2070318A Treatise on the Divine Trinity — end matterEmanuel Swedenborg


  D. C.
Arcana Cœlestia, 12 vols. 8vo. 37 50 
Index to ditto, 1 vol. 2 50 
Apocalypse Explained, 6 vols. 18 00 
Apocalypse Revealed, 2 vols. 5 25 
Index to ditto, 1 vol. 1 25 
Conjugial Love, 1 vol. 2 00 
Divine Providence, 1 vol. 2 00 
Divine Love and Wisdom, 1 vol. 1 75 
Heaven and Hell, 1 vol. 2 37½
True Christian Religion, 2 vols. 4 25 
Do. 1 vol. 4to. 1 75 
Coronis to ditto, 1 vol.   87½
Brief Continuation of Coronis,  
Earths in the Universe, 1 vol. 12mo.   75 
Doctrine of the Lord, 1 vol.   37½
Doctrine of Life, 1 vol.   37½
Doctrine of the Sacred Scriptures, 1 vol.   37½
Doctrine of Faith, 1 vol.   31¼
Treatise on Influx, 1 vol.   37½
White Horse in the Revelation, 1 vol.   25 
Last Judgment, 1 vol.   62½
Continuation of ditto, 1 vol. 31   81¼
Heavenly Doctrine of the New Jerusalem, 1 vol.   62½
Do. with Extracts, 1 vol. - 1   25 
Internal Sense of Genesis, &c. 1 vol.   75 
Internal Sense of Prophets and Psalms, 1 vol.   75 
Internal Sense of Psalms, 1 vol.   62½
Hieroglyphic Key, 1 vol.   37½
Small Treatise on Divine Love and Wisdom, 1 vol   62½
Nicholson's Dictionary of Correspondences, 1 vol. 4to. 4 75 
Clowes's Sermons, 2 vols. 8vo. 2 62½
do. do. on the Children of Israel, 1 vol. 1 87½
do. do. on the Lord's Prayer, 1 vol. 2 25 
do. do. on the Marriage of the King's Son, 1 vol. 1 62½
Evangelical Religion Restored, 1 vol.   75 
Clowes on Mediums, I vol. 1 50 
Seal on the Lips, 1 vol. 1 50 
Clowes's Matthew, 1 vol. 2 25 
Sibley's Sermons, 1 vol. 1 25 
Regenerate Life, 1 vol. 12mo. 1 12½
Religious Instruction for Youth, 2 vols. 1 00 
Liturgy and Hymns, as adopted by the Churches in Philadelphia and New York,   75 
The Halcyon Luminary, 2 vols. 8vo. 5 00 
The Intellectual Repository, 20 numbers. 8 00 
Parables Explained, 1 vol. 12mo.   75 
Hodson's Sermons, 2 50 
Compendium of the Doctrines, by' Robert Hindmarsh,   50 
Proud's Lectures, 1 00 
Proud's Discourses to Young Persons,   62½

Life of Swedenborg, 25
Golden Wedding Ring, 61
Hymns for Children, 61
Letters to a Friend, 12½
Young Prince,
Dialogues on Creation,
Rich and Poor in Heaven,
Infants in Heaven,
Paradise Lost and Regained, 61
Departing Spirits,
Caterpillars and the Gooseberry Bush,
Joys of Heaven,
Jacob's Ladder,
Spiritual Sun,
Sermon on the Trinity,
Parables Explained, (nine parts) 50
The Second Advent, a poem,
Eulogium upon Swedenborg, 12½
A Summary View of the Doctrines of the New Jerusalem, 37½
The Two Sisters,
Remarks on the Holy League, 37½
Three Sermons, by J. Proud, 25
Religion and Philosophy united, 37½

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