A Sheaf Gleaned in French Fields/Romance of Nina (Charles Guillaume Etienne)
When back the well-loved shall return
To her who pines though once so dear,
The Spring from its abundant urn
Shall scatter blossoms far and near.
I watch, I wait;—in vain, in vain,
The loved and lost comes not again.
Ye birds, far sweeter shall ye sing
When ye shall catch his tender tone;
Then haste the well-loved back to bring,
He'll teach ye songs of love alone.
I watch, I wait;—in vain, in vain,
The loved and lost comes not again.
O echo, whose repose I mar
With my regrets and mournful cries,
He comes.—I hear his voice afar,
Or is it thine that thus replies?
Peace! hark, he calls!—in vain, in vain,
The loved and lost comes not again.