A biographical dictionary of eminent Scotsmen/Anderson, James, D.D.

From volume 1 of the work.

2159245A biographical dictionary of eminent Scotsmen — Anderson, James, D.D.

ANDERSON, James, D.D. author of a large and useful work, entitled, "Royal Genealogies," was the brother of Adam Anderson, author of the Commercial History. He was for many years minister of the Scots presbyterian church in Swallow-street, Piccadilly, and was well known among the people of that persuasion in London, by the nick-name of Bishop Anderson. He was a learned but imprudent man, and lost a considerable part of his property from too deep dabbling in the South-Sea scheme. His great work as an author was, "Royal Genealogies, or the Genealogical Tables of Emperors, Kings, and Princes, from Adam(!) to these Times," London, folio, 1732. The compilation of this huge work, in which he was aided by many eminent personages, whose families entered into its plan, cost him, according to his own account, the labour of seven years. It is certainly the completest work of the land in existence, though with no pretensions to discrimination. The author says very frankly in his preface, that, "He has avoided all terms and expressions that may give offence to any nation or family, to any person or party; having nothing to do with the national controversies of historians, nor with the ecclesiastical and religious debates of theologians, nor with the politics of statesmen, nor with the private jangles of the critics in a work of this kind, but only with facts and plain truth: so that he has let every nation enjoy its own faith; and if any find fault, he hopes they will readily excuse him, not having designed to offend them, and is willing to make satisfaction, if he lives to publish a second edition." Dr Anderson also wrote "The Constitutions of the Free Masons," being the chaplain of that body in London. The dates of this worthy man's birth and death are not ascertained. He lived in a house opposite to St James's church, Piccadilly.