All the Works of Epictetus, Which Are Now Extant/Book 1/Chapter 2

Epictetus4570455All the Works of Epictetus, Which Are Now Extant — Book 1, Chapter 21759Elizabeth Carter


In what Manner, upon every Occasion, to preserve our Character.

§. 1.TO a reasonable Creature, that alone is insupportable which is unreasonable: but every thing reasonable may be supported. Stripes are not naturally insupportable.——"How so?"——See how the Spartans[1] bear whipping, after they have learned that it is a reasonable thing. Hanging is not insupportable: for, as soon as a Man has taken it into his Head that it is reasonable, he goes and hangs[2] himself. In short, we shall find by Observation, that no Creature is oppressed so much by any thing, as by what is unreasonable; nor, on the other hand, attracted to any thing so strongly, as to what is reasonable.

§. 2. But it happens that different Things are reasonable and unreasonable, as well as good and bad, advantageous and disadvantageous, to different Persons. On this Account, chiefly, we stand in need of a liberal Education, to teach us, to adapt the Preconceptions of reasonable and unreasonable to particular Cases, conformably to Nature. But to judge of reasonable, and unreasonable, we make use not only of a due Estimation of Things without us, but of what relates to each Person's particular Character. Thus, it is reasonable for one Man to submit to a dirty[3] disgraceful Office, who considers this only, that if he does not submit to it, he shall be whipt, and lose his Dinner; but if he does, that he has nothing hard or disagreeable to suffer: Whereas to another it appears insupportable, not only to submit to such an Office himself, but to bear with any one else who does. If you ask me, then, whether you shall do this dirty Office or not, I will tell you, it is a more valuable Thing to get a Dinner, than not; and a greater Disgrace to be whipt, than not to be whipt: So that, if you measure yourself by these Things, go and do your Office.

"Ay, but this is not suitable to my Character."

It is You who are to consider that, not I: For it is you who know yourself, what Value you set upon yourself, and at what Rate you sell yourself: for different People sell themselves at different Prices.

§ 3. Hence Agrippinus[4], when Florus was considering whether he should go to Nero's Shows, so as to perform some Part in them himself, bid him go.——"But why do not you go then?" says Florus. "Because, replied Agrippinus, I do not deliberate about it." For he who once sets himself about such Considerations, and goes to calculating the Worth of external Things, approaches very near to those who forget their own Character. For, why do you ask me whether Death or Life be the more eligible? I answer, Life. Pain or Pleasure? I answer, Pleasure.——"But if I do not act a Part, I shall lose my Head."——Go and act it then, but I will not.——"Why?"——Because you esteem yourself only as one Thread of many that make up the Piece.——"What then?"——You have nothing to care for, but how to be like the rest of Mankind, as one Thread desires not to be distinguished from the others. But I would be the Purple[5], that small and shining Thing, which gives a Lustre and Beauty to the rest. Why do you bid me resemble the Multitude then? At that Rate, how shall I be the Purple?

§. 4. This Priscus Helvidius[6] too saw, and acted accordingly: for when Vespasian had sent to forbid his going to the Senate, he answered, "It is in your Power to prevent my continuing a Senator; but while I am one, I must go."——"Well then, at least be silent there."——" Do not ask my Opinion, and I will be silent."——" But I must ask it."——" And I must speak what appears to me to be right."——" But if you do, I will put you to Death."——" Did I ever tell you that I was immortal? You will do your Part, and I mine: It is yours to kill, and mine to die intrepid; yours to banish me, mine to depart untroubled."

§. 5. What Good, then, did Priscus do, who was but a single Person? Why, what good does the Purple do to the Garment? What, but the being a shining Character in himself[7], and setting a good Example to others? Another, perhaps, if in such Circumstances Cæsar had forbidden his Going to the Senate, would have answered, "I am obliged to you for excusing me." But such a one he would not have forbidden to go: well knowing, that he would either sit like a Statue; or, if he spoke, he would say what he knew to be agreeable to Cæsar, and would overdo it, by adding still more.

§. 6. Thus acted even a Wrestler, who was in Danger of Death, unless he consented to an ignominious Amputation. His Brother, who was a Philosopher, coming to him, and saying "Well, Brother, what do you design to do? Let us cut away this morbid Part, and return again to the Field." He refused, and courageously died.

§. 7. When it was asked, whether he acted thus as a Wrestler, or a Philosopher? I answer, As a Man, said Epictetus; but as a Man who had been proclaimed a Champion at the Olympic Games; who had been used to such Places, and not exercised merely in the School of Bato[8]. Another would have had his very Head cut off, if he could have lived without it. This is that Regard to Character, so powerful with those who are accustomed to introduce it, from their own Breasts, into their Deliberations.

§. 8. "Come now, Epictetus, take off your Beard[9]."——If I am a Philosopher, I answer, I will not take it off.——"Then I will take off your Head."——If that will do you any good, take it off.

§. 9. It was asked, How shall each of us perceive what belongs to his Character? Whence, replied Epictetus, does a Bull, when the Lion approaches, perceive his own Qualifications[10], and expose himself alone for the whole Herd? It is evident, that with the Qualifications, occurs, at the same time, the Consciousness of being indued with them. And in the same manner, whoever of Us hath such Qualifications, will not be ignorant of them. But neither is a Bull, nor a gallant-spirited Man, formed all at once. We are to exercise and qualify ourselves, and not to run rashly upon what doth not concern us.

§. 10. Only consider at what Price you sell your own Will and Choice, Man[11]: If for nothing else, that you may not sell it for a Trifle. Greatness indeed, and Excellence, perhaps belong to others, to such as Socrates.

Why then, as we are born with a like Nature, do not all, or the greater Number become such as he?

Why, are all Horses swift? Are all Dogs sagacious? What then, because Nature hath not befriended me, Shall I neglect all Care of myself? Heaven forbid! Epictetus is inferior to Socrates[12]; but if superior to ————— this is enough for me. I shall never be Milo, and yet I do not neglect my Body; nor Crœsus, and yet I do not neglect my Property: Nor, in general, do we omit the Care of any thing belonging to us, from a Despair of arriving at the highest Degree of Perfection.


  1. The Spartans, to make a Trial of the Fortitude of their Children, used to have them publickly whipt at the Altar of Diana; and often with so much Severity, that they expired. The Boys supported this Exercise with so much Constancy, as never to cry out, nor even groan. Upton from Cicero, &c.
  2. The Supposition made by Epictetus, that it may be reasonable, sometimes, for Persons to kill themselves, is a strong and alarming Instance of the great Necessity of being careful, not only in general to form just and distinct Ideas of reasonable and unreasonable, but to apply them properly to particular Subjects; since such a Man as He, failed in so important a Case, at the very time when he was giving Cautions to others.
  3. The Translation here gives only the general Sense, as a more particular Description would be scarcely supportable in our Language.
  4. Nero was remarkably fond of Theatrical Entertainments; and used to introduce upon the Stage the Descendants of noble Families, whom Want had rendered venal. Tacitus, L. xiv. c. 14.
  5. An Allusion to the Purple Border, which distinguished the Dress of the Roman Nobility.
  6. Helvidius Priscus was no less remarkable for his Learning and Philosophy, than for the Sanctity of his Manners and the Love of his Country. He behaved however with too much Haughtiness, on several Occasions, to Vespasian, who sentenced him to Death with great Reluctance, and even forbad the Execution, when it was too late. Sueton. in Vesp. §. 15.
  7. Αυτω in the Original refers to ιματιω; but the Figure would have appeared harsh in the Translation.
  8. Bato was a famous Master of the Olympic exercises. Upton.
  9. Domitian ordered all the Philosophers to be banished. To avoid this Inconvenience, those who had a Mind to disguise their Profession, took off their Beards. Upton.
  10. This Term was used, among the Stoics, to express the natural or acquired Powers necessary to the Performance of any Action.
  11. See Introduction, §. 9.
  12. This is a difficult Place. The Text, as it stands now, is Επικτητος κρεισσων Σωκρατου ουκ εςιν. ει δε μη, ου χειρων· τουτο μοι ικανον εςιν. Which must be translated, Epictetus is not superior to Socrates: But if not, he is not inferior; and this is enough for me. By a Change in the Pointing, it might perhaps be translated, but if he is not inferior, this is enough for me. And sometimes the Stoics considered themselves as not inferior to the Deity. See lib. I. c. xii. §. 2. But neither of these Renderings makes a proper Connexion. I have therefore adventured to suppose, that κρεισσων and χειρων have changed Places; that ουκ hath arisen from a casual Repetition of the two last Letters of Σωκρατου; and that μη ου is the Remainder of some proper Name known: perhaps Μελιτου, as he was one of the Accusers of Socrates: which cannot now be known. This will give the Sense which I have expressed, and it is the only unexceptionable one that I can find.