Academy of Fine Arts, Mexican, 103. |
Acapulco, road to, 125. |
National School of, 103. |
Agricultural machinery in Mexico, 127. |
productions of Mexico and the United States compared, 128. |
Agriculture, drawbacks to, 115. |
Mexican, prospects of, 132. |
Aguas Calientes, hot baths of, 25. |
Air, dryness of, in Mexico, 200. |
America, Central, unhealthiness of, 226. |
American invasion of Mexico, 70. |
invasion of Mexico without justification, 70. |
investments in Mexico, 213. |
Americans, dislike of, in Mexico, 217. |
Animals, domestic, unknown to the Aztecs, 54. |
Architecture, Mexican, 36. |
Argentine Republic, revenues of, 182. |
Arista, General, memorial of, 70. |
Army, Mexican; number and efficiency, 104. |
Art in Mexico, 5. |
Auto-da-fe, last in Mexico, 57. |
Aztec architecture, 57. |
civilization, low grade of, 51. |
festivals still celebrated, 88. |
industries, 56. |
territory, limitations of, 54. |
Aztecs, cannibalism among, 55. |
memorials of, 51. |
Banks in Mexico, 198. |
Baptist missions in Mexico, 88, 90 |
Barca, Madame Calderon de la, observations of, 24. |
Barrancas of Mexico, 27. |
Border population, 208. |
British capital in Mexico, 213. |
Budget, Federal, of Mexico, 188 |
Buildings, wooden, absence of, in Mexico, 36. |
Business methods of the Mexicans, 237. |
Calendar stone, 59. |
California, Lower, taxes in, 180. |
Cannibalism among the Aztecs, 55. |
Capital, Mexican, health of, 201. |
Catholic Church of Mexico, future attitude of, 219. |
hold upon the people, 82. |
responsibility for the condition of Mexico, 114. |
"Cattle-range" business, original in Mexico, 123. |
Census of Mexico, 48. |
Central America, transit routes of, 226. |
unhealthiness of, 226. |
Chapultepec, battle of, 71. |
monument at, 11. |
Charney, M. de, on Aztec civilization, 55. |
Chimneys, absence of, 35. |
Chinese views respecting trade, 249. |
Cholula, Pyramid of, 60. |
Church, Mexican, confiscated wealth of, 87. |
connection with French invasion, 78. |
nationalization of, 81. |
Coal in Mexico, 134. |
price of, 135. |
Coasts of Mexico, unhealthiness of, 194. |
Coffee product of Mexico, 129. |
Coinage of Mexico, 159, 196. |
Commerce, obstacles to, in Mexico, 195. |
world's, demands of, 225. |
Commercial relations of Mexico, 189. |
Commodities, extent to which they can bear transportation, 125. |
Congress of Mexico, 107. |
Constitution of Mexico, 106 |
Convents, suppression of, 81. |
Corn product of Mexico, 128. |
Cortes, military exploits in Mexico, 61. |
military forces, 61. |
picture of, 65. |
Cotton, Mexican, product and quality of, 131. |
limited production of, in Mexico, 137. |
factories in Mexico, 135-137. |
Cow-boy, original home of the, 123. |
Credit, mercantile, in Mexico, 236. |
Death, lottery of, 206. |
Death-rate in Vera Cruz, 205. |
Debt, national, of Mexico, 233. |
obligations of Mexico, 27, 222, 223. |
public, of Mexico, 222. |
Despotism of Government, 105. |
Diaz, Porfirio, President, 110. |
Drainage of the city of Mexico, 202. |
Education in Mexico, 101. |
suppression of, under Spanish rule, 63. |
Elections, popular, none in Mexico, 108. |
Embassadors, Hall of, 68. |
English trade with Mexico, 193. |
Episcopal missions in Mexico, 88. |
Esperanza, railroad-station of, 44. |
Estates, large Mexican, 33. |
Exports, Mexican, taxation of, 172. |
Exports and imports of Mexico, 190. |
Factories in Mexico, 135. |
Fashions in Mexico, 146. |
Females, limitation of employments for, 139. |
"Financier," Mexican, newspaper, 112. |
Fires, rarity of, in Mexico, 36. |
Fiscal policy of Mexico, 154. |
Food, imported, high prices of, 146. |
Foreigners, discrimination against land-owning, 86. |
Forests in Mexico, 23. |
Foster, Minister John W., report of, 17. |
Foster, Minister John W., rejoinder to, by the Mexican Government, 19. |
Free trade and protection in Mexico, 154. |
French trade with Mexico, 193. |
Fuel, high cost of, 135. |
Gold product of Mexico, 150. |
Government, good, in Mexico, not readily attainable, 214. |
Government of Mexico, 105. |
Guaymas, American trade with, 242. |
Guerrero, city of, taxes in, 179. |
Haciendas, construction of, 31. |
Hams, analysis of duties on imports of, 168. |
Handicrafts of Mexico, 135. |
Hats, features of, in the Mexican dress, 26. |
"Hercules" cotton-mill, 150. |
Hidalgo, the Mexican Washington, 67. |
Highways in Mexico, 195. |
Holy Family, flight of, repetition in Mexico, 24. |
Horses, acclimatization of, in Mexico, 199. |
Hospital, American, in Mexico, 204. |
Hospitals, lack of suitable, 203. |
Houses in Mexico, 22. |
of the people, 38. |
Humboldt, special privileges granted to, 15. |
Idol, great, of the Aztecs, 58. |
Immigration to Mexico, 118. |
Indian characteristics, 141. |
races, their social position in Mexico, 99. |
Indians, Mexican, attachment to localities, 100. |
Indians, Mexican, communistic life of, 99. |
Indians, Mexican, improvidence of, 98. |
Indians, Mexican, ingenuity of, 34. |
never Christianized, 85. |
Indians of Mexico, 93. |
Industries, Mexican, taxes on, 177, 178. |
Interoceanic transits, 225. |
Inquisition in Mexico, 63. |
Iron, absence of, in Mexican industry, 34. |
Iron not known to the Aztecs, 52, 53. |
Irrigation, necessity of, in Mexico, 34 |
Irrigation, titles and rights to, 116. |
Iturbide, Emperor, portrait of, 68. |
Hotel, 36. |
Ixtle, fiber, production of, 232. |
Jamaica, taxation in, 185. |
Juarez, Benito, character and services, 77. |
Kerosene-lamp, story of a, 232. |
Labor, scarcity of, in Mexico, 144. |
Lamp, kerosene, story of a, 232. |
Land, discrimination against American ownership of, 119. |
Land speculations on the border, 209. |
Land-owners of Mexico, 186. |
Land-titles of Mexico, 116. |
Lands, public, of Mexico, prices of, 209. |
Language of Mexico, 94. |
Spanish, an obstacle to commerce, 94. |
Laws, complicated system in Mexico, 175. |
Leather industry of Mexico, 138. |
"Leperos" of Mexico, 93. |
Lerdo de Tejada, former President of Mexico, 10. |
Life, material and spiritual poverty of, 95. |
Living, cost of, in Mexico, 183. |
"Locomotive," effect of first appearance, 230. |
Machinery, labor-saving, little used in Mexico, 133. |
Manufactures of Mexico, 133. |
restriction of, under Spanish rule, 64. |
Maximilian, Emperor, character and fate, 78, 79. |
court ceremonials of, 79. |
Mayas, civilization of, 48. |
Mechanics, obstacles to the immigration of, 170. |
Merchants, American, peculiarities of, 239. |
German, characteristics of, 241. |
German, in Mexico, 240. |
"Mestizos," of Mexico, 93. |
Metals, precious, abnormal export of, 191. |
product of Mexico, 159. |
Methodist missions in Mexico, 88, 90. |
Mexican Military School, National, 104. |
Mexico, area of, 49. |
artificial conditions to which it has been subject, 114. |
border States of, 47. |
chronic revolutions of, 69. |
Constitution of, 106. |
dryness of climate, 48. |
essential attractions of, 158. |
French invasion of, 75. |
geographical configuration of, 46. |
Government, since 1821, 69. |
history of, 50. |
imports and exports of, 190. |
Military School, 104. |
Northern, land value in, 122. |
plateau of, 40. |
popular ignorance concerning, 14, 39. |
population of, 48. |
poverty of the country, 39. |
recent progress of, 220. |
sanitary condition of, 203. |
small annual production of, 182. |
States of, 49. |
stone age of, 52. |
unexplored portions of, 14. |
what she buys and sells, 247. |
Middle classes, absence of, in Mexico, 186. |
Mills, cotton, in Mexico, description of, 153. |
Miners, wages of, in Mexico, 141. |
Mines and mining in Mexico, 158. |
Mines, old Spanish, fabulous reports of, 161. |
Mining industry of Mexico, obstacles to, 161. |
property, laws regulating, 120. |
properties, owned by Americans, 161. |
Missionary work in Mexico, 88, 90, 252. |
Money, paper, introduction of, in Mexico, 199. |
Monometallism in Mexico, 196. |
Monroe doctrine, 73. |
application of, to Mexico, 210. |
practical rejection of, 252. |
Mounds, Western, counterparts of, in Mexico, 60. |
Museum, "National," of Mexico, 51. |
National feeling in Mexico, strength of, 107. |
National portrait-gallery of Mexico, 65. |
Newspapers in Mexico, 112. |
Ores of silver, restriction on exportation, 162. |
Orizaba, Mount, 45. |
Pauper-labor argument, 140, 147. |
Picturesque scenery, 22. |
"Peonage" system, 27. |
People of Mexico, improvidence of, 31. |
divisions of, 92. |
indifference to progress, 187. |
occupations of, 115. |
Petroleum, market for, in Mexico, 244. |
Plateau, Mexican, elevation of, 40. |
dryness of, 47. |
Plows, Mexican, 126. |
one handle, 126. |
Policy, a desirable American, 221. |
Popocatapetl, Mount, 41. |
Popular assemblages, unknown in Mexico, 105. |
Population of Mexico, 48. |
"Portango" system of taxation, 180. |
Portraits, national, 65. |
Potatoes, scarcity of, in Mexico, 132. |
Prescott, romance of his narrative, 50. |
President of Mexico, term of office, 103. |
Press, liberty of, in Mexico, 112, 113. |
Prices in Mexico, 146. |
Pronunciamentos, influence of railroads on, 229. |
Property, small accumulation of, in Mexico, 182. |
Protection and free trade in Mexico, 155. |
in the middle ages, 174. |
Protective features of the Spanish colonial policy, 63. |
Protestant churches of the United States, neglect of Mexico by, 252, 253. |
missions in Mexico, 88, 90. |
neglect of opportunities, 252. |
Public opinion in Mexico, what constitutes, 108. |
Querétaro, cotton-manufacture at, 150. |
Railroad, "Mexican Central," elevation of, 40. |
facilities of travel by, 21. |
"National," 233. |
system of Mexico, 233. |
"Vera Cruz and City of Mexico," 40-42. |
cost of, 43. |
scenery on, 42. |
Railroads and commerce, 238. |
influence of, on Government, 229. |
Rainy season in Mexico, 120. |
Rancheros, good faith of, 237, 238. |
Real-estate investments in Mexico, 117. |
Receipts and expenditures of Mexico, 188. |
Reciprocity treaty, Mexican, 246, 254 |
Religious toleration in Mexico, 89, 90, 218. |
Revenue, national, principal sources of, 189. |
Revolutionary elements in Mexico, 209. |
Revolutions, domestic, influence of railroads on, 229. |
Rivers, navigable, absence of, in Mexico, 48. |
Roads, absence of, in Mexico, 14, 15. |
Routes, interoceanic, 226. |
Saddles, Mexican, 138. |
Sales, taxes on, 176. |
Sanitary condition of Mexico, 203. |
Santa Fé, wages and labor at, 149. |
Schools, national, 102. |
Seaports of Mexico, poor, 195. |
Senate of Mexico, 107. |
Sewage of the city of Mexico, 200. |
Shoes and sandals, 26. |
Silver coinage, inconveniences of, 197. |
depreciation, effect of, in Mexico, 192. |
Silver monometallism in Mexico, 196. |
Silver product of Mexico, 159. |
Slavery, practical existence of, in Mexico, 28, 29. |
Smuggling in Mexico, 156, 157. |
present losses by, 157. |
Social forces in Mexico, 105. |
Society, best, of Mexico, what constitutes, 215. |
Spain, laws of old, 174. |
Spanish colonial policy, 63. |
Spanish rule in Mexico, 62. |
Stamp-taxes of Mexico, 176. |
Statesmen of Mexico, high character of. 111. |
Stone age in Mexico, 52. |
Stove, cost of importing a, into Mexico, 166. |
Stoves, absence of, in Mexico, 35. |
Strangers, climatic influences on, 199. |
Sugar, prices of, in Mexico, 130, 245. |
product of Mexico, 129. |
prospective increase of, 130. |
Tariff, United States, restriction on imports of ores, 162. |
Taxation, curious experiences of, 163, 165, 185. |
Taxation in Mexico, 163. |
in Mexico, difficulty of reforming, 181. |
Taxation, illustration of effects on trade, 172. |
Taxation, infinitesimal system of Mexico, 177. |
Taxes, stamp, 176. |
Taylor, Bayard, experiences of, 16. |
Teotihuacan, Pyramids of, 60. |
Tezcoco, Lake, 200 |
Tierras Calientes, climate of, 123. |
Tobacco, Mexican, quality of, 245. |
Toltecs, civilization, 48. |
Tortillas, preparation of, 96. |
Tourists, in Mexico, health experiences of, 203. |
Trade, conditions of, 250. |
indirect of Mexico, 193. |
Mexican, with the United States, 25. |
Transit routes, interoceanic, 226. |
Transportation of commodities, 125. |
Travel, difficulties of, in Mexico, 17, 20, 21. |
Treaty, Mexico-American, 247, 250. |
Treaty, Mexico-American, rejection of, 247. |
Tula, ruins at, 48. |
United States, atonement due from, to Mexico, 73. |
United States, consular representation in Mexico, 8. |
United States, political relations with Mexico, 207. |
United States, trade with Mexico, 194. |
Vera Cruz, mortality of, 205. |
Vernon, Admiral, expedition to Darien, 226. |
Viceroys, Spanish, portraits of, 65. |
Wages in Mexico, 28, 29, 140, 141. |
lowest in North America, 149. |
Wagons, Mexican, 126. |
Water, scarcity of, in Mexico, 120, 121. |
Wheat product of Mexico, 128. |
Wine production of Mexico, 64. |
Women, Mexican, restrictions on the labor of, 139. |
Yucatan, agriculture in, 124. |
laborers of, 144. |