articles in 1911 Encyclopædia Britannica :
Mononymous Alexanders
"Alexander (prince of Bulgaria) ," in Encyclopædia Britannica (11th ed., 1911)
"Alexander (rhetorician) ," in Encyclopædia Britannica (11th ed., 1911)
"Alexander (despot) ," in Encyclopædia Britannica (11th ed., 1911)
"Alexander (popes) ," in Encyclopædia Britannica (11th ed., 1911)
"Alexander (king of Servia) ," in Encyclopædia Britannica (11th ed., 1911)
"Alexander (king) ," in Encyclopædia Britannica (11th ed., 1911)
Alexander, king of Poland (1461–1506)
Alexander, king of Servia [i.e. Serbia] (Alexander Obrenovich) (1876–1903)
Alexander, prince of Bulgaria (Alexander of Battenberg) (1875–1893)
Alexander, Greek rhetorician (fl. 2nd century a.d. )
Alexander of Aphrodisias (fl. c. a.d. 200), Greek commentator on the writings of Aristotle
Alexander of Hales (Alexander Halensis) (fl. 13th century), English theologian
Alexander the Paphlagonian (fl. 2nd century a.d. ), celebrated imposter and worker of false oracles
Alexander of Pherae , a Thessalian despot (r. 369–358 b.c. )
Alexander of Tralles (Alexander Trallianus) (fl. c. a.d. 550), Greek physician
Alexander I., pope (r. c. 106–115)
Alexander I., emperor of Russia (Aleksander Pavlovich) (1777–1825)
Alexander I., king of Epirus (fl. c. 342 b.c. ), king of Epirus
Alexander I., king of Scotland (c. 1078–1124)
Alexander II., pope (Anselmo Baggio) (r. 1061–1073)
Alexander II., emperor of Russia (1818–1881)
Alexander II., king of Epirus (fl. c. 272 b.c. ), king of Epirus
Alexander II., king of Scotland (1198–1249)
Alexander III., pope (Orlando Bandinelli) (r. 1159–1181)
Alexander III., emperor of Russia (1845–1894)
Alexander III., king of Scotland (1241–1285)
Alexander IV., pope (Rinaldo) (r. 1254–1261)
Alexander V., pope (Peter Philargès) (r. 1409–1410)
Alexander VI., pope (Rodrigo Borgia) (1431–1503)
Alexander VII., pope (Fabio Chigi) (r. 1655–1667)
Alexander VIII., pope (Pietro Ottoboni) (r. 1689–1691)
Alexander Aetolus of Pleuron (fl. c. 280 b.c. ), Greek poet
Alexander Balas, king of Syria (r. 150–146 b.c. )
Alexander Cornelius Polyhistor (fl. c. 70 b.c. ), Greek grammarian
Alexander Jannaeus, king of the Jews (r. 103–76 b.c. )
Saint Alexander Nevsky (1220–1263), grand-duke of Vladimir
Alexander Severus (Marcus Aurelius Severus Alexander) (208–235), Roman emperor
surnames for figures with the given name Alexander