A Naval Biographical Dictionary/West, William Wade

2003756A Naval Biographical Dictionary — West, William WadeWilliam Richard O'Byrne

WEST. (Lieut., 1810. f-p., 18; h-p., 32.)

William Wade West entered the Navy, 16 Oct. 1797, as A.B., on board the Rover sloop, Capt. Geo. Irwin, in which vessel, and, as Midshipman, in the Dasher, Capt. Geo. Tobin, he continued employed on the coast of North America and West Indies until Jan. 1801. He joined next, in Nov. 1803, in the capacity of Master’s Mate, the Foudroyant 80, bearing the flag of Sir Thos. Graves in the Channel; where, again in the West Indies, as also on the coasts of Spain and Portugal and in the North Sea, he served as Master, from 16 May, 1804, until promoted to the rank of Lieutenant 11 April, 1810, in the Merlin sloop, Capt. Edw. Pelham Brenton, Latona 38, Capt. Thos. Le Marchant Gosselin, Pomona frigate, Capt. Fred. Langford, Success 32, Capt. John Ayscough, Audacious 74, Capt. T. Le M. Gosselin, and San Domingo 74, bearing the flag of Sir Rich. Strachan. In the ship last mentionen, to which, on the occasion of his promotion, he was re-appointed, he took part in the operations connected with the expedition to the Walcheren. He finally left her in June, 1811. He was next, until Nov. 1814, employed, on the Home, Baltic, and Cape of Good Hope stations, in the Berwick 74, Capt. Jas. Macnamara, Mars 74, Capt. Henry Raper, Devastation bomb, Capt. Thos. Alexander, Ville de Paris 110 and Boyne 98, both commanded by Capt. Geo. Burlton, Laura 38, Capt. Hon. Granville Leveson Proby, and Barracouta sloop, Capt. Chas. Hawkey. From April, 1815, until May, 1816, he was engaged in raising seamen at Hull; and from 1817 until 1819 he was stationed on the coast of South America in the Blossom 24, Capt. Fred. Hickey. He has since been on half-pay.