeorgeWilliam Richard O'Byrne

WATERHOUSE. (Lieutenant, 1814. f-p., 13; h-p., 28.)

Bartholomew George Waterhouse was born 7 June, 1794,

This officer entered the Navy, 4 Aug, 1806, as Fst.-cl, Vol., on board the Royal George 100, Capt. Rich, Dalling Dunn, bearing the flag of Sir John Thos, Duckworth, under whom he passed the Dardanells in Feb, 1807, and continued employed in the Mediterranean and Channel, the latter part of the time in the San Josef 110, until Aug. 1809. He served during the next three years in the West Indies as Midshipman (a rating he had attained in the San Josef) and Master’s Mate in the Arachne 18, Capt, Sam. Chambers; he then, in July, 1812, joined the Dublin 74, Capts, R. D. Dunn and Thos. Elphinstone, employed among the Western Islands and in the Channel; and in Jan, and June, 1814, he was received on board the Asia 74 and Tonnant 80, flag-ships of Sir Alex. Cochrane on the coast of North America; where he was made Lieutenant, 10 Aug. 1814, into the Royal Oak 74, bearing the flag of Rear-Admiral Pulteney Malcolm, He landed in the course of the month last mentioned, and took part, under the present Sir Geo, Cockburn, in the brilliant attack upon Washington. Towards the close of 1814 he accompanied the expedition against New Orleans, and assisted there in disembarking the troops. He returned to England for the benefit of his health in Feb. 1815; and was afterwards employed, from Feb, 1816 until June, 1818, in the Impregnable 104 and Berwick 74, flag-ships of Sir J. T. Duckworth at Plymouth – and from June, 1818, until May, 1819, and again from Oct, 1820 until Oct, 1821, in the Tartar 42, bearing the broad pendant of Sir Geo, Ralph Collier on the coast of Africa, He contributed in the latter ship to the capture of several slave-vessels. Since he left her he has been on half-pay.

From March, 1840, until July, 1847, Lieut. Waterhouse filled an appointment in the Survey Department of the Tithe Commission. He married, 8 July, 1823, Sarah, third daughter of John Willis, Esq,, of Mecklenburgh Square, London, a West India merchant, by whom he has issue two daughters. Agents – Collier and Snee.