Africa by Élisée Reclus/Volume 1/Appendix 1

Élisée Reclus3765449Africa by Élisée Reclus — Appendix 11892A. H. Keane




Area, according to Behm and Wagner 11, 930,000 sq. miles.
Estimated population (1882) 205, 825,000
Total foreign trade, about £40, 000,000
Approximate area of the Nile Basin 1, 340,000 sq. miles.
""Congo 1, 280,000 "


Approximate area 172,000 sq. miles.
Population (1885) 12, 000,000
Area of Lake Victoria Nyanza 26,500 sq. miles.


Area 6,000 sq. miles.
Population 350,000 (?)
Chief Town, Warahunje.


Area 20,000 sq. miles.
Area with dependencies 70,000
Population 2,775,000
Population, with dependencies 5,000,000
Chief Town, Rubaga.


Estimated area. 140,000 sq. miles.
Approximate population 10,000,00

APPENDIX I. 449 ABYSSINIAN TOWNS IN THE BASIN OF THE BLUE NILE. Gondar, population accorJing to O. Rohlft 4,000 Fenja Jenda Chelga Amba-Mariam, population according to Lejean .... 4,000 Ifag and Durita, ,, „ „ .... 4,000 Samara (Debra-Tabor) „ „ .... 3,000 F Koarata, population accarding to Stocker 1,000 Drbra-Muriam ........... liubrdar ............ iHnutla ............ AIuhdora-Moritini, p >pulatioQ according to Lejeaa .... 4,000 Yejibbeh Basso Debra-Werk population according to Lofebvre .... 3,000 Dima „ ,, Combes .... 2,500 iluta Dambacha ........... Gudura l^Iankusa Buri Ashfa ............ Alugdala ............ ABYSSINIAN TOWNS IN THE TAKKAZEH BASIN AND ON THE RED SEA. Inchatknb Dobaruk Faraa Saber, popidation according to Ferret 2,000 Lalibala „ „ Rohlfs 1,200 Sokota, population in 1881 1,500 Antalo „ „ 1.000 Chalikut „ „ 2,000 Makaleh . S^mreh Haussen, population accoi ding to Lcfebrre 1,200 Addigrat „ ,, ,, 2,000 Scnafub Halai, population according to Russcl 2,000 Digoan „ ,, Lefebvro 2,000 Abbi.Addi „ „ Rohll4 2,000 Adua „ „ M 3,000 Aksum „ MM *.<>00 KodoFe'assi „ „ 1,200 Ataega „ „ Heugiin 1,800 Keren „ ,, „ 1.800 Arkiko „ „ Boblfs 1,500 Mttssawah and sufiurbs, in 1881 7,000 Af-Abad, population according to Sapeto 6,000 Dolka „ „ 6,500 ZuUa, in 1881 1,000 TOA^^NS OF EAST SHOA AND ADJACENT LANDS. Ankober, estimated population 7,000 Aliu-Amba „ „ 4,000 Lichch „ „ 3.000 Angolala „ „ 1.000 Debra-Borham „ „ 2,600 2»— A». 450 APPENDIX L DANAKIL (AFAR) TERRITORY. Auosa, estimated population 5,000 Baheita „ ,, 2,000 EUROPEAN POSSESSIONS. Harrar in 1882, according to Muller 20,000 Tajunih 15,000 Zeilah 6,000 Trade of Harrar in 1879, £150,000. TOWNS OF WEST SHOA AND NORTH GALLA STATES. Rogeh, population according to Cbiarini 10,000 Saka „ „ Krapf 12,000 Bongii Ficheh Woreillu Dildilla Gorieno Ghebisso ............ Mogar ............ Chora States and Provivces of Shoa and Neighbouring Lands. States. Provinces. Fluvial Basins. Climatic Zones. Chief Towns. Efat Awash and Nile . . . Dega, Voina-dega . . Ankober Aigobba . . . . Awash .... Voina-dega, Kwalla . Farreh Gedem . . . . Kok-fara ECrata »» and N ile . Dega, Voina-dega . . Mans Nile . . . . Shoa Propek . Teyulet . . . . Marabieteh . . . Shoa-meJa . . . Tuljiina . . . . >» . . . . »» >» • • »» » • • Voina-dega . . . . liicheh Fa igar . . . . Awash Voina-dega, Kwalla . I$ulgar . . . . „ >» »>

Dembi >> »» »» Rogeh 1 Etju Dauri «> i> . . . . WoUo Nile Dega, Voina-dega . . Woreillu Borena .... Voina-dega, Kwalla . Soddo Awash . . Toleh Giirageh .... „ Wabi, Gugs. i . »» »«  Gorieno Kabeiia .... Giigsa . . . »» t» Mogar Liben Nile, Gugsa . . Dpga, Voina-dega Gudru ., .... Voina-dfga, Kwalla . Jimma-Lagamard . Gugsa, Nile . . Dega, Voina-dt'ga . . Lagamara I Nonno Liinmu .... ,, Kile . . »> »» • • Saka Innarya .... >f .... Voina-dega . . . . Shora ,, . . . . Botor Guma Nile Voina-dega, Kwalla . Goma » M )» Gera Gugsa »» »> Jiinma-Euka . . . >» l» t» Folia Yangaio . . . . »» >» * »» KaflFa »» »f Bonga

Ghimira .... Afar Tbrri- ; TORT ... Modaito .... Awash Plains and Deserts . . Aus8a Northern Tribes . , , »» »» • • Issa . SoMALXLANr . Gadibursi. . . . Assab >» >» • • Assab Foreign Pos- Obok and Tajurah . Zeila >» »» • • Obok Zeila 8BS8I0N8 . . Harrar .... Wei.i Valleys and Plains . . Harrar APPENDIX L m UPPER NUBLL Appmximate area 224,000 iq. milM. £aUuiuU'U popuktion 3,000,000 Towxt or UrptB Nvbu. Bimbashi (Fadaai), population Famaka (Pasogl) ,, Soaerea, populalion according to Belt ram Karkoj „ .... Sen&r „ .... Wod-^Iodinch, population according to Mamo Meflsalamieh ,, „ I>ijean Ahit-Ahras ,. ,, Mukhtar l>oka. }>opulation according to Mukhtar Khurtum, population in 1882 Hulfa} a ,, according to the Englitth staff Shendi ,, „ „ „ (io8-Rejeb „ ,, ,, Rokchy . Filik „ ,, . „ Galubat (Mctammch), p<^*pulation according to Caprolti Suk Abu-Sin, population Kaaaala, population in 1882. Ed-Damer, population according to the English ataff Berber, population in 1882 .... Suakin and El-Kef, population in 1882 Tokar, population .... Export trade of Suakin in 1879 . . Shipping in 1880, according to Amici, 768 vessels of 171,681 tons. 1,000 2 000 8,000 2,000 8,000 2,000 18,000 7,000 5,500 70,000 3,500 2,500 1,500 1,000 8,000 3,000 10,000 2.000 10,000 11,000 4,000 £256,000 KORDOFAN. Approximate area 100.000 sq. miles. Estimated population 300,000 Chief Exports to Eotpt bbforb the War. Ostrich feathers £86,000 Gums 55,000 Hides and skins 2>50O £143,500 Tolal trade of Kordofin, according to Prout, in 1876: Imports, £50,000; Exports, £132,600. Total, £182,500. Chief Towns op KordopIit. El-Obeid, population before the war 30,000 AbuoHaruz Melbeis . Bars • dar-f6r. Approximate area 200,000 sq. miles. Population according to Nachtigal .... 4.000,000 Mason 1,500,000 452 APPENDIX I. Chief Towns op Dar-FOb. EI-Fasher, population according to Ensor 2.G50 Koh6, popiilatiun according to Browne ...... 6,000 Omshanga .......... . . Tora (Torra, Torun) Foja (Fojeh) NUBIA. Approximate area 100,000 sq miles. Estimated Population 1,000,000 Extent of arable lands 1,320 sq. miles. Chief Towns of Nubia. Abu-Hamed. Korosko. Marawi. Nuri. Korti. Ambukol. Adu-d{)m. Babbeh. Abu-Go8si. Old Dongola. New Dongola, population accordiog to Ensor, 7,000. gemneh. Wady-Halfa. Derr. EGYPT. Total area 374,000 sq. miles. Area of the d.-lta 13,000 „ Area of arable lands 11,700 „ Population in 1882 6,806,400 „ per totiil area : 11 to (he sq. mile. „ per ar^ of arable lands : 570 to the sq. mile. „ according to sex : men .... 3,216,247 „ „ „ women .... 3,252,869 Distribution of the Population according to the Census of Mat 8ed, 1882 Christians . Sedentary Nomad Foreigners Mahommcdans f Copts Roman Catholics Greeks Protestants ^ Armenians Jews 6,469,716 245,776 90,886 6,051,625 408,903^ 67,389 42,066 ^ 614,521 4,536 1,627 J 16,769 FoilEIONEBS IN EOTPT (1878). Greeks 29,963 French 14,310 Italians 14,524 English 3,795 Austrians . . . • 2,480 Spaniards 1,003 Germans 879 Persians 752 Bussians 358 Total 68,064 APPENDIX I. 458

Population of Egypt in 1800 2,514,400[2]

Mean rate of mortaility 26 to 27 per 1,000

Proportion suffering from ophtalmia 17 per 1,000


Oasis. Extent of arable land. Population. Khargeh 4 sq. miles 6.16 Dakhel 24 „ 15,293 Farufreh I „ 446 BHharieh 4 „ 6,176 Siwah 15 „ 5,600 (F) Gara ? „ 40 Faredgha p „ 2,006 Total 48 35,727

Area and Population of the Khedival Possessions before the War.

Area in Sq. miles Population. Egypt 374,000 6,806,000 Oases 43 35,000 Zeriba Region 140,000 10,000,000 Sobat and YhI Basins 60,000 8,000,000 Upper Nubia (Senur, &c.) 224,000 3,000,000 Lower Kubia 100,000 1,000,000 Kordofan 100,000 300,000 Dar-Fûr 200,000 1,500.000 Total 1,208,048 25,641,000

Transit Trade of the Suez Canal. Year. No. of vessels. Tonnage. Receipts. 1870 486 654,915 £206,370 1875 1,494 2,940,708 1,156,000 1880 2,020 4,344,519 1,595,000 1882 3,198 7,122,125 2,536,343 1883 3,307 8,051,407 2,741,000

Mean tonnage of vessels in 1870, 1,343 ; in 1877, 2,015. Mean transit dues of each vessel £830 Net profits (1883) £l,226,971 Number of passengers in 1883 119,177

Shipping According to Nationalities in 1883.

Vessels. Tonnage British 2,564 6,795.584 French 165 405,846 Dutrh 103 254,274 Genran 109 176,764 Italian 61 153,493 Austrian 67 121,711 Spanish 32 78,663 Russian 18 36.061 Korwegian 20 35,602 Belgian 13 24,326 Egyptian 21 13,973 Turkish 10 11,235 Capital Account of the Suez Canal Company (1882). 397,438 shares of £20* £7,948,760 301,848 obligations of £20, each issued at £12, bearing interest at 6 per cent, on par 6,036,960 83,993 delegations of £20 each, bparing interest at 6 i>er cent. . 1,679,860 99,990 thirty-three-year bonds of £5, al 8 per cent, interest . 499,950 16,152 bonds of £20 at 3 per cent 303,040 399,765 bonds of £3 8s. each at 5 per cent., issued for the con- solidation of unpaid shares, redeemable at par . . . 1,335,201 100,000 founder's shares, which on surplus profits yielded interest 126,697 Shipping ok Suez in 1880. Entered 681 vessels of 682,110 ton*. Cleared 663 „ 677,626 „ Total 1,144 „ 1,359,736 „ Shipping of Ismailia in 1882. 271 steamers of 596,000 tons Shipping of Port-Saiu in 1830 (bxclusivb of the Tuansit Tkade). Entered 1,607 vessels of 997,611 tons. Cleared 1,630 „ 997,395 „ Total 3,037 „ 1,995,006 „ Shipping of Damietta in 1880. Entered 1,198 vessels of 83,215 tons. Cleared 1,176 „ 79,996 „ Total ....... 2,374 „ 163,211 „ Shipping of Rosetta in 1880. Entered . . 738 vessels of 20,124 tons. Cleared 726 „ 19,717 „ Total 1,464 „ 39,841 „ Shipping of Alexandria in 1880. Kntered 3,305 vessels of 1,292,296 tons. Cleared 3,250 „ 1,303,827 „ Total 6,555 „ 2,596,123 „ Total, 1881 7,363 „ 2,677,414 „ Mean value of imports .£6,000,000 „ exports 13,000,000 Total mean trade of Alexandria £18,000,000 Egyptian Commercial Natt. Steamers on the Nile 40 „ „ Bed Sea and Mediterranean 16 Railing vessels of all classes 1,500 • River craft 10,300 • Of these 397,438 shnres, 176.602 were purchased from the Khedive by the British Government in 1S75 for £3,976,862. Bnt the dividends on these shares had already been alienated up to the year 1894. and placed at the disp isU of the Company. Against these the Company issued 120,000 " delegations," which are entitled to all sums occraing on the 176,602 shares np tol8M. X APPENDIX I. 455 Total Tiudi or Eotpt ik 1880. Importo £8,506.000 ExporU 12,271,000 Total £20,867,000 Sun'riKO IK 1880. Entered Cleared 8,119 ve.Mlt of 3,102,772 tons. 8,040 „ 3,106,545 „ Total 16,159 6,209,317 SlIIPriXG ACCOBDIKO TO KaTIO.XALITIU. British Austrian French 2 550 Tosaels of 2,953,275 tons. 744 .. 766,220 „ 492 Egyptian 7.136 Italian 515 Sundries 4,143 699,288 590.442 422 966 412,777 Imports axd Exfobts accobuino to Nationalities. Imports from. 18S». Exports to, If^a Great Britain £2,880,026 £7,322,358 Russia . 215,889 979,412 France 910,320 964.294 Italy . 228,009 747,689 Austria 683,391 436,850 Turkey 110, .346 383,633 Greece 20,073 77.027 America 115,631 30,966 India, China, Jupan 311,323 Sundries 115,631 , 166,633 Total £5.696,739 £11,108,262 Ckibp Articles op Impost and Export (1882). Import. Export Cotton goods .... £1,340,037 Cotton £7.570,634 Coal 769,272 Cotton seed 1,190.458 Clothing, &c 221,600 Sugar . 676,844 Indigo . 210.428 Beans . 671.134 Timber . 182,645 BlaiEo 164.S85 Wint-s and spirits 176,518 tiums 142.068 Supir . 172,333 Hidea . 138,586 Slnchinery 168.818 Rice 120.084 Woollen goods 114.855 Lentils . 68.436 Petroleum 112,607 Ostrich feathers 66,426 Rice 97,267 Wool . 46,616 CMls 68,60i 466 APPENDIX L Population of thb chibf Eoypti>j Towns according to thb cxnhvs op 1882. Cairo Alexandria Diiinietttt TanUh . A'-siut . Miihallet-el-Kubir. Mansunih Mtdinet-el-Fuyum Damanahur . Zi'^izis? Akhmin . lUisottii . Tort Said Jlonuf . . yhibin-el-Xom Minic'h . Keneh . ISanhiires Girgth , Tantah . Manfalut Samanud 374,838 Gizeh 213,010 Mit Ghumr 31,044 Ziftah . 33.750 Suez 31,575 Mellaweh 29,908 Abutig . 26,942 Beni-Siief 25,799 Fuah . 23,353 Esneh . 19,815 Sohag . 18,777 Kaliub . 10,6G6 ilenzaleh 16,560 BeDha-l'Assal 16,281 Dcssuk . 16.250 Belbeis . 15.900 liamleh . 15,402 Khargeh 15,392 Kasr-Dakhel . 15,239 Ismailia 13,789 Abukir . 13,234 El-Arish 11,557 11,410 11,225 ll.ltO 10.919 10.777 10.772 10.085 9,903 9.422 8,774 8,6 i6 8,450 8,354 7,677 7,309 4,342 3,787 3,539 3.364 2,530 2,430 AORICULTfliAL ReTCKNS. Land under tiUago . Steppe lauds . Desert, marsh, and waste . Sugar plantationb in 1880 Sugar crop Date-trees in 1875 . Average date crop . Cotton plantations in 1883 Cotton crop in 1883 Cotton seed ,, Raw cotton exported in 1860 ( „ „ to Great Britain in 1882 Cereals expoited to Great Biilain in 1882 he 11,000 sq miles. 60,000 „ 313,000 38,000 acr, s. 46,750 tons, value £935,000. 6,000,000 100; 000 to 120,000 tons. 450,000 acres. £6,760,000 £1,164,000 cotton famine year") £16,000,000 £5,034,785 £780,364 Irkigation Works. Nili Canals open in 1880 8,000 miles. Sefi „ „ , 2,000 „ Steam Pumps 300 Sakiehs 30,000 Shadufs 70,000 Railways and Telegrafhs. Railways open in 1884 000 miles. Private agricultural lines 250 „ Total 1,150 „ Railway passengers in 1879 ....... 2,172668 „ „ „ 1880 3,093,840 Goods traflSc 6,250,000 tons. Telogrnpbs in E.'ypt and the Egyptian possessions in 1878 . 4,700 miles. APPENDIX I. 457 Postal Simtici (18S3). Lett«TB pocted to foreign countriet 2,407,000 Newspapers, books, packages, &o 1,305,000 Letters posted for the interior 4,196,713 Books, kc., „ „ 1,741,000 Total 9,709,713 Vital Statistics. Tears. Birtli*. 1873 184.742 1874 177,732 1875 182,820 1876 186679 1877 173,629 Deaths. Ezeess of Births. 133.720 51.022 144,024 32 808 119,012 62.908 132,008 64.671 138,668 34,861 Edi'catioxal Returns. Attendance at all Mohammedan schooLi in 1820 „ „ „ 1866 >t »» »f ISIZ If M »> 18(8 Mohammedan M-houls in 1878 .... Foreign schuoLt in 1880 Attendance, 6,419 natives ; 5,828 fonigners. 3,000 60,000 90,000 137,550 6,370 152 Kewnpapcri (1879) French, 9 ; Arabic, 7 ; Italian, 6 ; Greek, 3; Sundries, 5. Total 29. FINANCE (1883). Re%'b.ub. Revenae from land and other direct contributions . . . £6,367,684 Indirect rcve-nucs, including customii, posts, octrois, and salt>tax . 1,854,294 Railway and telegraphs 389,104 Totol £7,611,082 Expexditurb. Tribute to Turkey £678,397 Public debt 3,318,164 Coat of administration 4,165,367 Totol £8,181,918 Surplus £670,886 PCBUC DSBT. Unified 4 per cent £56.726.420 Privileged debt 22,440,800 Domain loans at 6 p'^r cent 8,254,820 Daira Sanioh loans at 4 to 6 per cent 8,991,820 Floating debt, estimated at 6,000,000 Turkish debt secured upon the tribute 11,918,800 Loan gusrantced by the Powers in 1886 7,000,000 Total £120,838,600

  1. That is, the whole region between the Bahr-el-Jebel and Bahr-el-Arab. watered by the numerous streams flowing to the left bank of the Upper Nile between Lake Abert Nyanza and the Sobat confluence.
  2. Estimated at the rate of eight persons per hour, the houses being retained at 603,700