766918A Study of Mexico — Index1887David Ames Wells


Academy of Fine Arts, Mexican, 103.
Acapulco, road to, 125.
National School of, 103.
Agricultural machinery in Mexico, 127.
productions of Mexico and the United States compared, 128.
Agriculture, drawbacks to, 115.
Mexican, prospects of, 132.
Aguas Calientes, hot baths of, 25.
Air, dryness of, in Mexico, 200.
America, Central, unhealthiness of, 226.
American invasion of Mexico, 70.
invasion of Mexico without justification, 70.
investments in Mexico, 213.
Americans, dislike of, in Mexico, 217.
Animals, domestic, unknown to the Aztecs, 54.
Architecture, Mexican, 36.
Argentine Republic, revenues of, 182.
Arista, General, memorial of, 70.
Army, Mexican; number and efficiency, 104.
Art in Mexico, 5.
Auto-da-fe, last in Mexico, 57.
Aztec architecture, 57.
civilization, low grade of, 51.
festivals still celebrated, 88.
industries, 56.
territory, limitations of, 54.
Aztecs, cannibalism among, 55.
memorials of, 51.
Banks in Mexico, 198.
Baptist missions in Mexico, 88, 90
Barca, Madame Calderon de la, observations of, 24.
Barrancas of Mexico, 27.
Border population, 208.
British capital in Mexico, 213.
Budget, Federal, of Mexico, 188
Buildings, wooden, absence of, in Mexico, 36.
Business methods of the Mexicans, 237.
Calendar stone, 59.
California, Lower, taxes in, 180.
Cannibalism among the Aztecs, 55.
Capital, Mexican, health of, 201.
Catholic Church of Mexico, future attitude of, 219.
hold upon the people, 82.
responsibility for the condition of Mexico, 114.
"Cattle-range" business, original in Mexico, 123.
Census of Mexico, 48.
Central America, transit routes of, 226.
unhealthiness of, 226.
Chapultepec, battle of, 71.
monument at, 11.
Charney, M. de, on Aztec civilization, 55.
Chimneys, absence of, 35.
Chinese views respecting trade, 249.
Cholula, Pyramid of, 60.
Church, Mexican, confiscated wealth of, 87.
connection with French invasion, 78.
nationalization of, 81.
Coal in Mexico, 134.
price of, 135.
Coasts of Mexico, unhealthiness of, 194.
Coffee product of Mexico, 129.
Coinage of Mexico, 159, 196.
Commerce, obstacles to, in Mexico, 195.
world's, demands of, 225.
Commercial relations of Mexico, 189.
Commodities, extent to which they can bear transportation, 125.
Congress of Mexico, 107.
Constitution of Mexico, 106
Convents, suppression of, 81.
Corn product of Mexico, 128.
Cortes, military exploits in Mexico, 61.
military forces, 61.
picture of, 65.
Cotton, Mexican, product and quality of, 131.
limited production of, in Mexico, 137.
factories in Mexico, 135-137.
Cow-boy, original home of the, 123.
Credit, mercantile, in Mexico, 236.
Death, lottery of, 206.
Death-rate in Vera Cruz, 205.
Debt, national, of Mexico, 233.
obligations of Mexico, 27, 222, 223.
public, of Mexico, 222.
Despotism of Government, 105.
Diaz, Porfirio, President, 110.
Drainage of the city of Mexico, 202.
Education in Mexico, 101.
suppression of, under Spanish rule, 63.
Elections, popular, none in Mexico, 108.
Embassadors, Hall of, 68.
English trade with Mexico, 193.
Episcopal missions in Mexico, 88.
Esperanza, railroad-station of, 44.
Estates, large Mexican, 33.
Exports, Mexican, taxation of, 172.
Exports and imports of Mexico, 190.
Factories in Mexico, 135.
Fashions in Mexico, 146.
Females, limitation of employments for, 139.
"Financier," Mexican, newspaper, 112.
Fires, rarity of, in Mexico, 36.
Fiscal policy of Mexico, 154.
Food, imported, high prices of, 146.
Foreigners, discrimination against land-owning, 86.
Forests in Mexico, 23.
Foster, Minister John W., report of, 17.
Foster, Minister John W., rejoinder to, by the Mexican Government, 19.
Free trade and protection in Mexico, 154.
French trade with Mexico, 193.
Fuel, high cost of, 135.
Gold product of Mexico, 150.
Government, good, in Mexico, not readily attainable, 214.
Government of Mexico, 105.
Guaymas, American trade with, 242.
Guerrero, city of, taxes in, 179.
Haciendas, construction of, 31.
Hams, analysis of duties on imports of, 168.
Handicrafts of Mexico, 135.
Hats, features of, in the Mexican dress, 26.
"Hercules" cotton-mill, 150.
Hidalgo, the Mexican Washington, 67.
Highways in Mexico, 195.
Holy Family, flight of, repetition in Mexico, 24.
Horses, acclimatization of, in Mexico, 199.
Hospital, American, in Mexico, 204.
Hospitals, lack of suitable, 203.
Houses in Mexico, 22.
of the people, 38.
Humboldt, special privileges granted to, 15.
Idol, great, of the Aztecs, 58.
Immigration to Mexico, 118.
Indian characteristics, 141.
races, their social position in Mexico, 99.
Indians, Mexican, attachment to localities, 100.
Indians, Mexican, communistic life of, 99.
Indians, Mexican, improvidence of, 98.
Indians, Mexican, ingenuity of, 34.
never Christianized, 85.
Indians of Mexico, 93.
Industries, Mexican, taxes on, 177, 178.
Interoceanic transits, 225.
Inquisition in Mexico, 63.
Iron, absence of, in Mexican industry, 34.
Iron not known to the Aztecs, 52, 53.
Irrigation, necessity of, in Mexico, 34
Irrigation, titles and rights to, 116.
Iturbide, Emperor, portrait of, 68.
Hotel, 36.
Ixtle, fiber, production of, 232.
Jamaica, taxation in, 185.
Juarez, Benito, character and services, 77.
Kerosene-lamp, story of a, 232.
Labor, scarcity of, in Mexico, 144.
Lamp, kerosene, story of a, 232.
Land, discrimination against American ownership of, 119.
Land speculations on the border, 209.
Land-owners of Mexico, 186.
Land-titles of Mexico, 116.
Lands, public, of Mexico, prices of, 209.
Language of Mexico, 94.
Spanish, an obstacle to commerce, 94.
Laws, complicated system in Mexico, 175.
Leather industry of Mexico, 138.
"Leperos" of Mexico, 93.
Lerdo de Tejada, former President of Mexico, 10.
Life, material and spiritual poverty of, 95.
Living, cost of, in Mexico, 183.
"Locomotive," effect of first appearance, 230.
Machinery, labor-saving, little used in Mexico, 133.
Manufactures of Mexico, 133.
restriction of, under Spanish rule, 64.
Maximilian, Emperor, character and fate, 78, 79.
court ceremonials of, 79.
Mayas, civilization of, 48.
Mechanics, obstacles to the immigration of, 170.
Merchants, American, peculiarities of, 239.
German, characteristics of, 241.
German, in Mexico, 240.
"Mestizos," of Mexico, 93.
Metals, precious, abnormal export of, 191.
product of Mexico, 159.
Methodist missions in Mexico, 88, 90.
Mexican Military School, National, 104.
Mexico, area of, 49.
artificial conditions to which it has been subject, 114.
border States of, 47.
chronic revolutions of, 69.
Constitution of, 106.
dryness of climate, 48.
essential attractions of, 158.
French invasion of, 75.
geographical configuration of, 46.
Government, since 1821, 69.
history of, 50.
imports and exports of, 190.
Military School, 104.
Northern, land value in, 122.
plateau of, 40.
popular ignorance concerning, 14, 39.
population of, 48.
poverty of the country, 39.
recent progress of, 220.
sanitary condition of, 203.
small annual production of, 182.
States of, 49.
stone age of, 52.
unexplored portions of, 14.
what she buys and sells, 247.
Middle classes, absence of, in Mexico, 186.
Mills, cotton, in Mexico, description of, 153.
Miners, wages of, in Mexico, 141.
Mines and mining in Mexico, 158.
Mines, old Spanish, fabulous reports of, 161.
Mining industry of Mexico, obstacles to, 161.
property, laws regulating, 120.
properties, owned by Americans, 161.
Missionary work in Mexico, 88, 90, 252.
Money, paper, introduction of, in Mexico, 199.
Monometallism in Mexico, 196.
Monroe doctrine, 73.
application of, to Mexico, 210.
practical rejection of, 252.
Mounds, Western, counterparts of, in Mexico, 60.
Museum, "National," of Mexico, 51.
National feeling in Mexico, strength of, 107.
National portrait-gallery of Mexico, 65.
Newspapers in Mexico, 112.
Ores of silver, restriction on exportation, 162.
Orizaba, Mount, 45.
Pauper-labor argument, 140, 147.
Picturesque scenery, 22.
"Peonage" system, 27.
People of Mexico, improvidence of, 31.
divisions of, 92.
indifference to progress, 187.
occupations of, 115.
Petroleum, market for, in Mexico, 244.
Plateau, Mexican, elevation of, 40.
dryness of, 47.
Plows, Mexican, 126.
one handle, 126.
Policy, a desirable American, 221.
Popocatapetl, Mount, 41.
Popular assemblages, unknown in Mexico, 105.
Population of Mexico, 48.
"Portango" system of taxation, 180.
Portraits, national, 65.
Potatoes, scarcity of, in Mexico, 132.
Prescott, romance of his narrative, 50.
President of Mexico, term of office, 103.
Press, liberty of, in Mexico, 112, 113.
Prices in Mexico, 146.
Pronunciamentos, influence of railroads on, 229.
Property, small accumulation of, in Mexico, 182.
Protection and free trade in Mexico, 155.
in the middle ages, 174.
Protective features of the Spanish colonial policy, 63.
Protestant churches of the United States, neglect of Mexico by, 252, 253.
missions in Mexico, 88, 90.
neglect of opportunities, 252.
Public opinion in Mexico, what constitutes, 108.
Querétaro, cotton-manufacture at, 150.
Railroad, "Mexican Central," elevation of, 40.
facilities of travel by, 21.
"National," 233.
system of Mexico, 233.
"Vera Cruz and City of Mexico," 40-42.
cost of, 43.
scenery on, 42.
Railroads and commerce, 238.
influence of, on Government, 229.
Rainy season in Mexico, 120.
Rancheros, good faith of, 237, 238.
Real-estate investments in Mexico, 117.
Receipts and expenditures of Mexico, 188.
Reciprocity treaty, Mexican, 246, 254
Religious toleration in Mexico, 89, 90, 218.
Revenue, national, principal sources of, 189.
Revolutionary elements in Mexico, 209.
Revolutions, domestic, influence of railroads on, 229.
Rivers, navigable, absence of, in Mexico, 48.
Roads, absence of, in Mexico, 14, 15.
Routes, interoceanic, 226.
Saddles, Mexican, 138.
Sales, taxes on, 176.
Sanitary condition of Mexico, 203.
Santa Fé, wages and labor at, 149.
Schools, national, 102.
Seaports of Mexico, poor, 195.
Senate of Mexico, 107.
Sewage of the city of Mexico, 200.
Shoes and sandals, 26.
Silver coinage, inconveniences of, 197.
depreciation, effect of, in Mexico, 192.
Silver monometallism in Mexico, 196.
Silver product of Mexico, 159.
Slavery, practical existence of, in Mexico, 28, 29.
Smuggling in Mexico, 156, 157.
present losses by, 157.
Social forces in Mexico, 105.
Society, best, of Mexico, what constitutes, 215.
Spain, laws of old, 174.
Spanish colonial policy, 63.
Spanish rule in Mexico, 62.
Stamp-taxes of Mexico, 176.
Statesmen of Mexico, high character of. 111.
Stone age in Mexico, 52.
Stove, cost of importing a, into Mexico, 166.
Stoves, absence of, in Mexico, 35.
Strangers, climatic influences on, 199.
Sugar, prices of, in Mexico, 130, 245.
product of Mexico, 129.
prospective increase of, 130.
Tariff, United States, restriction on imports of ores, 162.
Taxation, curious experiences of, 163, 165, 185.
Taxation in Mexico, 163.
in Mexico, difficulty of reforming, 181.
Taxation, illustration of effects on trade, 172.
Taxation, infinitesimal system of Mexico, 177.
Taxes, stamp, 176.
Taylor, Bayard, experiences of, 16.
Teotihuacan, Pyramids of, 60.
Tezcoco, Lake, 200
Tierras Calientes, climate of, 123.
Tobacco, Mexican, quality of, 245.
Toltecs, civilization, 48.
Tortillas, preparation of, 96.
Tourists, in Mexico, health experiences of, 203.
Trade, conditions of, 250.
indirect of Mexico, 193.
Mexican, with the United States, 25.
Transit routes, interoceanic, 226.
Transportation of commodities, 125.
Travel, difficulties of, in Mexico, 17, 20, 21.
Treaty, Mexico-American, 247, 250.
Treaty, Mexico-American, rejection of, 247.
Tula, ruins at, 48.
United States, atonement due from, to Mexico, 73.
United States, consular representation in Mexico, 8.
United States, political relations with Mexico, 207.
United States, trade with Mexico, 194.
Vera Cruz, mortality of, 205.
Vernon, Admiral, expedition to Darien, 226.
Viceroys, Spanish, portraits of, 65.
Wages in Mexico, 28, 29, 140, 141.
lowest in North America, 149.
Wagons, Mexican, 126.
Water, scarcity of, in Mexico, 120, 121.
Wheat product of Mexico, 128.
Wine production of Mexico, 64.
Women, Mexican, restrictions on the labor of, 139.
Yucatan, agriculture in, 124.
laborers of, 144.