A Treatise on Medical Astrology

A Treatise on Medical Astrology (1899)
Frederick Russell White and Ralph Hollingsworth
3031045A Treatise on Medical Astrology1899Frederick Russell White and Ralph Hollingsworth





Pocket Edition.

Price 35 cents.

Minneapolis, Minn.






Minneapolis, Minn.

Copyright 1899.
Fredrick White
Ralph Hollingsworth


  1. Introduction.6
  2. Ruler of health.9
  3. Cause of disease.12
  4. Diseases of the planets and signs.15
  5. Judgment on disease.21
  6. Drugs ruled by planets and signs.27
  7. When to give medicine.32
  8. Diseases and their treatment.36
  9. Emotions.37
  10. Grief.37
  11. Anger.38
  12. Vertigo.38
  13. Headache.39
  14. Sunstroke.41
  15. Toothache.42
  16. Styes.43
  17. Earache.43
  18. Colds.44
  19. Cough.45
  20. Croup.47
  21. Asthma.47
  22. Sore throat.48
  23. Palpitation.50
  24. MorbidLoss of appetite.50
  25. Morbid appetite.51
  26. Dyspepsia.51
  27. Heartburn.52
  28. Colic.53
  29. Jaundice.53
  30. Diarrhoea.53
  31. Constipation.54
  32. Rheumatism.55
  33. Sciatica.56
  34. Gout.56
  35. Lumbago.56
  36. Action of drugs.57


Astrology has been practiced in all ages of the world, but like every other belief, it has its cycles; these cycles varies with the intellectual freedom of man,—flourish as the human race becomes more enlightened, and as the human race rolls back into oblivion, Astrology and its devotees cease to exist, and the foundation of all science thus dies, temporarily, to await another tidal wave of advancement; again to rise and again to fall.

Astrology has always been studied with a view of penetrating into the futurity of the human race, and the length of life, the diseases which one will be subject to, and the time of sickness has undoubtedly been studied more and is better understood at the present time that any other branch of the science, but so little has been written and handed down to the present generation that we are greatly in need of a more modern work of reference upon the subject. The rules laid down by Lilly and Ptolemy have been copied by all later writers and we may say with a good degree of accuracy that about all that is generally known of Astrology can be found in the works of these two men.

In the present treatise the authors do not claim every paragraph to be original with themselves, but they do claim that such as has been gleaned from ancient authors and all original ideas has been placed in such language that the merest tyro may read and understand.

It has been our intention in the present treatise to give all that is generally known and confirmed by facts, both old and new ideas concerning Medical Astrology, in order to form a ready reference work for the professional astrologer, and at the same time, to be interesting and instructing for the beginner.

Many drugs have been omitted for the lack of space and proof as to their proper place in the list, which we hope will be added to and the list largely increased in the future.

The chapter on the "action of drugs" has been compiled from all sources, and the reader will find under this chapter the organs of the body acted upon principally, the time of action, and the principal characteristics of the different drugs most extensively used.

All drugs mentioned must be used in their homeopathic form, for he who believes in Astrology believes in the law of dynamic influence, therefore must believe in the dynamic force of chemicals.

Should the present work prove of benefit to those who peruse its pages and assist them in gaining a broader knowledge of Astrology, and at the same time, broaden the field of astrological knowledge the authors desires will be accomplished.

W. & H.


The ruler of health, commonly termed "Hyleg" is either the Sun, Moon or the Ascendant, and is found by the following method: after erecting the figure for the desired time, first, see if the Sun is located in the 1st, 7th, 10th or 11th houses of the figure, if so it must be taken for the ruler of health, but if the Sun is not located in these houses then look to the Moon, should it be in any of the above houses it will rule the health; but should neither Sun or Moon be found in any of the above houses, then the ascendant will rule the health. Again, should both the Sun and Moon be placed in the above houses we must judge by them both, but the most powerful one will have greater influence than the weaker. Should the Sun and Moon be of equal power, we then judge of the Sun in a male nativity and the Moon in a female nativity; but in the latter instance the afflictions of either the Sun or Moon will have a powerful influence in causing sickness, while the evil directions between the two are decidedly dangerous.

From an Astrological standpoint we look to the Sun, Moon and ascendant for indications of good or bad health, or as astrologers term it, the Hyleg—the giver of life. From the rules laid down by the ancient astrologer, and which are generally accepted by modern artists, we find that the 4th house rules the grave, or the end of life; the 6th house is termed the house of sickness; while the 8th house is the house of death. From the above we readily see that the 6th house and its ruler will assist in pointing out the kind of sickness which one will be affected by; therefore the 6th house and ruler are important factors and must not be overlooked in ascertaining the kind of disease one may be affected by. Should the ruler of the 6th house be posited in the 1st house, or rising at birth, and afflicting the ruler of health usually denotes a frail constitution and a great deal of tedious sickness during life, but does not necessarily indicate an early death unless other evil testimonies are found; should the ruler of health be located in the 6th house and afflicted we judge much the same.

The 8th house and ruler points out to us, according to their aspect with the ruler of health, what kind of a death a person will die; whether violent,—by accident, drowning, by fire, water, hanging, etc., or a natural death,—from old age, painless, etc., should we find the ruler of health afflicted by the 8th or its ruler; ruler of health in the 8th and afflicted, ruler of 8th in the 1st and afflicted, are testimonies of a violent death.

The 4th house and its ruler represent the end of life, and point out the condition of man in his latter years of life, and not particularly refering to the grave. Should we find the cusp of the 4th house and its ruler well aspected and strong, we judge that the latter part of life will be fortunate and prosperous, but unfortunate and afflicted the reverse.

Thus we see that the 4th house and its ruler are of much smaller importance than the 6th and 8th in our treatise, but the afflictions of the 4th strongly assist in causing sickness to end fatally.

We look to the 6th house and its ruler for the nature of sickness, and to the ruler of health and the 8th house and ruler at the time of such sickness, whether or not such disease will prove fatal.


As before mentioned, either the Sun, Moon or the ascendant rule the health, and the aspects to the ruler of health by other planets indicate the time in life when one will suffer from ill health, and the 6th house and its ruler assists in pointing out the nature of such sickness. Therefore, when we find the ruler of health afflicted by evil directions at any time during life we conclude that when such direction culminates, the native will be troubled by ill health at that period, the nature of which we judge from rules given under "diseases of the planets, and signs".

However bad the aspects may be between the rulers of the 2nd, 9th, 10th, 11th and other house, will not cause sickness but refer to the financial and other affairs of life. Hence, we often find a person coming into possession of a fortune, while perhaps they die at the same time with consumption: showing plainly that health and finances do not always travel hand in hand, and the Astrologer must not judge them so.

In the horoscope we find several causes of sickness, the first and principal causes are the primary, secondary, periodical and progressive directions of the planets.

Of the directions, we find those of Saturn and Mars are the most powerful in causing ill health, they cause mostly diseases of the body, (although Mars often affects the mind;) they cause measles, ague eruptive fevers, consumption, contagious epidemics, asthma, gangrenous ulcers, etc., while Uranus, Mercury, Moon (and to some extent the Sun) affect the mind, causing idiocy, insanity, inflammation of the brain, headache, etc., while Uranus afflicting the Moon by direction causes a desire to commit suicide, but the native usually lacks the courage.

The afflictions of the Sun or Moon usually causes measles, eruptive fevers, croup hurts and injuries, bleeding, broken bones and weakness in the eyes. Jupiter causes jaundice, billiousness, liver complaints, gangrene, and other ailments as given in "diseases of planets and signs". Venus causes gravel, female trouble and general disorders of the sexual system, and if in ill aspect to Saturn, Mars or Uranus, she causes venereal diseases.

Of the transits, we find those of Saturn and Uranus (and Mars if afflicting the ruler of health at birth) will cause ill health according to the sign such transits occur in; but the transits of Jupiter, Sun, Venus, Mercury and the Moon do not affect the health unless evil directions are operating at the time, in this case transits of the Sun and Mercury over the ruler of health tend to aggravate sickness. The transits of Saturn over the ruler of health usually causes rheumatism, gout, lumbago and kindred ailments brought about by getting wet, over-lifting. Uranus transits over the ruler of health, much the same as Saturn, causes falls, sprains, hurts from machinery, etc., according to the sign the transit occurs, and the good or evil aspect of Saturn and Uranus at birth.


Each planet has a certain number of degrees in the zodiac of its particular nature; the planets nearest the Sun rule the greater number, thus; Mercury rules two, Venus two and Mars two; the remaining planets only one. We give below the signs and their ruling planets.

Aries is ruled by Mars.
Taurus is ruled by Venus.
Gemini is ruled by Mercury.
Cancer is ruled by Moon.
Leo is ruled by Sun
Virgo is ruled by Mercury.
Libra is ruled by Venus.
Scorpio is ruled by Mars.
Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter.
Capricorn is ruled by Saturn.
Aquarius is ruled by Uranus.
Pisces is ruled by Neptune.

Each sign of the zodiac also rules a part of the body, beginning at Aries, thus;

Aries rules the head and face. Taurus the Ears, neck and throat. Gemini the arms chest and shoulders. Cancer, the Lungs and breast. Leo the heart and back. Virgo the bowels and stomach. Libra the Reins and abdomen. Scorpio the sexual system. Sagittarius the hips and thighs. Capricorn the knees. Aquarius the legs and ankles. Pisces the feet.

The signs all have diseases of their own nature and according to the part of the body they rule; although a planet weak and afflicting the ruler of health from Aries often produces weakness in Libra or in other words, the sign opposite the afflicting position is often affected, and sometimes the sign in square aspect is affected. For instance, Saturn and the Sun in conjunction in Capricorn causes weakness in the parts ruled by Cancer, and sometimes in Aries and Libra, and so on with the other signs. We give blow the diseases of each sign.



Headache, toothache, fevers, both acute and chronic, Epilepsy, apoplexy, inflammation of the brain, catarrh, etc.


Croup, diphtheria, sore-throat, asthma, bronchitis, and other throat trouble.


Accidents in the arms, billiousness, flatulence, nervous diseases, pleurisy, rheumatism and inflammation in the arms and breast.


Pulmonary Consumption, Dispepsia, dropsy, cancer and false pleurisy.


Convulsions, fainting, palpitation and rheumatic affections of the heart, and eruptive fevers.


Diseases of the stomach, dispepsia, colic, worms, diarrhoea and dysentry.


Affections of the back, liver trouble, lumbago, sciatica, kidney trouble.


Principally affections of the sexual system, venereal diseases, rupture gravel, piles and female diseases.


Injuries and broken limbs, rheumatism, intemperance. (a large majority of Sagittarius people have broken limbs sometime in life.)


Affections of the knees, such as sprains, broken bones, rheumatism, and supposed by some to produce leprosy.


Broken limbs, rheumatism in those parts, varicose veins, nervous twitching of the legs and feet, and blood diseases.


Diseases and injuries of the feet, such as gout, childblains, rheumatic pains and cramps in the feet and toes, corns, bunions and diseases caused by wet feet.

The fiery signs rule principally diseases accompanied by fever. Earthy signs produce croup, colic, diarrhoea, etc. Airy signs, pleurisy, nervous and blood diseases. Watery signs, cancer, dropsy, gangrene, gout, cramps, rheumatism, scurvy, colds, etc.


Each planet produce diseases peculiar to their own nature, but a great deal depends upon the sign which a planet may be located in, but by refering to the diseases produced by each planet and then refering to the diseases of the sign which the afflicted planet is located in we can then form a pretty good opinion as to the nature of sickness.


Eruptive diseases, measles, smallpox, scarlet fever, diseases of the brain and heart, inflammation of the eyes, cramps, putrid fevers, gangrene, fainting.


Apoplexy, insanity, diseases of the brain, bladder and urinary troubles, gout, rheumatism, scrofula, dispepsia, colic, billiousness, diarrhoera, gangrene.


Diseases principally of the brain, vertigo, inflammation and dropsy of the brain and defects in the memory, hallucinations, insanity, and also causes colds and catarrh.


Diseases of the sexual system, venereal diseases, female diseases, diabetes, gravel, and kidney trouble.


Measles, scarlatina, shingles, erysipelas, itch, smallpox, chickenpox and other eruptive diseases, fevers, headaches, and hemorrhage of the lungs and sexual system, venereal diseases, abortions, etc.


Scurvy, cramps, pleurisy, diseases of liver, weakness in the back, colds and diseases caused by poor blood, and often causes constipation, piles, etc.


Ague, malaria, tooth ache, neuralgia, earache, rheumatism, gout, lumbago, dropsy, constipation, consumption, etc.


Complaints caused by bathing, sudden changes of weather, getting wet, such as croup, colds, asthma, rheumatism, gout, lumbago, cramps, diseases of the brain, insanity, and desire to commit suicide.


Similar to Uranus, rheumatism, gout, cramps in the feet, childblains, and scurvy.

We notice from the above that some of the planets produce diseases similar to other planets. Thus: Mars causes eruptive diseases, while we find the same produced by the Sun and Moon. Venus causes ailments of the sexual system, we find the same under Moon diseases. Saturn causes gangrene and dropsy, while Jupiter and the Sun produce the same. Neptune, Moon and Saturn rheumatism.


We now come to the reading of the horoscope or horary figure in order to form an opinion as to the nature of sickness, how long it will last, and whether or not it will result fatally, or leave the patient weak and debilitated.

In judging of sickness from the horoscope we have only to erect a figure of the time of birth, and find the "ruler of health" and calculate the directions operating at the time, and give judment by the rules given under "diseases of the planets and signs". If we find the ruler of health afflicted by the ruled of the 6th or 8th or other imical testimonies, and this affliction passing from the ruler of the 6th to the 8th, and no good testimonies occuring, we judge that such disease will terminate fatally, but should the rulers of the 6th and 8th be fortunate planets, it will not end fatally unless the patient be very old and feeble; again, should Jupiter cast an aspect to the evil configuration, even a square or opposition to Saturn, or Venus cast any aspect when Mars is afflicting, such ailment seldom ends fatally unless the patient be old.

The most evil directions are those of Saturn to the Sun and ascendant, and those of Mars and Mercury to the Moon, such directions often end fatally; the afflictions of the Sun, Moon, Jupiter, and Uranus to the ascendant (if the ascendant rules the health) are not so powerful in producing death.

Regarding the age, the Moon and Mercury act most powerful under the age of 15, Venus and Mars from 15 to 25, Sun and Jupiter from 25 to 50, and Saturn and Uranus in old age. Although Saturn has a powerful influence at the age of 30, 45, and 60, while Mars and the Sun act very powerful at the age of 19, 27, and 38.

In judging from a Horary figure, we have a very stubborn matter to deal with. Judging of sickness, is quite different from giving judgment on finances, lawsuits, journeys, and other affairs, and I would advise all astrologers to use a little care in giving their opinion from a horary figure. I have found the following rules almost indispensable in this respect.

1. It is best to only answer the question for the patient; should the patient be a child then we may judge from the parents questions.

2. If the question concerns accidents or poisoning take the time of their occurence in preference to the time of asking the question.

3. If it be an attact of apoplexy, fits, cramps, delirium, etc., use the time of the first attact.

4. Don't give a hasty judgment, if you find Jupiter causing the ailment don't promise the patient relief as soon as the aspect is passed, but give the direction its full time; and if Jupiter be located in fixed signs the ailment will not be dangerous but tedious.

Sun, Mars, and Mercury diseases are violent and governed by the motion of the Moon; at times the patient is given up and in 24 hours they may be greatly improved, and again to relapse. Diseases caused by Saturn, Venus, and Neptune gradually get worse and get better gradually.

In judging from a horary figure we find that Jupiter, Saturn or Neptune afflicting the ruler of the 1st or the Moon causes colds, rheumatism, grippe, and aggravates asthma, consumption, etc., while the Sun, Mercury, or Mars afflict the ruler of the 1st or the Moon we find apoplexy, headaches, cramps, colic, etc., which are violent leaving the patient unconscious. Uranus afflicting the ruler of the 1st or Moon the mind is generally affected and the patient desires to commit suicide, imagines some one trying to poison them, symptoms rapidly flying from one part of the body to onother, spasmodic.

Should we find the Sun ruling the ascendant and afflicted by Mars we often find apoplexy, and other symptoms accompanied with high fever and violent pain abortions, bleeding to death, and loss of consciousness from pain, symptoms come on rather suddenly. The Moon rising and in opposition to Mercury we have noticed picking at the bed clothes, jumping spells, hallucinations, thinks some one trying to capture them, strikes, bites, and howls when any one comes near them; refuses to talk, at other times they talk continuously; spasmodic pains so violent as to drive the patient insane, and often causing them to make silly and out of the way remarks. Saturn and Mars afflicting each other often cause broken bones, sprains, and falls from animals, but sometimes cause disease according to the signs they are located in (people born with Saturn and Mars in conjunction seldom ever escapes broken limbs some time in life, especially if located in Gemini, Sagittarius, Capricorn, or Aquarius).

Having shortly summed up the manner of giving judgment on the nature and length of disease, we would again warn every one against giving judgment from transits alone, consider well the position and strength of all the planets concerned in the sickness, and then calculate the directions and promise recovery or otherwise at time of their culmination.

The following rule for judging of time in horary figures is given in "Simmonite's Horary Astrology," which we find to be the most accurate. "Should the aspects be cast from mavable signs and angles of the figure we judge days for degrees; If from succeedent houses and angles, weeks; Cadent houses to angles, months; from common signs to angles, weeks; common signs to succeedent houses, months; fixed signs to angles, months; fixed signs to succeedent houses, and from common signs to cadent houses, years. Mixed aspects, say months for years: for months, say weeks; for weeks say days."

Note.—Planets in north declination and and latitude act more powerful than when in south; and all are most powerful when rising.


The rule usually followed by the great army of ancient and modern Astrologers in judging what each particle of matter, such as plant and animal life, is ruled by, is simply taken from the nature of such objects. For instance, nearly all birds and beasts of prey are placed under the dominion of Mars. But their rule does not hold good when they place the lion under the rule of the Sun, where some of them also place the horse. They have taught that all quiet and non-carnivorous birds and animals are under the rule of such planets as Venus and the Moon, etc.

Judging of plant life, they assumed that Mars ruled everything hot in taste, such as mustard, pepper, radish, etc., and Venus ruling those sweet by nature and producing beautiful flowers, and so on through the list. In this manner they placed poppy under Saturn, and aconite under Mars.

Common sense contradicts the greater part of this theory. Should we follow this rule we must place man under the rule of the Sun. Why? Because he assumes dominion over objects which he comes into contact with. But broach such a theory to some of our Astrologers and they will make sport of you, and explain that man is ruled by different planets, according to the hour of birth, and should he have his choice of the hour in which to be born, he would be born under either of the nine planets. Now let us apply the same rule to the horse, lion, and other animals; man is no more than the most intelligent of beasts, therefore has no more right to claim he may be ruled by any and all of the planets than the animal has; the same rule applies to plant life.

Does not Astrology teach us that seed sown when the Moon is in certain signs, and when some signs are rising are more fruitful and do better than those planted at other times? If such is the case, poppy would not grow if not planted under Saturn; pepper would die or be worthless if planted under the Moon or Venus.

Such a doctrine is mere supposition and misleading, and should be forgotten as soon as learned. Let us investigate the influence of plants when their essence or tincture is taken into the human body, and pay no attention to their looks and taste in a state of nature, and we will find that many, if not the greater number, of drugs are ruled by the signs.

It is true that each planet affects the body in a manner peculiar to itself, but even this is variable and uncertain, and much depends on where the planets are located. For instance, such planets as Mars and the Sun in Aries will produce different ailments than the same planets would if located in Virgo or Scorpio, and such ailments would require different chemicals to correct them. Should we accept this theory, we must look more to the signs than to the planets in choosing the remedy. Further investigation along this line may confirm the theory that the planets are most prominent in pointing out the cause of disease, while the nature and length lies more in the signs.

In giving the drugs ruled by the signs and planets many must necessarily be omitted for the lack of proof as to their respective places in the list. We must remember that two drugs made from almost the same substance do not act the same; viz., Nux Vomica and Ignatia are both forms of Strychnine, but their action is not alike by any means.

Drugs which act best under


Aconite, Arsenic., Arnica, and Chamomilla.


Kali Bichromate, Mercury, Lachesis, and Capsicum.


Stramonium, Colocynthis, Sulphur, and Ignatia.


Calcera Carbonica, Silicea, Alumina, and Graphites.


Spigelia, Ferrum, Phosphorous, Coca, and Digitalis.


Nux Vomica, Charcoal, Pepsin Aloes, Ipecac., and Podophyllum.


Pulsatilla, Conium, Lycopodium, and Cocculus.


Cantharis, Phosphoric Acid, China, and Sepia.


Camphor, Ammonia, Coffee, Antimony, and Hepar Sulphur.


Rhus Tox., Colchicum, Creosote, and Helleborus.


Staphysagria, Opium, Natrum mur, and Iodine.


Dulcamara, Drosera, and Tartar Emetic.

Note.—In the "diseases of planets and signs" we mentioned that afflictions occuring in one sign would affect the signs in square and opposition to it, and in many diseases the remedies mentioned in these signs is also useful. For instance, in diseases of Scorpio, the remedies mentioned under Taurus, Leo, and Aquarius may prove useful, and so on with the other signs.

We find that the planets have a few remedies which invariably remain with the planet; such as Pulsatilla with the Moon; Sepia with Venus; Belladonna with Mercury; Aconite with Mars; Veratrum album with the Sun; Bryona with Jupiter; Rhus Tox. with Saturn; Opium with Uranus; and Dulcamara with Neptune. These drugs should be looked to in all afflictions.


Very little has been written upon this subject from an Astrological standpoint, and the ordinary physician usually administers his chosen drug as soon as he can prepare it; in some instances the drug has the desired effect, while at other times the drug has no effect or is immediately vomited up by the patient. Many physicians have no doubt witnessed this phenomena, but wasted no time in learning of the cause of it.

The Homeopath usually believes in administering his drug between the proxysms and not during the dangerous periods, in spasmodic affections; they have also, a favorite time of the day when to give medicine, at time of retiring, on rising, or between meals, but not to be given within an hour before or after meals.

We have learned that many of the drugs administered when certain planets and signs rise have little or no effect, and are often vomited up immediately after taken. Should you doubt this, give a patient Chamomilla when Jupiter is exactly on the ascendant, and also try it when Sagittarius ascends, or Jupiter in aspect to the ascendant. Simmonite says, medicine given when the ruler of the ascendant is retrograding will be vomited up again by the patient, we have not yet proved or or disproved this theory; but would prefer to administer all drugs when the signs ruling them, or the ruler of such sign is rising or in good aspect to the ascendant, or in other words, give drugs ruled by positive signs and planets when such planets and signs are rising, and negative drugs under negative planets and signs: as homeopathic drugs work through sympathy and not by antipathy.

Many astrologers believe in the ancient theory that each hour of the day is ruled by one of the planets, independent of the rising sign, the hour beginning with sunrise. In this manner the Sun is supposed to rule the first hour of Sunday (from sunrise); Moon that of Monday; Mars, of Tuesday; Mercury of Wednesday; Jupiter on Thursday; Venus on Friday; and Saturn that of Satuaday, each day beginning with sunrise. The order of the planets in this scheme is supposed to run thus; Sun, Venus, Mercury, Moon, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, and beginning again at the Sun. We cannot imagine why this order is used, nor why Uranus and Neptune it not entitled to a place, and should advise all to test it before accepting it.

Dr. Reed, in a late work entitled, "Cyclic Law" advances the theory that the ebb and flow of the tides form the negative and positive parts of each day; the flow producing the positive period, while the ebb produces the negative. He claims to have verified this from considerable experience and observation. The tides may be calculated for Chicago as well as for New York (the influence) when it may be expected to act. However true the tidal theory may be, such is not so powerful as the rising sign, but should we get a rising tide, with a sunrise on Sunday morning, with Leo rising, then the three would work in harmony, but the three occurring at different hours, prefer the rising sign; second the tidal wave, and last, the ruling hour.

By following the above rule when to give medicine, we may be may more in a position to administer drugs when they will act quickly and in a beneficial and curative manner.


In the following pages we give the treatment of the most common ailments which every one may meet and experience some time in life. Under each ailment we give the most useful remedies in Capital letters and following it in the same paragraph are the symptoms which point to the use of the remedy. But in choosing a remedy for an ailment sometimes two or more drugs, may seem to be indicated, but by refering to the chapter on "action of drugs" we may then be able to choose the proper remedy. Again, all the drugs mentioned here should be used only in their homeopathic form, and in the 3th or 6th dilution, excepting such drugs as Charcoal, Lycopodium, Sepia, and Dulcamara, which are supposed to be of little power below the 30th. Powders are the best form for family use. All the drugs mentioned herein can be had from any homeopathic pharmacy.


Bad effects from fright.

Aconite.—Patient has palpitation of the heart and imagines they will die; fear remains after fright, anxiety, restless.

Belladonna.—If fright has caused convulsions, especially in children; patient screams; twitching of the limbs, feverish.

Coffee.—Great excitement, trembling, fainting, cannot sleep; fright from sudden pleasant surprises; very nervous.

Opium.—Fright followed by twitching of the limbs; convulsions: unnatural sleep, delirium; involuntary evacuations.

Gelseminum.—Diarrhoea from fright.


Ignatia.—Patient is full of suppressed grief; weak, empty feeling in the stomach; spasmodic fits caused by grief.

Phos. acid.—Great indifference to the affairs of life; dislikes to talk.

Cocculus.—Sadness, tendency to start, especially at night; headache from grief; watching over sick friends.

Lachesis.—Talks much, changing the subject often; tight pressure around the neck is unbearable; worse after sleep.

Pulsatilla.—Melancholy, with weeping sadness: disgusted with everything.


Chamomilla.—Children get into a rage, loose their breath, and go into spasms.

Coloc.—Diarrhoea from anger; refuses to talk or answer questions; indignant.

Nux vomica.—Violent, ill tempered persons who are unwell after anger; irritable and wishes to be left alone.


In this condition everything seems to be turning around, and the patient seems to be turning; the best remedies are

Aconite.—Vertigo when rising from a seat, looking up or stooping; cloudiness of the eyes and loss of consciousness.

Arnica.—If caused from a blow or fall; dizziness; nausea; better when lying down.

Antim. crud.—Vertigo from overloading the stomach; tongue coated milk white.

Belladonna.—Vertigo with vanishing sight; sparkling before the eyes when moving; rush of blood to the head.

Cocculus.—Vertigo when sisting up in bed, or riding in a carriage.

Mercury sol.—Vertigo and dimness of sight only in the eveneng; worse when lying on the back; objects turn black.

Pulsatilla.—Vertigo from disordered stomach; from grease and pastries; worse in the evening, and in rising from a seat.

Nux vom.—If caused from overwork mentally; constipation or the abuse of stimulants or patent nostrums.


Aconite.—Violent headache; fullness and heaviness in the forehead; vertigo when rising from a seat. Sun pains beginning in the morning, increasing till noon, and decreasing as the Sun goes down, ceasing during night; on left side principally.

Alumina.—Throbbing pain; better when lying quiet; headache from constipation.

Camphor.—Pain in the cerebellum; after sunstroke; better when lying down; staggering; dizziness; worse on motion.

Arnica.—Principally over the eyes; if caused from a blow or fall; darting pain; face and head hot, body cool; vomiting.

Arsenicum.—Periodical headache; great weight in the forehead; beating pain; vomiting after eating of drinking; constant thirst; anxiety and fear of death; worse during rest and better by motion.

Bryonia.—Pains begin on waking in the morning; pain as if the head would split; worse from motion; wants to keep perfectly still; lips dry, parched and cracked.

Calc. carb.—Chronic headache: pain in the forehead; throbbing pain in the morning and continuing all day; feeling of coldness in the head: worse by motion.

Chamomilla.—Caused from catarrh or abuse of coffee; drawing pain in one side of the head; shooting or throbbing in the forehead; one cheek red and the other pale; pain almost drives the patient mad.

China.—Ringing in the ears: weak, fainting spells; worse every other day; from loss of blood or animal fluids.

Cocculus.—Headache from riding; throbbing headache, worse in the evening; worse from talking, noise, or bright light.

Coffee.—Nervous headache; sleeplesness; pain as if a nail was driven into the brain;, worse from noise; head feels too small.

Ignatia.—Boring pain in the forehead; pain as if a nail was driven out the side of head: after grief; better when quiet.

Ipecac.—Vomiting most prominent feature; brain feels bruised; sick headache.

Nux vom.—Stupefying headache: worse in the morning; stomach derangement.

Pulsatilla.—From eating pastries; from sexual derangement; worse when lying down and in the evening; chilliness.

Sepia.—Beating pain in the forehead.

Sulphur.—Pain in the forehead and temples; heat on top of head.

Verat. alb.—Nervous headache; pain almost drives the patient mad; vomiting; cold sweat on head; top of head cold.

Headache from smoking requires,—acon.ign.nux vom. From bathing,—calc. c.pulsatilla. From study,—nux v.sulphur. From grief,—ign.phos. acid. From over-heating,—acon.bell.bry.


Aconite.—See headache.

Antim. crud.—Fainting from overhead; ailment worse from exposure to the Sun.

Belladonna.—Congestion of blood to the head; worse on stooping; great anguish; flushed face; violent fever.

Carbo veg.—Debility: vertigo; heaviness of the head; pulsative pains and pressure above the eyes.

Camphor.—Severe headache; fainting; delirium; convulsions; skin icy cold and covered with cold sweat, especially on the head; cramps in the muscles; debility.


Aconite.—Pains drive one almost frantic; stitching and throbbing pain; congestion of blood to the head; fear of death.

Arnica.—Toothache after operation; the cheek swolen, red, and hard; bruised pain.

Bell.—Drawing, tearing pain, which comes on suddenly and leaves suddenly; worse when lying down and in the evening.

Bryonia.—Teeth feels to long; jerking-drawing pain; worse at night; jerking pain when smoking; cold water relieves.

Camphor.—Cutting pain; slimy tenacious saliva in the mouth; relieved by drinking cold water; worse from warm food.

Carb. veg.—Teeth decay rapidly; gums recede from the teeth and bleed easily; tearing pain from hot, cold or salty food.

Chamomilla.—Digging and gnawing pain after eating, and getting warm in bed; patient unable to point out the affected tooth; pain very violent.

Coffee.—Violent pain; relieved by ice cold water: loss of taste; cannot sleep.

Ignatia.—Jaws and teeth feel crushed; worse after coffee, smoking, and in the evening after lying down, and morning.

Nux vom.—Sore pain with stitching in the teeth and jaws; worse at night and morning; better in open air; irritable.

Phos.—Toothache from having hands in cold water; gums bleed easily.

Pulsatilla.—Drawing, stitching, jerking pain; worse from warmth; chilliness.

Dulc.—Toothache from taking cold.

Mercury sol.—Pain affecting a whole row of teeth; jumping pains, especially at night; teeth feels bruised and too long.


Pulsatilla.—If given in the beginning is generally sufficient.

Staph.—If they appear often, and leave hard spots; especially on the upper lid.

Hepar sulphur.—Will usually correct the disposition to styes.

Other remedies are

For styes on the upper lid,—caus.ferrum.merc.sulphur. On lower lid,—rhus tox.phos. Corners of eyes,—natr. mursulph.


Aconite.—Earache caused by exposure to cold wind; violent, jumping pain.

Bell.—Digging, shooting pain; roaring and humming in the ears; great sensitivity to noise; pain in the head and eyes.

Chamomilla.—Shooting pain as if a knife was thrust into the ear: from taking cold; pain drives the patient almost frantic; children want to be carried.

Dulc.—Worse at night and from taking cold; worse while at rest.

Mercury sol.—Tearing pain; suppuration seems eminent; worse at night and during damp, rainy weather.

Pulsatilla.—Darting, tearing pain; ear feels stopped up; ear red and swolen.


Aconite.—In the beginning, with short, dry cough, and heat in the head and face.

Arsenic.—Frequent sneezing; burning and soreness of the nostrils; chilliness after drinking; exterme thirst.

Bell.—Sore throat with hoarseness; red, flushed face; dry hoarse cough; children cry when coughing; worse from motion.

Bryonia.—Dry coryza; lips dry and cracked; dry cough, worse from drinking; stoppage of the nose in the evening.

Chamomilla.—Fluent discharge from the nose; one cheek red and the other pale; dry cough; worse at night; when asleep.

Dulc.—Dry colds; worse during cold, wet weather; better when moving about.

Hepar sulph.—Takes cold easily; stitches in the throat; hoarse, croupy cough; phlegm loose and choking.

Ipecacuanha.—Fluent coryza; rattling of phlegm in chest which does not yield to coughing; vomiting of mucus.

Lachesis.—Fluent discharge from the nose and running from the eyes; dryness of the mouth; tight clothing excites coughing and suffocation; worse after sleep.

Mercury sol.—Frequent sneezing and watery discharge from the nose; short, dry cough, worse at night.

Nux vom.—Fluent discharge from the nose during the day, dry at night: the side of the nose which he lies on becomes stopped up; irritable and cranky.

Pulsatilla.—Discharge of a yellowish, fetid mucus from the nose; takes cold easily: worse in evening and from warmth.

Sulphur.—Discharge of clear water from the nose; loss of voice, taste, and smell.

Loss of voice in the morning with paralysis of the tongue, requires, caus. Complete loss of voice, with roughness of the larnyx and windpipe, requires phos.


Aconite.—Short, dry cough; worse from smoking, drinking, and at night.

Arsenicum.—Dry cough, with a sense of suffocation; shortness of breath.

Bell.—Dry, spasmodic cough; sensation of dust in the throat; redness and heat of the face; worse at night.

Bryonia.—Dry cough, compelling one to sit up in bed at night; feels as though head and chest would fly to pieces in coughing.

Causticum.—Short, dry cough; worse in the evening until midnight; relieved by drinking cold water; soreness of throat.

Hepar s.—Croupy cough; rattling, choking cough; worse after midnight.

Hyos.—Dry, spasmodic cough; worse at night, and when lying down; relieved by sitting up; bluish color of the face.

Ipecac.—Dry cough; children almost suffocate when coughing; vomiting.

Mercury sol.—Dry cough; spitting of blood; worse at night and in wet weather.

Phos.—Dry cough; worse from talking and drinking; tightness in the chest.

Pulsat.—Dry cough; worse at night, and when lying down; going off by sitting up.

Sulphur.—Loose cough; expectoration of greenish lumps having a sweet taste; worse in the morning.

See Colds, and Croup also.


Aconite.—In the first stage; high fever and restlesness; after exposure to cold west wind; great pain on swallowing.

Bell.—Flushed face: dry, barking, spasmodic cough: jumping during sleep.

Cham.—Croup with hoarseness; wheezing and rattling of mucus in the throat; short, dry cough, worse at night and during sleep.

Cuprum.—Violent, spasmodic coughing spells; short, dry cough, arresting the breathing; suffocating spells.

Dros.—Short, hacking cough; sensation of a feather in the throat: patient places hand on stomach when coughing; voice has a deep base sound; spasmodic spells.

Hepar s.—Loose, rattling, choking cough; violent fits of coughing, as if the patient would suffocate; drowsiness.

Lachesis.—In advanced cases; the slightest pressure on the throat and larnyx causes spasmodic cough; worse after sleep.

Spongia.—Crowing, barking cough; slow, wheezing respiration; suffocating fits; better with head bent back.


Aconite.—Shortness of breath; inability to breath deeply; worse when asleep.

Arsenic.—Shortness of breath; suffocating attacks; worse at night, and when lying down; fear of suffocation.

Bryonia.—Frequent, dry cough; stitches in the chest; worse on motion.

Hepar s.Attacts come on during the night, and with rattling, choking cough; worse during cold north-west winds.

Ipecac.—Spasmodic asthma; short, panting breathing; worse on motion.

Phos.—Loud and panting breathing; fatiguing cough; loss of voice.

Verat. alb.—Violent attacts in cold weather, and in the morning; cold sweat on the head and forehead.

Sulphur.—Worse during sleep, and in the evening; tightness across the chest; constant heat on the top of head.


Bell.—Inflammation, burning, and dryness in the throat; sensation of a lump in the throat; principally on right side.

Lachesis.—Sore throat; sensation of a lump in the throat, with a burning sensation; worse after sleep.

Mercury sol.—Stitching pain on swallowing; worse at night and in wet weather.

Phos.—Sore throat from smoking.


Sharp, cutting pains in the chest and side, usually continues from 3½ to 7 days, and accompanied with fever.

Aconite.—Piercing, sticking pains in the chest; inability to lie on the right side; high fever and great thirst; restless.

Arnica.—After injuares; stitching pain in the left side; patient complains of bed being to hard.

Bryonia.—Stitching pain; great thirst; pains aggravated by breathing and from motion; splitting headache.

Mercury sol.—Soreness, burning and stitching pain in the right side of chest; worse at night; when lying on right side.

Phos.—Piercing pain, mostly on left side; tightness in the chest, with dry cough.

Rhus tox.—If caused by getting wet, or over-lifting; shortness of breath, and worse during rest; better by motion.

Sulphur.—When complicated with pneumonia; short, dry cough; stitches in the chest; worse on motion.

Verat. alb.—Painful constriction of the chest; cutting pain in the chest and side; bluish color of the face, with cold sweat.


Similar to pleurisy, but more of a rheumatic affection, and often mistaken for pleurisy. Not generally accompanied by fever, while pleurisy is.

Arnica.—Stitching pain, mostly in left breast; breathing is painful.

Nux vom.—Sticking pain in the ribs; worse from breathing, and from motion.

Pulsatilla.—Sticking pain in side, only when lying down; pains rapidly shifting from one part to another.


Aconite.—Violent beating and palpitation of the heart, especially after fright.

Digitalis.—Palpitation worse from motion, or on lying clown; sensation as if heart would stop beating if one moved.

Phos.—Tightness across the chest; palpitation worse after eating and drinking.

Spigelia.—Unusually strong beating of the heart; the beating can be heard; increased by sitting down; by bending forward, and in the evening.


China.—Loss of appetite; aversion to food; everything tastes bitter; after sickness.

Hepar s.—Stomach easily disordered; useful after abuse of mercury and quinine.

Nux vom.—Bitter taste; aversion to food, coffee, and tabacco; craves brandy.

Pulsatilla.—Putrid, bitter taste; aversion to fat food, meat, bread, or milk; loss of appetite from abuse of tobacco.


China.—When troubled with worms; ravenous appetite; hungry soon after meals.

Silicea.—Patient feels hungry but cannot eat when they try; constipation.

Staph.—Ravenous hunger after eating, and when the stomach is full; desire for tobacco, wine, etc.

See under dispepsia also.


Antim. crud.—If caused from overloading the stomach; tongue coated white.

Arnica.—After injuries; eructations tasting like rotten eggs: vomiting after eating.

Bryonia.—In hot weather; from drinking cold water when overheated; smell of food is intolerable.

Calc. carb.—Weight in the stomach; cannot bear anything tight around the waist; everything tastes sour.

Carbo veg.—All food disagrees; sour belching, and burning in the stomach.

Cham.—Bloatedness in the morning; aching pain in the stomach.

China.—Stomach feels full and tight; aversion to food; weak and debilitated.

Lycopodium.—Canine hunger; disgust of warm food; bloated after eating; heartburn; desire for oysters.

Nux vom.—Bitter taste in the morning; cramp-like pain in the stomach, worse after meats; suitable after stimulants.

Puls.—Tongue coated white or yellow; fatty food, pork, sweets, and ice cream disagrees; nightly diarrhoea.

Sulphur.—Acidity of the stomach; feels weak and faint about 11 A.M.

For acidity of the stomach, give Sepia or Sulphur. For heartburn, Carbo veg.China and nux vom. For aching and burning in the stomach, arn.ars.bell.


Carbo veg.—Water brash, especially at night; burning in the stomach.

China.—Heartburn after every meal; great fullness after eating.

Nux vom.—Belching of bitter fluids at night; vomiting after meals.

Sepia.—Burning in the stomach.

Phos.—Belching of bitter water; very sleepy after dinner.


Bryonia.—Pinching pain in the stomach; bilious vomiting after eating or drinking.

Cham.—Spasmodic pains in the stomach; caused principally from strong coffee.

Coloc.—The principal remedy for cramp colic, particularly if patient bends themselves double, or lies down putting the entire weight on the stomach, which relieves; pain the stomach as though it were squeezed between stones.

Ipecac.—Vomiting the principal symptom, horrible pain in the stomach.

Nux vom.—Cutting, pinching pain; worse from motion; chronic constipation.

Puls.—Gripping pain, with diarrhoea; caused from eating fruits, ice cream, or slightly tainted meat, such as venison.


Cham.—Yellowness of face and white of eyes; green, watery stools.

Mercury.—Skin very yellow; thickly coated tongue; bad smell from the mouth; loathing of food.

Nux vom.—Pain in the region of the liver; sour or putrid taste; constipation.


Aloes.—Yellow stools; pain in the bowels after eating: worse in warm weather, in the evening, after eating, while standing.

Carbo veg.—If caused by cold drinks, fat food, and after sickness.

Cham.—If caused from taking cold; from coffee, or tobacco; suitable for children.

Antim. crud.—After bathing; overheat; cold water, or cold food.

Coloc.—After eating cold, sour things; after anger; gripping paing; relieved by coffee, or smoking.

Dulc.—From taking-cold; during cold changes of the weather; worse at night.

Lycop.—From milk; oysters; worse about 4 P.M., a little food seems to fill the stomach full; bloated; flatulence.

Mercury sol.—In hot weather; sour smelling night-sweats; dysentery.

Podoph.—Greenish, watery stools; worse after eating or drinking; gripping colic.

Pulsat.—If caused from meat, ice cream, fruit, or tobacco; gripping pain in the bowels; chilliness; worse from warmth.


Bryonia.—Constipation in hot weather; stools hard and dry, look as if burnt.

Alumina.—Stools dry and light colored; inactivity of the bowels.

Lycop.—Loud rumbling in the bowels; stools voided with difficulty; abdomen bloated; passes much flatulence.

Nux vom.—Stools large, hard and dry; frequent urging to stool, but nothing is passed; suitable after pills and stimulants.

Opium.—Inactivity of the bowels; stools of small, black balls; after catharics.

Phos.—Stools long, narrow and hard like a dogs; alternate constipation and diarrhoea of old people.

Pulsat.—Constipation from eating rich, greasy food; more suitable for females.

Sulphur.—If complicated with piles.


Aconite.—In the beginning; red, shining-swelling of the affected parts.

Arnica.—Bruised pain; feeling as though lame parts were resting on something hard.

Bell.—Red, shining swelling, with cutting, tearing pain deep in the bones; pain changing from one place to another; pain comes on and leaves suddenly.

Bryonia.—Stiffness, swelling, sticking pain; worse from motion.

Dulcamara.—Caused from cold or getting wet; bruised pain; mostly in the back, joints of the arms and legs.

Sulphur.—Chronic rheumatism; other remedies do not seem to have any effect; dull, aching pains.


Aconite.—Pain drives one almost desperate; anxiety and fear of death.

Coloc.—Violent, rending, and darting-pains; worse from touch or motion; principally on the left side.

See lumbago and rheumatism.


Arsenic.—Swelling of the feet; burning pain; parts burn like fire; better from warmth and by motion.

Colch.—Little or no swelling; skin rose colored and leaves white spots from pressure of the finger; spasmodic pains.


Bell.—Cramping pain in the back; sensation as if back would break.

Mercury sol.—Symptoms all worse at night and during cold, wet weather.

Nux vom.—Bruised pain in the small of the back; worse when turning in bed.

See rheumatism and sciatica.



Duration of action, from 1 to 48 hours.

Antidotes,—Nux vomica, Camphor.

Ailments are always accompanied by thirst, drinking little and often; fever with flushed face and rosy cheeks; great restlesness; imagines that they will die; predicts the time of death: hard, full pulse, useful only in the beginning of disease; suitable for acute inflammation; hemorhages of bright-red blood; croup from suppressed sweat or getting wet; worse at night; lying on the left side; during west winds.


Duration of action about 40 days.

Antidotes,—Bryonia, Cham., Ipecac.

Scrofulous affections; complaints from the abuse of Mercury; bad effects from lead poisoning; painters colic; chronic constipation; all ailments worse on alternate days; from an empty stomach; in the evening, and at the Moon's changes.


Duration of action, about 6 days.

Antidotes,—Comphor, Ignatia.

Will in most cases be found useful in ailments brought about from injuries, falls etc., worse in the morning, and better in the evening and at night; patient restless and conplains of bed being too hard, and constantly shifting their position.


Duration of action, from 30 to 40 days in chronic affections.

Antidotes,—Camphor, China, Ferrum.

Arsenic ailments are always accompanied by great anxiety, restlessness and fear of death; violent thirst, but drinking causes vomiting; sudden sinking of strength; pains are characterized by a burning sensation; worse after mid-night; after sleep; better from warmth.


Duration of action, from one day upward, and in some cases months.

Antidotes,—Strong black Coffee, Opium.

Acts on the brain and nervous system.

Congestion to the bead with flushed face and throbbing headache; violent thirst, drinking little and often; pains shifting from one part to another; affected parts have a red shiny appearance; sleepiness but cannot sleep; jumping while asleep; pains come on suddenly and disappear as suddenly; right side mostly affected; worse after midnight; in the sun; after drinking, from motion.


Duration of action, from four or five days to three or four weeks.

Antidotes,—Chamomilla, Nux vomica.

Ailments usually accompanied by a splitting headache; great thirst, drinking large quantities but at long intervals; bitter taste; abnormal appetite; rheumatic gouty pains of a stitching nature; worse from motion, during hot weather; better while at rest.


Duration of action, upwards of 50 days.

Antidotes,—Camphor, Sulphur.

Great sensitiveness to cold air; takes cold easily; young people inclined to grow fat; more adapted to young people; ailments worse morning, evening; during increase of the Moon; in wet weather and from washing. Better when lying on the painful side.


Duration of action, several weeks.


Principally adapted to ailments of the kidneys and sexual system; ailments usually accompanied by a burning stinging sensation; right side of the body mostly affected; worse from drinking coffee; when standing; in the morning; every seventh day, at the changes of the Moon.


Duration of action, 1 to 2 months.

Antidotes,—Arsenic., Camphor, Coffee.

Mostly adapted in chronic diseases; teeth loose, gums recede from the teeth and bleed easily; chronic cough; great fullness after eating or drinking; dispepsya, the simplest food disagrees; useful for ailments remaining after chronic diseases; loss of animal fluids.


Duration of action, 40 to 50 days.

Antidotes,—Coffee, Coloc., Nux vomica.

Bites inside of cheek when chewing; greasy taste in the mouth; cough relieved by swallowing cold water; worse in dry weather, in the evening, from warm food; better from heat, during wet weather, lying on the painful side. More suitable for dark haired people, and those subject to warts, tetter; old injuries become sore.


Duration of action, 3 or 4 days.

Antidotes,—Coffee, Ignatia, Pulsatilla.

Is mostly adapted for children; patient very irritable, everything makes them angry; does not wish to be looked at or spoken to; children want to be carried all the time; patient wants different things which they refuse when offered; great sensibility to pain; worse at night, while asleep, during sweat, from anger. Better from warmth, and when quiet.


Duration of action, from 2 to 3 weeks.

Antidotes,—Ars., Carbo veg., Ferrum.

Ailments brought about from the loss of blood, animal fluids, debilitating disease; ailments worse at night, after drinking, by touching the parts, during wet weather, while lying on the right side. Better from hard pressure, in dry weather, after sleep, and when lying on the left side.


Duration of action, 30 to 50 days.


Vertigo when sitting up, when riding in a boat or carriage; violent vomiting when riding in a boat or carriage; sea sickness; disposition to tremble; hysterical spasms; worse after eating, drinking, or when riding.


Duration of action, 10 days.

Antidotes,—Cham., Ign., Nux vomica.

Ailments accompanied by great sensibility of the nervous system; extremely sensitive to pain; all the senses are more acute; great hunger, eating very rapidly; bad effects of sudden surprises, from wine; worse at night, after eating, and from motion; cannot sleep.


Duration of action, 30 to 40 days.

Antidotes,—Caus., Cham., Coffee.

Irritable and does not wish to be talked to or bothered; bitter taste; violent colic compelling one to bend double; gripping, pinching pains; ailments brought about from grief or anger; stiffness of the joints; beer intoxicates easily. All ailments worse from rest and in the afternoon.


Duration of action, 30 to 50 days.


Especially adapted to the diseases of old people; bad effects of sexual excess; easily intoxicated; apoplexy with paralysis; swelling and induration of the glands.


Duration of action, 40 to 50 days.

Antidotes,—Nux vomica, Opium.

Vertigo with trembling: various colors before the eyes; morning vomiting; diarrhoea during jaundice; violent palpitation of the heart; swelling of the feet during the day, diminishing at night; ailments worse in the evening, at night, while standing, lying with the head bent back, from eating.


Duration of action, 1 to 2 months.

Antidotes,—Ipecac., Mercury.

Complaints brought about from cold changes of the weather, taking cold, getting wet; dropsical swellings; rheumatic pains. Symptoms all worse in cold damp weather, at night, and when at rest; better from motion.


Duration of action, 10 to 20 days.

Antidotes,—Arsen., China, Hepar sulph.

Pale, bloated face; bloated around the eyes; all food tastes bitter; can neither eat or drink anything hot; swelling of the feet; great debility from the loss of blood, or animal fluids; bad effects from tea, quinine, and alcoholic stimulants. Ailments worse in the evening, while at rest, periodicaly; rheumatic pains are relieved by slow motion.


Duration of action, 8 weeks.

Antidotes,—Belladonna, Chamomilla.

Unhealthy condition of the skin; suppurative diseases; slight injuries induce suppuration; ulcers in the mouth; salivation after the abuse of Mercury; choking cough; all ailments worse at night, from cold north-west winds, when stooping, from exercise, from moving the eyes; better from warmth, while at rest during perspiration.


Duration of action 2 hours to 9 days.

Antidotes,—Chamomilla, Pulsatilla.

Ailments caused from grief or fright; adapted to excitable, hysterical people; spasmodic complaints; twitching of the muscles; hiccough from smoking; empty feeling in the pit of the stomach; pains pressing from within to without; cutting pains as from a knife; worse after dinner, after lying down, after sleep, from tobacco coffe, brandy, or perspiration. Better when lying on the back, and from changing position.


Duration of action, from 2 hours to several days.

Antidotes,—Arnica, Nux vomica, China.

Ailments accompanied by nausea and vomiting; pale face; aversion to food; suffocating cough; loose rattling of phlegm in the throat; chilliness; is unable to bear the least warmth. Adapted to malarial disorders; worse at night and after eating or drinking.


Duration of action, 4 or 5 weeks.

Antidotes,—Arsenic, Belladonna.

Disposition to sadness; beating headache over the eyes; malignant diphtheria; tight clothing is unbearable; suitable for women at the change of life; gangrenous ulcers, having a bluish appearance; carbuncles surrounded by boils and purple spots; left side mostly affected; symptoms all worse after sleep. Bad effects from Mercury and China.


Duration of action, 40 to 50 days.

Antidotes,—Camphor, Pulsatilla, Coffee.

Excessive hunger; desire for sweets; aversion to bread; the abdomen becomes bloated after eating ever so little; constant rumbling in the abdomen; drowsiness during the day but cannot sleep at night. Ailments always worse about 4 P. M; on lying down, after eating, from pressure of clothing. Better from getting cold; conuing to exercise; from eructation.


Antidote,—Hepar sulphur.

Adapted to affections of the glandular sytem; affections of the mucous membrane and sexual system; the parts are swolen, with a raw sore feeling; prespiration accompanies most complaints but does not relieve. Worse at night; in damp and cold weather; from exercise.


Duration of action, 15 to 21 days.

Antidotes,—Coffee, Cham., Camphor.

Acts principally through the gastric system, and suitable for ailments caused from the abuse of tobacco, wine, coffee stimulants and patent medicines; complaints arising from mental exertion, sedentary life; hunger with aversion to food; desire for brandy and chalk; stomach sensitive to pressure; bruised pain in the back. Worse in the morning; after eating; from motion.


Antidotes,—Camphor, Nux vomica.

Duration of action, unknown.

Acts on the respiratory system.

Thirst for very cold drinks; hunger soon after eating; all food tastes bitter; hoarseness with loss of voice; very sleepy after eating. Suitable after the loss of animal fluids; great debility, trembling; slight wounds bleed much; all ailments worse in the evening, from light. Better in the dark; after sleep.


Duration of action, 10 to 20 days.

Antidotes,—Coffee, Ign., Nux vomica.

Acts on the stomach, bowels, brain and the nervous system.

Vertigo when stooping; after eating; gastric disturbances from overloading the stomach with fruit, fat food, pastries. More adapted to females, pains accompanied by chilliness, and rapidly shifting from one part of the body to another. Worse in the evening; when lying on the left side; from heat. Better from motion; from cold.


Duration of action, 1 to 3 weeks.

Antidotes,—Bryonia, Coffee, Sulphur.

Acts on the tedons, ligaments and skin.

Ailments brought on by getting wet; taking cold; during cold, wet weather. Pains in the bones as if scraped with a knife. Worse at night, during rest and when first beginning to move. Better from continual motion; warmth relieves.


Antidotes,—Aconite, Sulphur.

Principally adapted to ailments of the female sex; diseases of women with sudden sinking of strength; sour stomach; icy cold feet: everything tastes too salty; aversion to all food; burning in the abdomen. Ailments worse in the morning, in dry weather; after eating. Better from smoking; cold food and drinks, and after sleep.


Duration of action, indefinite.

Antidotes,—Camphor, Hepar sulphur.

Feeling as if intoxicated; black spots before the eyes; suitable for scrofulous patients, and those having an unhealthy skin; limbs go to sleep easily; bad effects of vaccination; ulcers after the abuse of Mercury. Worse at night; during thunder storms; at the changes and increase of the Moon, and during changes of the weather.


Duration of action, 1 to 6 weeks.

Antidotes,—Nux vomica, Pulsatilla.

Acts on the skin, mucous membrane, and glandular system.

Suitable for those having an unhealthy skin; subject to piles; constipation; weakness and trembling in the joints; stooping gait. Ailments worse every seventh day; at the changes of the Moon; in the evening; after washing; periodically.


Duration of action, from one hour to six or eight days.

Antidotes,—Arsen., Aconite, Ipecac.

Acts on the intestinal canal, brain and nervous system.

Crampy pains which will not bear the warmth of the bed; violent colic and vomiting, with coldness of the body; clamy, cold sweat, particularly on the head and forehead; violent thirst for cold drinks; All ailments are accompanied by violent pain, cold sweat and extreme coldness of the body. Worse in the morning; after midnight; from drinking; perspiration; from warmth of bed.


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