A catalogue of books printed by (or ascribed to the press of) William Caxton, in which is included the pressmark of every copy contained in the library of the British Museum

A catalogue of books printed by (or ascribed to the press of) William Caxton, in which is included the pressmark of every copy contained in the library of the British Museum (1865)
by William Blades
2532960A catalogue of books printed by (or ascribed to the press of) William Caxton, in which is included the pressmark of every copy contained in the library of the British Museum1865William Blades

Catalogue of Books

Printed by

(or ascribed to the Press of)

William Caxton/

In which is included the Press-mark of every Copy contained in the Library of

The British Museum.

William Blades - Logo
William Blades - Logo

Compiled by

William Blades.

Triple fleuron
Triple fleuron



THE following pages are intended principally as a Hand-List to the Books in the British Museum printed by William Caxton. They will however, in addition, supply the general Bibliographer with a Catalogue of everything at present recognised as the production of Caxton's Press.

The Title of each Work is given in full, succeeded by the Press-mark of every Copy, or fragment of a Copy, contained in the various Collections of the British Museum. As, however, our National Library is deficient in several of the most rare specimens, the Compiler has, in such cases, stated where a Copy can be seen.

For the Collation, Typographical Particulars, Literary History, Commercial Fluctuations, and Number of Copies extant of each separate Work, Enquirers are referred to "The Life and Typography of William Caxton,"[1] from which the following pages have been compiled by

Their obedient Servant,

William Blades.

11, Abchurch Lane,

May, 1865.

ACCIDENCE, The. Ascribed by Herbert to Caxton in "Typographical Antiquities," Vol. I., p. 355, but without doubt erroneously.

ADVERTISEMENT, An. A Hand-bill notifying the Sale of "Pyes of salisburie vse," beginning "If it plese ony man spirituel or temporel," &c., (5 x 7 inches). [1480?]

(Oxford, The Bodleian.)

Æsop. The Fables of Æsop; of Avian; of Alfonse; and of Poge the Florentine. With Woodcuts. "Emprynted by me William Caxton at Westmynstre." Folio. 1484

British Museum C. 11. c. 17. (Show Case viii.)

Anelida and Arcyte. (See Chaucer.)

Art and Craft to know well to die. (See Gerson.)

Arthur, King of Great Britain. A Book of the noble Histories of King Arthur, and of certain of his Knights. "Enprynted in thabbey, westmestre." "Caxton me fieri fecit." Folio. 1485.

(Earl of Jersey, Osterley.)

Aymon. The Four Sons of Aymon. Without Printer's Name, Place, or Date. Folio. [1489?]

(Earl Spencer, Althorp.) Ballad, A. The fragment quoted by Dibdin in "Typographical Antiquities," Vol. I., p. 359, is a portion of Caxton's First Edition of the Canterbury Tales.

Bartholomæus de Proprietatibus Rerum. Supposed to have been printed by Caxton at Cologne, (See Dibdin's "Typographical Antiquities," Vol. I., p. xci.) No such impression has ever been found.

Benet. The Rule of St. (See Ghostly Matters.)

Blanchardin. The History of the victorious Prince Blanchardin, Son of the noble King of Fryse, and of Eglantine, the proud Lady in Love. Without Printer's Name, Place, or Date. Folio. [1489?]

British Museum Harl. MS. No. 5919, fol. 3 b.; A printed fragment.

(Earl Spencer, Althorp). Boethius, A. M. T. S. De Consolatione Philosophiæ, translated into English by Geoffrey Chaucer. "I William Caxton have done my devoir to enprint it." Without Place or Date. Folio. [ante 1479.]

British Museum C. 21. d. Another copy C. 11. c. 9. Another copy Gr. 10544.

Bonaventure, St. Speculum vitæ Christi. With Woodcuts. First Edition. "Emprynted by Wyllyam Caxton." Without Place or Date. Folio. [1488?]

(Cambridge, Public Library AB. 10. 44.)

Bonaventure, St. Speculum vitæ Christi. With Woodcuts. Second Edition. "Emprynted by Wyllyam Caxton." Without Place or Date. Folio. [1491?]

British Museum C. 41. f. on Vellum. (Show Case viii.) Another copy, C. 10. b. 15.

Book of Courtesy. (See Lydgate.)

Book of Fame. (See Chaucer.) Book of Divers Ghostly Matters. (See Ghostly Matters.)

Book of Good Manners. (See Legrand.)

Book for Travellers. (See Vocabulary.)

Burdeux, John de. The Gouvernal of Health; and the Medicina Stomachi. Without Printer's Name, Place, or Date. Quarto. [1489?]

(Earl Dysart, Ham House, Surrey.)

Canterbury Tales. (See Chaucer.)

Caoursin, Gulielmus. The Siege of Rhodes. Without Place or Date. (Printer's Name uncertain, but generally attributed to Caxton). Folio. [1493?]

British Museum C. 21. d. Another copy Gr. 6209. Catherine. The Life of St. Katherine and the Revelations of St. Elizabeth of Hungary. Without Place or Date. (Printer’s Name uncertain). Folio. [1493?]

British Museum C. 10. b. 14. Another copy Gr. 10542.

Catho. Parvus Catho; and Magnus Catho. First Edition. Without Printer's Name, Place, or Date. Quarto. [ante 1479.]

(Cambridge, Public Library AB. 8. 48. 2.)

Catho. Parvus Catho; and Magnus Catho. Second Edition. Without Printer's Name, Place, or Date. Quarto. [ante 1479.]

(Duke of Devonshire, Chatsworth.)

Catho. Parvus Catho; and Magnus Catho. With Woodcuts. Third Edition. Without Printer’s Name, Place, or Date. Folio. [1481?]

(Oxford, St. John's College.) Caton. The Book called Caton. Translated by Caxton in 1484, from an extensive French Gloss of the Parvus Catho and Magnus Catho. Without Printer’s Name, Place, or Date. Folio. [1484?]

British Museum C. 10. b. 8.

Cessolis, Jacobus de. The Game and Play of the Chess, moralised. First Edition. Translated by Caxton in 1474, and probably printed at Bruges. Without Printer's Name, Place, or Date. Folio. [1475?]

British Museum C. 10. b. 23. Gr. 10543. (Show Case viii.)

Cessolios, Jacobus de. The Game and Play of the Chess, moralised. With Woodcuts. Second Edition. "Explicit per Caxton." Without Place or Date. Folio. [1481?]

British Museum C. 10. b. 1. (Show Case viii.) Charlemagne. The Life of the Noble and Christian Prince Charles the Great. "Explicit per William Caxton." Without Place. Folio. 1485.

British Museum C. 10. b. 9.

Chartier, Alain. The Curial. Without Printer's Name, Place, or Date. Folio. [1484?]

British Museum C. 10. b. 17.

Chastising. The profitable Book for man's soul, which book is called The Chastising of God's Children. Without Printer's Name, Place, or Date. Folio. [1491?]

British Museum C. 10. b. 21.

Chaucer, Geoffrey. Queen Anelida and False Arcyte; The Complaint of Chaucer to his Purse. Without Printer's Name, Place, or Date. Quarto. [ante 1479.]

(Cambridge, Public Library AB. 8. 48. 8.) Chaucer, Geoffrey. The Book of Fame."Emprynted by William Caxton."Without Place or Date. Folio. [1484?]

British Museum C. 10. b. 13. Also fragments in C. 18. e. 2, and Harl. MS. No. 5919. Art. 7.

Chaucer, Geoffrey. The Canterbury Tales. First Edition. Without Printer's Name, Place, or Date. Folio. [1478?]

British Museum C. 21. d. (Show Case viii.) Another copy, Gr. 11585. Also a fragment in C. 18. e. 2; and another fragment 643. m.

Chaucer, Geoffrey. The Canterbury Tales. With Woodcuts. Second Edition. "By William Caxton.” Without Place or Date. Folio. [1484?]

British Museum C. 21. d. (Show Case viii.) Another Copy Gr. 11586.

Chaucer, Geoffrey. The Temple of Brass, or the Parliament of Fowls; A Treatise which John Skogan sent unto the Lords; The good Counsel of Chaucer; The Ballad of the Village without painting; The Envoy of Chaucer. Without Printer's Name, Place, or Date. Quarto. [ante 1479.]

(Cambridge, Public Library AB. 8. 48. 6.)

Chaucer, Geoffrey. Troylus and Creside. Without Printer's Name, Place, or Date. Folio. [1484?]

British Museum C. 11. c. 10. Another copy Gr. 11589.

Chaucer. Translation of De consolatione Philosophiæ. (See Boethius.)

Chess. The Game and Play of. (See Cessolis.)

Chivalry. The Order of Chivalry. Presented by Caxton to King Richard III. Without Printer's Name, Place, or Date. Quarto. [1483—85.]

British Museum C. 21. c. Another copy C. II. a. 19.

Christine de Pisan. The Moral Proverbs of Christine. Translated by Earl Rivers. "Enprinted by Caxton. At Westmestre.” Folio. 1478.

(The Miller Library, Britwell, Berks.)

Christine de Pisan. The Faits of Arms and of Chivalry. "Per Caxton." Without Place. Folio. 1489.

British Museum C. 21. d. Another copy C. 10. b. 11. Another copy Gr. 10546.

Chronicles, The, of England. (See England.)

Cicero, Marcus Tullius. Tully of Old Age; of Friendship; the Declamation of Noblesse. "Enprynted by me symple persone William Caxton." Without Place. Folio. 1481.

British Museum C. 21. d. Another copy C. 10. b. 6.

Confessio Amantis. (See Gower.) Cordial, The. (See Memorare Novissima.)

Curia Sapientiæ, or The Court of Sapience. (See Lydgate.)

Curial, The. (See Chartier.)

D'Ailly, Pierre, Cardinal. Meditacions sur les sept Pseaulmes penitenciaulx. Without Printer's Name, Place, or Date. Probably printed at Bruges. Folio. [1477?]

British Museum C. 21. d. (Show Case viii.)

De Fide et Cantu, &c., attributed to Caxton by Ames in "Typographical Antiquities," p. 71, is a portion of the "Curia Sapientiæ."

Deguilleville, Guillaume de. The Pilgrimage of the Soul. "Emprynted at Westmestre by William Caxton." Folio. 1483.

British Museum C. 21. d. A fragment in Harl. MS. No. 5919, Art. 190. Description of Britain, The. (See England.)

Dictes and Sayings of the Philosophers. First Edition. "Emprynted by me William Caxton at Westmestre." Folio. 1477.

British Museum C. 21. d. Another copy marked also C. 21. d.

Dictes and Sayings of the Philosophers. Second Edition. "Emprynted by me William Caxton at Westmestre." Folio. Dated also 1477, but printed about 1480. [1480?]

British Museum C. 10. b. 2.

Dictes and Sayings of the Philosophers. Third Edition. "Emprynted by me William Caxton at Westmestre." Folio. Dated also 1477, but printed about 1490. [1490?]

(Cambridge, Public Library AB. 10. 29.) Directorium Sacerdotum, seu Pica Sarum. Firist Edition. Without Printer’s Name, Place, or Date. Quarto. [1480?]

(St. Albans, Edward VI. Grammar School. A fragment.)

Directorium Sacerdotum, una cum Defensorio ejusdem; item Tractatus qui dicitur Crede mihi. First Version of the Second Edition. Per William Caxton, apud Westmonesterium. Without Date. Folio. [1487?]

British Museum C. 10. b. 16.

Directorium Sacerdotum, una cum Defensorio ejusdem; item Tractatus qui dicitur Crede mihi. Second Version of the Second Edition. "Impressum per Willelmum Caxton apud Westmonesterium prope London." Without Date. Folio. [1489?]

British Museum. A fragment in Harl. MS. No. 5919, Art. 2.

(The Bodleian, Oxford.) Doctrinal. The Doctrinal of Sapience. Woodcuts. "Caxton me fieri fecit." Translated 1489. Without Place or Date. Folio. [1489?]

(Cambridge, Public Library AB. 10. 52.)

Edward the Confessor, Life of. Erroneously attributed to Caxton in Ames's "Typographical Antiquities," Vol. I., p. 70.

Elizabeth, St. (See Catherine.)

Eneydos. (See Virgil.)

England. The Chronicles of England. First Edition. "Emprynted by me William Caxton, in thabbey of Westmynstre." Folio. 1480.

(Cambridge, Public Library AB. 10. 32. 2.)

England. The Chronicles of England. Second Edition. "Enprynted by me William Caxton, in thabbey of Westmestre." Folio. 1482.

British Museum C. 21. d. Another copy C. 10. b. 4.

England. The Description of Britain. "Fynyshed by me William Caxton." Without Place. Folio. 1480.

British Museum C. 10. b. 24.

England. The Statutes of Henry VII. Without Printer's Name, Place, or Date. Folio. [1489?]

British Museum Gr. 6002.

Fayts of Arms. (See Christine.)

Festial, or Festival, The. (See Mirkus, John.)

Fifteen Oes, The. (See Prayers.)

Gerson, John.The Art and Craft to know well to die. Translated by Caxton in 1490. Without Printer's Name, Place, or Date. Folio. [1491?]

British Museum C. 10. c. 8.

Ghostly Matters. A Book of Diver's Ghostly Matters, containing:—The Seven Points of True Wisdom, or Orologium Sapientiæ; The Seven Profits of Tribulation; The Rule of St. Benet. "Wyllelmū Caxton. Emprynted at Westmynstre." Without Date. Quarto. [1490?]

(Cambridge, Public Library AB. 4. 64.)

Godfrey of Boloyne. The History of Godfrey of Boloyne; or the Conquest of Jerusalem. Printed in the Abbey of Westminster by William Caxton. Folio. 1481.

British Museum C. 11. c. 4.

Golden Legend. (See Voragine.)

Gouvernal of Health. (See Burdeux.)

Gower, John. Confessio Amantis. "Enprynted at Westmestre by me William Caxton." Folio. (Dated erroneously 1493.) 1483.

British Museum C. 21. d. Another copy 11. c. 7. Another copy Gr. 11627.

Guilleville, de. (See Deguilleville.)

Higden, Ralph. Polycronicon, "Imprinted by me William Caxton." Translated in 1482, but without Place or Date of Printing. Folio. [1482?]

British Museum C. 21. d. Another copy C. 10. b. 7. Another copy Gr. 6011–6012.

Hilton, Walter. The Scale of Perfection is erroneously ascribed to Caxton in 1484 by Bagford and Palmer.

Horæ ad usum Sarum. First Edition. Without Printer's Name, Place, or Date. Octavo. [1478?]

(Oxford, The Bodleian. A fragment.)

Horæ ad usum Sarum. Second Edition. Without Printer's Name, Place, or Date. Quarto. [1480?]

(St. Albans, Edward VI. Grammar School. A fragment.)

Horæ ad usum Sarum. With Woodcut. Third Edition. Without Printer's Name, Place, or Date. Octavo. [1490?]

British Museum C. 35. a. A fragment.

Horse, the Sheep, and the Goose. (See Lydgate.)

Indulgences. An Indulgence granted by Pope Sixtus IV. for assistance against the Turks at the Siege of Rhodes. First Version. Printed on a slip of parchment. 1480.

British Museum C. 18. e. 2.

Inulgences. An Indulgence granted by Pope Sixtus for assistance against the Turks. Second Version. Printed on a slip of parchment. 1481.

(St. Albans, Edward VI. Grammar School.)

Indulgences. An Indulgence granted by Pope Sixtus IV. for assistance against the Turks. Third Version. Printed on a slip of parchment. [1481?]

(The Bedfordshire General Library, Bedford).

Infancia Salvatoris. Hic incipit Tractatus qui intitulatur Infancia Salvatoris. Without Printer's Name, Place, or Date. Quarto. [1478?]

(Göttingen University.)

Jason, The Life of, and Les fais du. (See Lefevre.)

Jerusalem, the Conquest of. (See Godfrey of Boloyne.)

Knight of the Tower. (See Latour Landry.)

Latour Landry, Geoffery de. The Book which the Knight of the Tower made to the Enseygnement and Teaching of his Daughters. "Emprynted at Westmynstre the fyrst yere of the regne of Kynge Rychard the thyrd." Folio. 1484.

British Museum C. 11. c. 6. Another copy C. 21. d.

Lefevre, Raoul. Les Fais et Prouesses du noble et vaillant Chevallier Jason. Without Printer's Name, Place, or Date. Probably printed at Bruges. Folio. [1477?]

(Eton College.)

Lefevre, Raoul. The History of Jason. Without Printer's Name, Place, or Date. Folio. [1477?]

British Museum C. 10. b. 3.

Lefevre, Raoul. Le Recueil des Histoires de Troyes. Compose en l'an de Grace 1464. Without Printer's Name, Place, or Date. Probably printed at Bruges. Folio. [1476?]

British Museum C. 21. d. (Show Case viii.) Another Copy C. 12. c.

Lefevre, Raoul. The Recuyell of the Histories of Troy. Translated 1469-71. Without Place or Date. Probably printed at Bruges. Folio. [1472-74?]

British Museum C. 11. c. 1. (Show Case viii.)

Legrand, Jacques. The Book of Good Manners. "Explicit per Caxton." Without Place. Folio. 1487.

(Cambridge, Public Library AB. 10. 29.)

Liber Festivalis. (See Mirkus.)

Life of our Lady. (See Lydgate.)

Liturgies. (See Horæ and Servitium.)

Lombardy, The History of. Erroneously attributed to the Press of Caxton by Ames in "Typographical Antiquities," p. 71.

Lord's Prayer, Belief, Commandments, &c., An Exposition of the Erroneously ascribed to the Press of Caxton by Ames in "Typographical Antiquities," p. 71.

Love. A Treatise of Love. Without Printer's Name, Place, or Date. Folio. [1492?]

(Cambridge, Public Library AB. 4. 13.)

Lucidarye, The. A little Treatise, in Quarto, erroneously attributed to Caxton by Dibdin in "Typographical Antiquities," Vol. I., p. 343.

Lydgate, John. The Book of Courtesy, or Little John. First Edition. Without Printer's Name, Place, or Date. Quarto. [ante 1479.]

(Cambridge, Public Library AB. 8. 48. 7.)

Lydgate, John. The Book of Courtesy, or Little John. Second Edition. "Enprynted atte Westmoster." Without Printer's Name or Date. Quarto. [1491?]

(Oxford, The Bodleian. A fragment.)

Lydgate, John. The Chorle and the Bird. First Edition. Without Printer's Name, Place, or Date. Quarto. [ante 1479.]

(Cambridge, Public Library AB. 8. 48. 3.)

Lydgate, John. The Chorle and the Bird. Second Edition. Without Printer's Name, Place, or Date. Quarto. [ante 1479.]

(York, Cathedral Library.)

Lydgate, John. Curia Sapientiæ; or the Court of Sapience. Without Printer's Name, Place, or Date. Folio. [1481?]

(Oxford, St. John's College.)

Lydgate, John. The Horse, the Sheep, and the Goose—Various Stanzas—The proper application of Nouns and Verbs. First Edition. Without Printer's Name, Place, or Date. Quarto. [ante 1479.]

(Cambridge, Public Library AB. 8. 48. 4.)

Lydgate, John. The Horse, the Sheep, and the Goose—Various Stanzas—The proper application of Nouns and Verbs. Second Edition. Without Printer's Name, Place, or Date. Quarto. [ante 1479.]

(York, Cathedral Library.)

Lydgate, John. The Life of our Lady. "Enpryntyd by Wyllyam Caxton." Without Place or Date. Folio. [1484?]

British Museum C. 10. b. 18.

Lydgate, John. Stans Puer ad Mensam; Moral Distichs; and Salve Regina. Without Printer's Name, Place, or Date. Quarto, [ante 1479.]

(Cambridge, Public Library AB. 8. 48. 1.)

Lydgate, John. The Temple of Glass. Without Printer's Name, Place, or Date. Quarto. [ante 1479.]

(Cambridge, Public Library AB. 8. 48. 5.)

Lyndewood Lyndewodi Gulielmi Constitutiones Provinciales. Erroneously ascribed to Caxton's Press by Ames in "Typographical Antiquities," p. 71.

Medicina Stomachi. (See Burdeux.)

Meditacions fur les sept Pseaulmes. (See D'Ailly.)

Memorare Novissima. Cordyale, or the Four last things. With Printer's Name, but without Place. Folio. 1479.

British Museum C. 11. c. 2.

Memorare Novissima. Les quatre derrenieres choses qui sont aduenir. Without Printer's Name, Place, or Date. Folio. [1477?]

British Museum C. 21. d. (Show Case viii.)

Mirkus, John. The Festial. First Edition. "Enprynted at Westmynster by Wyllyam Caxton." Folio. 1483.

British Museum C. 11. c. 5.

Mirkus, John. The Festial. Second Edition. "Caxton me fieri fecit." Without Place or Date. [1491?]

British Museum C. 21. d.

Mirrour of the World. With Woodcuts. First Edition. Translated by Caxton in 1481, but Without Printer's Name, Place, or Date. Folio. 1481.

British Museum C. 10. b. 5. Another copy C. 21. d.

Mirrour of the World. With Woodcuts. Second Edition. Translated by Caxton in 1481, but without Printer's Name, Place, or Date. Folio. [1490?]

(Cambridge, Public Library AB. 10. 53.)

Morte d'Arthur, Le. (See Arthur.)

Order of Chivalry. (See Chivalry.)

Orologium Sapientiæ. (See Ghostly Matters.)

Ovid. The Metamorphoses, Translated by Caxton in 1480, but only a manuscript copy is known.

Paris. The History of the noble right valliant and worthy knight Paris, and of the fair Vienne. "Explicit per Caxton." Westminster. Folio. 1485.

British Museum C. 10. b. 10.

Pilgrimage of the Soul. (See Deguilleville.)

Polycronicon. (See Higden.)

Prayers. Death-Bed Prayers. A Folio Broadside. Without Printer's Name, Place, or Date. [1484?]

(Earl Spencer, Althorp.)

Prayers. The Fifteen Oes and other devout Prayers. With Woodcut Frontispiece. "Printed by William Caxton." Without Place or Date. Quarto. [1490?]

British Museum C. 25. c. (Show Case viii.)

Profitable Book for a man's Soul. (See Chastising.)

Propositio Johannis Russell. (See Russell.)

Psalms. Psalterium, &c. Without Printer's Name, Place, or Date. Quarto. [1480-83?]

British Museum C. 35. e.

Quatre derrenieres choses. (See Memorare Novissima.)

Recueil, Le. (See Lefevre.)

Recuyell, The. (See Lefevre.)

Reynard. The History of Reynard the Fox. First Edition. Translated at Westminster by Caxton in 1481, but without Printer's Name, Place, or Date. Folio. [1481?]

British Museum C. 11. c. 3. Another copy Gr. 10545.

Reynard. The History of Reynard the Fox. Second Edition. Translated at Westminster by Caxton in 1481, but without Printer's Name, Place, or Date. [1489?]

(Cambridge, The Pepysian Library.)

Rhodes, Siege of. (See Caoursin.)

Royal Book. The Royal Book, or Book for a King. With Woodcuts. Translated by Caxton in 1484. Without Printer's Name, Place, or Date. Folio. [1487?]

British Museum C. 10. b. 22. (Show Case viii.)

Roye, Guy de, The Doctrinal of Sapience. (See Doctrinal.)

Russel, John. Propositio clarissimi Oratoris Magistri Jonannis Russell. Without Printer's Name, Place, or Date. Quarto. [1478?]

(Earl of Leicester, Holkham.)

Saona, Gul. De. Fratris Laurentii Gulielmi de Saona Margarita Eloquentiæ castigatæ ad eloquendum divina accommodata. Without Printer's Name, Place, or Date. Folio. [1479-80?]

(Cambridge, Corpus Chrsti College.)

Sermons. Four Sermons. (Quatuor Sermones.) First Edition. "Enprynted by Wylliam Caxton at Westmestre." Folio. [1483?]

British Museum C. 11. c. 5.

Sermons. Four Sermons. (Quatuor Sermones.) Second Edition. Without Printer's Name, Place, or Date. Folio. [1491?]

British Museum C. 21. d.

Servitium de Transfiguratione Jhesu Christi. With Woodcut. "Caxton me fieri fecit." Without Place or Date. Quarto. [1491?]

British Museum C. 35. a.

Servitium de Visitatione Beatæ Mariæ Virginis. Without Printer's Name, Place, or Date. Quarto. [1481-83?]

British Museum C. 21. c.

Seven Points of True Wisdom, The. (See Ghostly Matters.)

Seven Profits of Tribulation, The. (See Ghostly Matters.)

Speculum vitæ Christi. (See Bonaventure.)

Stans Puer. (See Lydgate.)

Statutes. Statuta Regis Ricardi tercii. Herbert attributes this to Caxton instead of Machlinia. See Dibdin's "Typographical Antiquities," Vol. I., p. 355.

Statutes of Henry VII. (See England.)

Suso or Souabe, Orologium Sapientiæ (See Ghostly Matters.)

Temple of Brass. (See Chaucer.)

Temple of Glass. (See Lydgate.)

Travellers, Book for. (See Vocabulary.)

Troylus and Creside. (See Chaucer.)

Tully of Old Age, Friendship, &c. (See Cicero.)

Virgil. Eneydos. Translated by Caxton in 1490. Without Printer's Name, Place, or Date. Folio. [1490?]

British Museum C. 21. d. Another copy C. 10. b. 12. Another copy Gr. 9723.

Vocabulary. A Vocabulary in French and English, (entitled by Dibdin A Book for Travellers.) Without Printer's Name, Place, or Date. Folio. [1483?]

(Ripon, Cathedral Library.)

Voragine, Jacobus de. The Golden Legend. With Woodcuts. First Edition. "Fynyshed at Westmestre," in 1483, "By me Wyllyam Caxton." (Large type for the head lines of the pages.) Large Folio. [1484?]

British Museum C. 11. d. 8. (A portion of this copy is from the Second Edition.)

Voragine, Jacobus de. The Golden Legend. With Woodcuts. Second Edition. "Fynyshed at Westmestre," in 1483, "By me Wyllyam Caxton." (Smaller type for the head lines of the pages.) Large Folio. [1487?]

British Museum C. II. d. 8. (A portion of this copy is from the First Edition.)

Voragine, Jacobus de. The Golden Legend. With Woodcuts. Third Edition. "Fynyshed at Westmestre," in 1493, "By me Wyllyam Caxton." Folio. 1493.

British Museum C. 21. d.

Winifred. The Life of the holy and blessed Virgin St. Wenefryde. Without Printer's Name, Place, or Date. Folio. [1485?]

British Museum C. 10. b. 19.

Werkes of Sapience, or Curia Sapientiæ. (See Lydgate.)

Wydeville, Anthony, Earl Rivers. (See Dictes.)

This work was published before January 1, 1930, and is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago.

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  1. The Life and Typography of William Caxton, by William Blades. In Two Vols. Demy quarto. Sixty-one facsimile Plates. Published by Joseph Lilly, New Street, Covent Garden.