A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Young, Horatio Beauman

2016421A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Young, Horatio BeaumanWilliam Richard O'Byrne

YOUNG. (Captain, 1846.)

Horatio Beauman Young was born in 1806. He is brother of the late Sir Geo. Young, Bart., Captain R.N.

This officer entered the Navy 12 Feb. 1819; passed his examination in 1826; and obtained his first commission 8 Sept. 1829. His succeeding appointments were – 16 Dec. 1829, to the Shannon 46, Capt. Benj. Clement, in the West Indies, whence he returned at the close of 1831 – 28 Oct. 1833, to the Edinburgh 74, Capt. Jas. Rich. Dacres, fitting at Portsmouth – and, 16 Jan. 1834, as a Supernumerary, to the Caledonia 120, in which ship he became, 5 March following, Flag-Lieutenant to Sir Josias Rowley, Commander-in-Chief in the Mediterranean. On the paying off of the Caledonia he was promoted to the rank of Commander 30 Aug. 1837. From 7 Aug. 1843 until advanced to Post-rank 9 Nov. 1846 he served with the utmost activity and success on the coast of Africa in the Hydra steam-sloop of 220 horse-power. He has since been on half-pay.