A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Woodward, Augustine

2013247A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Woodward, AugustineWilliam Richard O'Byrne

WOODWARD. (Lieutenant, 1812. f-p., 9; h-p., 33.)

Augustine Woodward entered the Navy, 31 May, 1805, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the Flora 36, Capt. Loftus Otway Bland, employed in succession in the North Sea and off Lisbon and the Western Islands. From Dec. 1807 until April, 1810, he served in the Mediterranean, as Midshipman (a rating he had already attained) and as Master’s Mate, in the Sultan and Excellent 74’s, both commanded by Capt. Edw. Griffith; he cruized during the next 10 months, off Cherbourg, Flushing, and Lisbon, in the Elizabeth 74, Capts. Hon. Henry Curzon and Thos. Searle; and at the close of 1811, after he had been again for a few months stationed off Flushing in the Christian VII. 80, flag-ship of Admiral Wm. Young, he sailed, in the Barbadoes 24, Capt. Edw. Rushworth, for the West Indies; where he joined, in Feb. 1812, the Dragon 74, flag-ship of Sir Fras. Laforey, and acted, from May until July following, as Lieutenant in the Orpheus 36, Capt. Hugh Pigot. He then returned to England, having been promoted by the Admiralty to the rank of Lieutenant 21 March preceding; and was employed lastly, from Jan. 1813 until Sept. 1814, and from July until Sept. 1815, in the Prospero 10, Capt. John Hardy Godby, and Alert 18, Capts. Joseph Gulston Garland and John Smith, in the North Sea, at Gibraltar, in the Downs, and off Brighton.