A letter from Kim Jong Un to Donald Trump

A letter from Chairman Kim Jong Un from the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea to the President Donald J. Trump of the United States of America (2018)
Kim Jong-un

Source: [1], archive.

2539674A letter from Chairman Kim Jong Un from the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea to the President Donald J. Trump of the United States of America2018Kim Jong-un

Letter from DPRK Leader Kim Jung-un to US president Donald Trump (English Version)
Letter from DPRK Leader Kim Jung-un to US president Donald Trump (Korean Version)

H.E. Donald J. Trump
United States of America

Your Excellency Mr. President,

The significant first meeting with Your Excellency and the joint statement that we signed together in Singapore 24 days ago was indeed the start of a meaningful journey.

I deeply appreciate the energetic and extraordinary efforts made by Your Excellency for the improvement of relations between the two countries and the faithful implementation of the joint statement.

I firmly believe that the strong will, sincere efforts and unique approach of myself and Your Excellency Mr. President aimed at opening up a new future between the DPRK and the U.S. will surely come to fruition.

Wishing that the invariable trust and confidence in Your Excellency Mr. President will be furthered strengthened in the future process of taking practical actions, I extend my conviction that the epochal progress in promoting the DPRK—U.S. relations will bring our next meeting forward.

Kim Jong Un
Chairman of the State Affairs Commission
Democratic People's Republic of Korea

Pyongyang, July 6, 2018