Act No. 2824 (1919)
by the Government of the Philippine Islands
AN ACT Extending to the Provinces of Mindoro, Palawan, and Batanes, with Certain Exceptions, the Provisions of Chapters Sixty-three and Sixty-four of the Administrative Code of Nineteen Hundred and Seventeen, Making the Office of Provincial Governor Elective in Palawan and Batanes, Abolishing Townships and Rancherias in Provinces Organized Under the General Provincial Law, and for Other Purposes.
AbbreviationAct 2824
the Government of the Philippine Islands4605052Act No. 28241919Coat of arms of the Philippines (1905-1936).svg

Philippine Legislature

[ Act No. 2824 ]

AN ACT Extending to the Provinces of Mindoro, Palawan, and Batanes, with Certain Exceptions, the Provisions of Chapters Sixty-three and Sixty-four of the Administrative Code of Nineteen Hundred and Seventeen, Making the Office of Provincial Governor Elective in Palawan and Batanes, Abolishing Townships and Rancherias in Provinces Organized Under the General Provincial Law, and for Other Purposes.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in Legislature assembled and by the authority of the same:



The provisions of chapters sixty-three and sixty-four of the Administrative Code of Nineteen hundred and seventeen are hereby extended and applied to the Provinces of Mindoro, Palawan, and Batanes: Provided, That the office of provincial governor shall be elective in Mindoro as well as in Palawan and Batanes, and the provincial governors and third members of the three provinces mentioned shall be elected by the qualified voters of the province, in accordance with the provisions of the general Election Law: And provided, further, That the presidents of the municipalities of said provinces shall be elective and the councilors shall be elected by the qualified voters of the municipalities instead of the electors of each barrio.

SEC. 2.


The townships and rancherias are hereby abolished in the provinces organized under the general law, and hereafter said townships and rancherias shall be aggregated to the municipalities or organized as independent municipalities or municipal districts, in accordance with the provisions of article six of chapter sixty-four of the Administrative Code of Nineteen hundred and seventeen, by executive order of the Governor-General.

SEC. 3.


The powers and duties prescribed by Title Eleven of the Revised Administrative Code for the Governor or the Administrative Council of the Department of Mindanao and Sulu shall be performed and exercised by the Secretary of the Interior in the provinces and localities to which this Act applies.

SEC. 4.


The inhabitants of the municipal districts shall be entitled to vote at the elections for members of the Legislature or for any provincial officer, held in accordance with the provisions of the Election Law. Said municipal districts shall be considered, for election purposes only, as parts of the municipality contiguous or the most easily accessible to them, as the provincial board may determine.

SEC. 5.


The modifications in provincial and municipal governments herein prescribed shall go into effect on the approval of this Act. However, this Act shall not be construed to require new elections or appointments of officers and employees now holding positions in the provinces herein named or political subdivisions thereof, but elective officers shall continue in office until their successors shall have been elected and qualified.

SEC. 6.


Article twelve of chapter fifty-six and chapters fifty-eight and fifty-nine of the Administrative Code of Nineteen hundred and seventeen, and all Acts or parts of Acts inconsistent with the provisions of this Act, are hereby repealed.

Approved, March 5, 1919.