Abraham Lincoln: His Life, A True Story of One of the World’s Best Men
by Marcus Ahlenfeld Goldsmith
3946932Abraham Lincoln: His Life, A True Story of One of the World’s Best Men — IndexMarcus Ahlenfeld Goldsmith



His Parents 13
His Birthplace 15
His Early Youth 17
His Youth 19
His Early Manhood 21
Business Ventures 23
Soldier, Postmaster, Legislator 25
Lawyer 27
Congressman 29
His Family 31
President 33
His Cabinet 35
Secession 37
War 39
Emancipation Proclamation 41
Peace 43
Death 45
In Memoriam 47
Improvement of the Sangamon River 51
Equal Suffrage 53
Temperance 55
Protective Tariff 57
Eulogy of Henry Clay 59
Equal Rights to Men 61
“The Lost Speech” 63
Equality of Men 65
Accepting Nomination for Senator 67
Equal Freedom 69
Farewell Speech to Neighbors 71
Immigration 73
The Liberty of Our Forefathers 75
Address at Independence Hall 77
Admittance of Kansas to the Union 79
Inaugural Address, 1861 81
Message to Congress, July 4, 1861 83
Thanksgiving Proclamation 85
Annual Message to Congress, 1861 87
Proclamation of Thanksgiving for Victories 89
Annual Message, 1862 91
Emancipation Proclamation 93
Letter to Workingmen of England 95
Proclamation for National Day of Fasting 97
Proclamation for Thanksgiving, July 15, 1863 99
Dedication of Gettysburg Cemetery 101
Letter to Cooper Institute 103
Annual Message, 1863 105
Proclamation of Amnesty 107
Letter to General Wadsworth 109
Remarks on American Women 111
Speech to a Committee of Workingmen 113
Remarks Made In Response to a Serenade of Citizens 115
Annual Message to Congress, 1864 117
Speech Made to Electoral College, 1865 119
Second Inaugural Address 121
Last Words Written by Lincoln 122
Tribute by Author 123