Abbott's Guide to Ottawa and Vicinity/Experimental Farm


There are, in Canada, thirteen Experimental Farms of the Dominion Government, of which the Central Experimental Farm is situated 3 miles south west of the Parliament Buildings, and easy of access by the Somerset st. cars (Maltese cross and red and white light) which run every ten minutes in summer and every twenty minutes in winter. A visit should not be omitted. The farm, which covers 467 acres of ground is for the purpose of experiments in all branches of agriculture, horticulture, and arboriculture. Every known variety of Canadian tree, shrub and plant will be found. Here are tested soils, fertilizers, and the vitality of seeds. The whole work is of incalculable benefit to agricultural interests. The ornamental grounds are made very attractive by beds of flowers and masses of flowering shrubs and beautiful trees, which are well worth seeing during the summer. Among other items of interest to visitors are the cattle, sheep, pigs and poultry. The buildings on the farm are open every day except Sunday, while the grounds are open daily, Sunday included. Everything is under the control of the Director, Mr. J. H. Grisdale, B. Agr.