A catalogue of notable Middle Templars, with brief biographical notices/Bridges, John


Admited 23 April, 1684.

Son and heir of John Bridges of Barton, co. Northampton. He was called to the Bar at the Middle Temple 22 May, 1691, but subsequently passed to Lincoln's Inn, where he became a Master of the Bench. He was Solicitor to the Customs in 1695, a Commissioner 1711, and Cashier of Excise in 1715. In 1718 he was elected a Fellow of the Antiquarian Society, and from that time devoted himself chiefly to that collection of antiquarian matter connected with his native county, subsequently embodied in the well-known History of Northamptonshire, compiled by Peter Whalley and published in complete form at Oxford in 1791. His MSS. are preserved in the Bodleian Library.