A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Weld, Richard

2002431A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Weld, RichardWilliam Richard O'Byrne

WELD. (Lieut., 1814. f-p., 12; h-p., 32.)

Richard Weld entered the Navy, 19 Nov. 1803, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the Illustrious 74, Capts. Sir Chas. Hamilton and Wm. Shield; the latter of whom, after having served in the Channel, in the West Indies, and on the coast of Spain, he followed, in July, 1806, as Midshipman (a rating he had already attained), into the Queen 98 and Malta 80. On his return in the latter ship from the Mediterranean with Capt. Robt. Waller Otway, he joined, in Nov. 1808, the Ville de Paris 110, bearing the flag of Hon. Michael De Courcy; under whom we find him, in Jan. 1809, assisting at the embarkation of the troops after the battle of Corunna. In the course of the ensuing month he removed to the Repulse 74, Capt. Hon. Arthur Kaye Legge, part of the force employed in the expedition to the Walcheren; and in Nov. of the same year he was received on board the Curaçoa 36, Capt. John Tower. In her he served for three years and nine months off Madeira and the coast of France, at the Cape of Good Hope, and in the Mediterranean, latterly as Master’s Mate; in which capacity and as Lieutenant (commission dated 29 Sept. 1814) he was employed, from Jan. 1814 until Aug. 1815, in the Leander 60, Capt. Sir Geo. Ralph Collier, in the Channel, again off Madeira, in the West Indies, and on the coast of North America. He has since been on half-pay.