A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Wodehouse, George

2011611A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Wodehouse, GeorgeWilliam Richard O'Byrne

WODEHOUSE. (Commander, 1844.)

George Wodehouse, born 8 July, 1810, is second son of the Hon. and Rev. Wm. Wodehouse, M.A. (fourth son of the first Lord Wodehouse), by Mary, eldest daughter of the late Thos. Hussey, Esq., of Galtrim, co. Meath, by Lady Mary Walpole.

This officer entered the Royal Naval College 6 March, 1823; served as Midshipman in the Asia 84, flag-ship of Sir Edw. Codrington, at the battle of Navarin 20 Oct. 1827; and obtained his first commission 8 June, 1833. His succeeding appointments were – 2 Oct. 1833 and 1 Aug. 1834, as a Supernumerary-Lieutenant, to the Asia again and to the Hastings 74, flag-ships of Rear-Admirals Wm. Parker and Sir Wm. Hall Gage off Lisbon – 19 Nov. 1834, 10 May, 1836, and 1 Feb. 1838, to the Rover 18, Capt. Chas. Eden, Dublin 50, flag-ship of Sir Graham Eden Hamond, and Samarang 26, Capts. Wm. Broughton and Jas. Scott, all on the South American station, whence he returned in the early part of 1840 – 3 May, 1841, to the Queen 110, bearing the flag of Sir Edw. Codrington at Portsmouth – 26 Oct. following, as First, to the Madagascar 44, Capt. John Foote, on the coast of Africa – and, 28 Dec. 1842, in a similar capacity, to the Thunderbolt steam-sloop, Capt. Geo. Nathaniel Broke, at the Cape of Good Hope. Since he attained his present rank 30 July, 1844, he has been on half-pay.

Commander Wodehouse married, 20 June, 1848, Eleanor Charlotte, daughter of A. Mortimer, Esq. Agents – Hallett and Robinson.