A catalogue of notable Middle Templars, with brief biographical notices/Bolland, Sir William


Admitted 25 January, 1792.

Eldest son of James Bolland, of Cheapside. He was educated under Dr. Valpy, at Reading, and at Trinity College, Cambridge, where he sent in the Seatonian prize poem three years in succession. After his call, on 24 April, 1801, he practised at the Bar with great success, and was appointed Recorder of Reading, 1817, and in 1829 raised to the Bench as a Baron of the Exchequer. This position he resigned, through failing health, in 1839, and died the following year, 14 May. He was an enthusiastic student of English literature, though he published but little. He possessed a fine library, and was one of the originators of the Roxburghe Club.