A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Welsh, William

2002681A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Welsh, WilliamWilliam Richard O'Byrne

WELSH. (Lieutenant, 1828.)

William Welsh entered the Navy 30 April, 1805. He was on board the Windsor Castle 98, Capt. Chas. Boyles, in the action fought, 22 July following, with the combined fleets of France and Spain off Cape Finisterre; and at the passage of the Dardanells in Feb. 1807. He served afterwards, in 1813, on the north coast of Spain in the Révolutionnaire frigate; and in 1814-15 we find him employed on the Lakes of Canada. Having passed his examination in 1816 he was made Lieutenant, 4 Dec. 1828, into the Infernal bomb, Capt. Brunswick Popham, stationed in the Mediterranean; whence, in 1830, he returned to England. He has been in command, since 4 Oct. 1839, of a station in the Coast Guard.