A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Western, Richard Roger

2004073A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Western, Richard RogerWilliam Richard O'Byrne

WESTERN. (Commander, 1846.)

Richard Roger Western is youngest son, by Mary, daughter of Thos. Burch, Esq., of the island of Bermuda, of Rear-Admiral Thos. Western, K.T.S., of Tattingstone Place, co. Suffolk, who commanded the Tamar 38, at the capture of the French frigate Républicaine of 32 guns, 26 Aug. 1799, assisted in 1807, when Captain of the London 98, in escorting the Royal Family, of Portugal in its flight to the Brazils, and died in Dec. 1814. He is brother of Lieut. Geo. Edw. Western, R.N., who died in 1825, of Major Maximilian Jas. Western of the 64th Regt., and of Capt. Wm. Chas. Western of the 32nd Madras Infantry; and cousin of Lieut. Geo. Western, R.N.

This officer entered the Navy 13 Nov. 1829; obtained his first commission 11 June, 1841; and irom 21 Aug. following until within a short period o£ his promotion to the rank of Commander, which took place 9 Nov. 1846, was employed in the Pique 36, Capts. Henry. Forbes and Hon. Montagu Stopford, on the North America and West India station.